97 research outputs found

    Cumulative response of Tempranillo vines to the crop forcing technique and pre-forcing and post-veraison water stress in terms of yield and grape and wine quality

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    Elevated temperatures during berry ripening are detrimental to grape quality. The crop forcing technique (summer pruning that ‘forces’ the vine to start a new cycle) increases must acidity and malic acid concentration at harvest by delaying the date of veraison. However, little information is available on the sensitivity to water stress of forced vines. A 3-year trial was conducted to test three irrigation strategies in forced vines: a minimum threshold of mid-day stem water potential (Ψs) of −0.75 MPa before forcing (DI), a minimum Ψs threshold of −1.2 MPa only after veraison (RDI), and the combination of both treatments (DI + RDI). Results were compared to a non-forced treatment with a minimum Ψs threshold of −1.2 MPa after veraison (C-RDI). Must acidity increased, and pH decreased in the forced treatments. However, yield was reduced by 35% and irrigation requirements increased by 20% when comparing forced and unforced treatments. As a result, water use efficiency was reduced in forced treatments. Only after a dry spring did the, DI (11%) and DI + RDI (30%) treatments, save water compared to the C-RDI treatment. Moreover, although Ψs before forcing never fell below −0.75 MPa, a significant negative correlation (R2 = 0.76) was found between the integral of water stress before the vines were forced and the number of forced bunches per vine. Post-veraison water stress in forced vines reduced the polyphenol content of the wine. Our findings suggest that forced vines are extremely sensitive to even mild water stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudi de la fiabilitat de la Viquipèdia com a recurs terminològic

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    En l'àmbit de la traducció especialitzada es considera que la Viquipèdia no és un recurs d'informació especialitzat fiable degut al fet que qualsevol usuari, sigui especialista o no de la matèria, pot redactar un article. En aquest article es vol determinar el grau de fiabilitat de la Viquipèdia com a recurs terminològic especialitzat per als traductors, a partir d'unes tasques que hem definit per tal d'avaluar i valorar el contingut especialitzat.En el ámbito de la traducción especializada se considera que la Wikipedia no es un recurso de información especializada fiable debido a que cualquier usuario, sea especialista o no de la materia, puede redactar una entrada. En este artículo se pretende determinar el grado de fiabilidad de la Wikipedia como recurso terminológico especializado para los traductores, a partir de unas tareas que hemos definido con el fin de evaluar y valorar el contenido especializado.In Translation Studies, it is common to hear that Wikipedia is not a reliable specialized content source due to it can be written either by experts or non-experts. The present work tries to show the reliability of Wikipedia as a terminology source for translators. We have set different tasks to assess and value specialized content

    Long-Term Study of the Crop Forcing Technique on cv. Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) Vines and Suggested Irrigation Strategies to Improve Water Use Efficiency of Forced Vines

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    Recently, the crop forcing technique (summer pruning that “forces” the vine to start a new cycle) has proven to be effective in delaying the harvest date and increasing must acidity, but also reducing the yield. However, recent information on deficit irrigation strategies combined with the crop forcing technique reveals that the crop forcing technique reduces irrigation water use efficiency. Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1 was a 4-year trial to test the effect of the forcing pruning date on the phenology, yield, yield components and water requirements when post-veraison water stress is applied. In this experiment, the treatments were unforced vines (UF-RDI) and forced vines with a forcing pruning date about 70 (F1-RDI) and 100 (F2-RDI) days after budburst. The harvest date was delayed 34 (F1) and 66 (F2) days increasing the must acidity and malic acid concentration in the forced treatments. However, both forced treatments had a reduced yield (36% in F1 and 49% in F2) and irrigation water use efficiency (12% in F1 and 65% in F2). Experiment 2 was a 2-year trial in which irrigation was suppressed before the forcing pruning in F1 (F1-Pre) and F2 (F2-Pre) and after veraison. The yield, yield components, must quality and irrigation were compared to forced vines with irrigation suppression only after veraison (F1-RDI and F2-RDI). For the entire experiment, both treatments in which irrigation was suppressed before the forcing pruning reduced the amount of irrigation supplied (10% in F1-Pre and 30% in F2-Pre) with no negative effects on the yield, yield components or must quality when compared to F-RDI treatments.This study was supported by funds from the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) research project RTA2015-00089-C02-02. The participation of Jordi Oliver-Manera was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación in an Instituto Nacional de Investigación fellowship BES-2017–0820.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tecnologies de la traducció per a la gestió de la doble oferta docent en català i castellà a la UOC

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    La Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) és una universitat plenament virtual que actualment, deu anys després de ser fundada, l'any 1994, ofereix un total de 17 titulacions homologades en català. L'any 2000 la UOC va començar a fer docència universitària també en castellà, amb la inauguració del campus iberoamericà, el qual aplega actualment uns cinc mil estudiants distribuïts en 14 titulacions i unes 400 aules i assignatures

    Barreras y facilitadores de la práctica docente en contextos de elevada vulnerabilidad y diversidad etnocultural. Una aproximación desde la relación familia-escuela

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    La respuesta a los retos de una educación de calidad, inclusiva con la diversidad etnocultural, planteados desde instancias internacionales y estatales, debe tener una correspondencia en el espacio local. Sin embargo, los contextos de elevada vulnerabilidad social dificultan el desarrollo de una acción eficaz y obligan a generar respuestas innovadoras desde la práctica docente y la política de los centros educativos. Este trabajo de investigación se centra en un estudio de caso de cinco centros educativos de educación infantil y primaria, caracterizados por su elevada diversidad y vulnerabilidad, ubicados en las Islas Baleares (España), la comunidad autónoma del Estado español con mayor porcentaje de alumnado de origen inmigrante. La metodología participativa utilizada ha permitido conocer las dificultades y las oportunidades del contexto en el que se enmarcan los centros, así como las estrategias que se proponen. Los resultados muestran cómo factores asociados a la participación de las familias, las características del alumnado, las políticas impulsadas por la Administración, los recursos externos al centro educativo y el trabajo comunitario pueden convertirse en recursos importantes para mejorar la calidad educativa y los resultados académicos del alumnado, contribuyendo también a educar más allá de los propios centros educativos

    Does Variation of the Inter-Domain Linker Sequence Modulate the Metal Binding Behaviour of Helix pomatia Cd-Metallothionein?

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    Snail metallothioneins (MTs) constitute an ideal model to study structure/function relationships in these metal-binding polypeptides. Helix pomatia harbours three MT isoforms: the highly specific CdMT and CuMT, and an unspecific Cd/CuMT, which represent paralogous proteins with extremely different metal binding preferences while sharing high sequence similarity. Preceding work allowed assessing that, although, the Cys residues are responsible for metal ion coordination, metal specificity or preference is achieved by diversification of the amino acids interspersed between them. The metal-specific MT polypeptides fold into unique, energetically-optimized complexes of defined metal content, when binding their cognate metalions, while they produce a mixture of complexes, none of them representing a clear energy minimum, with non-cognate metal ions. Another critical, and so far mostly unexplored, region is the stretch linking the individual MT domains, each of which represents an independent metal cluster. In this work, we have designed and analyzed two HpCdMT constructs with substituted linker segments, and determined their coordination behavior when exposed to both cognate and non-cognate metal ions. Results unequivocally show that neither length nor composition of the inter-domain linker alter the features of the Zn(II)- and Cd(II)-complexes, but surprisingly that they influence their ability to bind Cu(I), the non-cognate metal ion

    Análisis de la producción dientifica sobre plagio académico entre alumnado de secundaria en revistas académicas

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo localizar, sistematizar y revisar las diferentes publicaciones (artículos académicos) que tratan el fenómeno del plagio académico entre el alumnado de Educación Secundaria. Se trata de un estudio realizado en el marco del proyecto coordinado de I+D “El plagio académico entre el alumnado de ESO”, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, con la referencia EDU2009-14019-C02-01/02-02 y desarrollado por la Universidad de las Islas Baleares y la Universidad de Cádiz.L’objectiu de l’estudi és localitzar, sistematitzar i revisar les diferents publicacions (articles acadèmics) que tracten el fenomen del plagi acadèmic entre l’alumnat d’Educació Secundària. Es tracta d’un estudi realitzat en el marc del projecte coordinat d’I+D “El plagio académico entre el alumnado de ESO”, finançat pel Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, amb la referència EDU2009-14019-C02-01/02-02 i desenvolupat per la Universitat de les Illes Balears i la Universidad de Cádiz.This study aims to locate, systematize and review the different publications (scholarly articles) dealing with the phenomenon of plagiarism among students in secondary education. It is about a study carried out in the development of the coordinated research project “Plagiarism amongst secondary school students” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with reference EDU2009-14019-C02-01/02-02 developed jointly by the University of the Balearic Islands and the University of Cadiz

    Baseline Prediction of Combination Therapy Outcome in Hepatitis C Virus 1b Infected Patients by Discriminant Analysis Using Viral and Host Factors

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    Current treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has limited efficacy -especially among genotype 1 infected patients-, is costly, and involves severe side effects. Thus, predicting non-response is of major interest for both patient wellbeing and health care expense. At present, treatment cannot be individualized on the basis of any baseline predictor of response. We aimed to identify pre-treatment clinical and virological parameters associated with treatment failure, as well as to assess whether therapy outcome could be predicted at baseline.Forty-three HCV subtype 1b (HCV-1b) chronically infected patients treated with pegylated-interferon alpha plus ribavirin were retrospectively studied (21 responders and 22 non-responders). Host (gender, age, weight, transaminase levels, fibrosis stage, and source of infection) and viral-related factors (viral load, and genetic variability in the E1-E2 and Core regions) were assessed. Logistic regression and discriminant analyses were used to develop predictive models. A "leave-one-out" cross-validation method was used to assess the reliability of the discriminant models.Lower alanine transaminase levels (ALT, p=0.009), a higher number of quasispecies variants in the E1-E2 region (number of haplotypes, nHap_E1-E2) (p=0.003), and the absence of both amino acid arginine at position 70 and leucine at position 91 in the Core region (p=0.039) were significantly associated with treatment failure. Therapy outcome was most accurately predicted by discriminant analysis (90.5% sensitivity and 95.5% specificity, 85.7% sensitivity and 81.8% specificity after cross-validation); the most significant variables included in the predictive model were the Core amino acid pattern, the nHap_E1-E2, and gamma-glutamyl transferase and ALT levels.Discriminant analysis has been shown as a useful tool to predict treatment outcome using baseline HCV genetic variability and host characteristics. The discriminant models obtained in this study led to accurate predictions in our population of Spanish HCV-1b treatment naïve patients

    On improving the short-wavelength response and efficiency of photovoltaic modules via luminescent down-shifting of the incident light

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    This thesis investigates the technology of luminescent down-shifting (LDS) of light for improving the short-wavelength response and efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) modules. A critical literature review of previously published work is presented identifying the opportunity to include the luminescent species in the encapsulation layer of certain PV technologies. A range of luminescent materials and mixtures thereof were tested in ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) host. They all exhibited very high luminescent efficiencies and did not impair the transmittance of the encapsulant. LDS EVA sheets were used to encapsulate multi-crystalline silicon (mc-Si) and chalcopyrite (CIGS) solar cells. An increase in short-λ external quantum efficiency of up to 25 % was achieved for mc-Si devices. For CIGS, the increase was up to 25 % and 40 % for 50-nm- and 100-nm-thick buffers respectively. The overall efficiency of mc-Si devices was improved by 0.2 % in the best case and gains of up to 0.2 mA / cm2 and 0.6 mA / cm2 were achieved for 50-nm- and 100-nm-thick buffer CIGS devices. LDS offers the additional benefit of device colouration, which can encourage the further uptake of PV in applications where colour is a desirable property

    El cine como estrategia didáctica innovadora : metodología del estudio de casos y perfil de estrategias docentes

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    El presente estudio forma parte de una investigación más amplia basada en la integración de tres conceptos habitualmente estudiados por separado (Investigación, Formación, Innovación) que busca la mejora de la calidad de la enseñanza a partir del estudio de las estrategias didácticas. Los modelos basados en la mera reflexión no se han mostrado eficaces para el cambio docente así como tampoco los que se han quedado en la mera práctica, descontextualizada del lugar de trabajo. Por ello, esta investigación intenta dar sentido conjunto a estos tres conceptos: generación de conocimiento, formación e innovación. Se define el concepto de estrategia didáctica, (Torre, 1997, 2000) en base a sus seis componentes: perspectiva teórica, finalidad o meta perseguida, carácter adaptativo, realidad contextual, personas implicadas, y aspectos organizativos, funcionalidad y eficacia. Se describe así mismo el modelo holodinámico de análisis en el contexto del aula (Torre, 2003) tomando en consideración ocho parámetros: supuestos implícitos del docente, contexto, rol docente, rol discente, recursos, organización espacio-temporal, clima o interacción, evaluación. Estos son los indicadores que se toman en cuenta en el estudio de casos que se describe utilizando como soporte informativo el cine comercial y como técnica de representación los perfiles. El cine formativo es una estrategia que el grupo GAD de la Universidad de Barcelona viene utilizando desde hace diez años tanto en forums anuales como en las aulas. Por otra parte, la técnica de representar en perfiles una compleja información cualitativa facilita la comprensión global de aquellos puntos fuertes y débiles en la mejora de la docencia.The present study is comprised in an ampler cradle investigation based on the integration of three concepts, usually studied separatedly (Research, Training, Innovation), in order to improve the quality of education thanks to the study of didactic strategies. Model's based reflection has not been effective for a teaching change as well as those that have been kept in the mere practice, out of the context of the work place. Thus, this investigation tries to give joint sense to these three concepts: knowledge generation, training and innovation. Didactic strategy concept (Torre, 1997, 2000) is defined based on its six components: theoretical perspective, purpose or pursued aim, adaptative character, contextual reality, implied people and organizational aspects, functionality and effectiveness. Holodynamic analysis model is described in the classroom context (Torre, 2003) considering eight parameters: teacher's implicit assumptions, context, teacher rol, pupil rol, resources, time and space organization, interaction and evaluation. There are the indicators taken into account in the described study of cases using commercial cinema as informative support and the profiles as representation technique. The formative cinema is a strategy that has been used for ten years as much in annual formus as in classrooms by GAD group of the University of Barcelona. On the other hand, the technique of representing by profiles complex qualitative information facilitates the global understanding of the strong and weak points of the teaching improvement