19 research outputs found
Granskning av ett antal biblioteksundersökningar som genomförts vid forsknings- och högskolebibliotek i Sverige och Danmark. Tonvikten ligger på studer av användarnas synpunkter på och bedömningar av bibliotek och bibliotekstjänster
Validering av utbildningar
Validering av nya utbildningar är sedan länge väletablerat inom den högre utbildningen i UK. De senaste åren har intresset ökat i Europa för validering och ett system har nylien införts i Nederländerna. Med validering avses bedömning av nya utbildningar (speciellt utbildningsprogram, degree courses), vad det gäller utbildningens innehåll, mål och resurser, för att avgöra om utbildningen kan genomföras med en tillfredsställande kvalitet. Det förekommer olika modeller för validering. De modeller som används i UK och Nederländerna är speciellt intressanta, eftersom de representerar två ytterligheter
Discussant note on A Multivalent Approach to Information System Assessment
The note addresses two issues. First assessing the qualities of information systems and semi-autonomous groups requires a theory or model of how to assess. Second, three levels of assessment - a theoretical, a methodological and a practical level - can be distinguished
On a Contingency Framework of Computerized Information Systems
In this paper a conceptual model of the environment of computerized information systems is developed. The purpose of the model is to describe computerized information systems in relation to contextual factors of the organization. It is proposed that the characteristics of a computerized information system can be classified first in terms of data base, reports or processing, and second in terms of time orientation or complexity
Universities - in need of continual change and reform?
During the last few decades interdependencies between univrsities and the surrounding society have multiplied, making universities increasingly dependent on their environments. The number of of demands on and requirements of univesities from various sectors in society hav enot only grown in number but are also changing more quickly. This development affects universities which need increased flexibility and adaptability both in their overall government and contro, and in their organizational strucutre (i.e. schools and departments). Furthermore it has important implications for study programmes and curricula, which need to provide not only knowledge in relevant scientific disciplines but also trianing in abilities or skills required in working-life
Byggande av en simuleringsmodell.
In the article a simulation model of pricing behaviour on the gasoline market in Sweden is reported. First a brief review of price-changes during a historical period is provided. Next the model is presented in three steps with increasing level of detail for each step. The companies in the model are assumed to have three goals but only one variable for actio
Handledning av kandidat- och magisteruppsatser.
Difficulties had been identified with regard to bachelor and master theses. The quality varied too much, as did supervision. The report discusses possible ways of improving the situations,looking at other departments at Lund University, as well as the Copenhagen Business School. The report suggests some measures for improving the process as well as for supporting supervisors
Office Automation, Work and Skill
The paper briefly explores the issues of what does office automation mean. Furthermore, it discusses whether office workers are information or knowledge workers. Three stages of office automation - data processing, facilitate existing office procedures, elimination of some intermediary functions and introduction of office technology into managerial, professional and technical jobs - are identified. Finally changes to skills in office work are emphasized
In the paper the major sources of influence on the socio-technical perspective are identified and two socia-technical approaches are compared, namely the Tavistock approach and the ETHICS method developed by Mumford. The Tavistock approach has provided crucial contributions at the work system level, particularly principles for socio-technical design and models for job design (how to design jobs as well as criteria for job design). The ETHICS method aims to apply socia-technical thinking to the design of computer assisted work. ETHICS draws heavily on the Tavistock approach. In addition, the framework for job satisfaction is influenced by the Parsonian pattern variables. A series of detailed models of ETHICS has been put forward. In the early detailed versions of ETHICS participation was not considered. The method has, however, become increasingly participative. Finally, there are important differences in how the Tavistock approach and the ETHICS method conceputalizes the social and the technical parts of a socia-technical system. Also they differ in terms of integrating the social and technical parts into a socia-technical system