10 research outputs found

    The appearance of the suburban landscape as a reflection of people\u27s attitude towards nature and the environment

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    Izgled danaÅ”njeg antropogenog krajolika izraz je promjene stava čovjeka prema okoliÅ”u, Å”to je posljedica razvoja druÅ”tva i slabljenja ovisnosti čovjeka o prirodnom okoliÅ”u. U djelovanju na taj stav, koji je sastavni dio procesa planiranja, nalaze se mogućnosti kontrole stihijskog rasta i zaÅ”tite čovjekova prirodnog okoliÅ”a. Uočavanje i zaÅ”tita krajolika koji potiču drukčije osjetilne reakcije od gradskih, njihovo izuzimanje iz pravca suburbanog i općeg urbanog Å”irenja te estetsko vrednovanje pretpostavke su za oblikovanje prepoznatljive i raznovrsne strukture suburbanih i Å”irih, izvangradskih prostora.The appearance of today\u27s anthropogeneous landscape reflects changed attitudes towards the environment resulting from social development and decreasing dependence on the natural environment. The process of planning includes changing these attitudes, controlling unplanned growth and protecting the natural human environment. Singling out and conserving landscapes that differ from the urban, their protection from suburban and urban expansion and their aesthetic evaluation are preconditions for forming a varied structure of suburban and extra-urban space

    A contribution to procedures for the demographic evaluation of settlements

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    U članku je prikazan kvalitativni postupak demografskog vrednovanja naselja na temelju odabranih sedam uzročno povezanih demografskih pokazatelja. Vrednovanje je provedeno za prostor općine Pregrada, a naselja su svrstana u pripadajuće vrijednosne kategorije. Radi izbjegavanja subjektivnih elemenata vrednovanja, u prikazanom je kvalitativnom postupku obavljeno vrednovanje naselja u općini Pregrada i kvantitativnom metodom. Rezultati analize, u smislu demografskog značenja naselja i njihove važnosti u prostoru općine Pregrada, pokazali su sukladnost sa stvarnim prometno-geografskim položajem naselja u općini, i s tim u svezi s demografskim značenjem naselja u skupu naselja općine Pregrada.The article illustrates a qualitative procedure for the demographic evaluation of settlements based on seven interconnected demographic indicators. The procedure was used to classsify settlements in the Pregrada Municipality. To eliminate subjectivity present in the earlier qualitative procedure, settlements in the Pregrada Municipality were evaluated on the basis of a quantitative method. The results, in the sense of the demographic features of the settlements and their importance in the Pregrada Municipality, were congruent with the actual geographical and traffic position of the settlements in the municipality, and with their actual demographic importance in the Pregrada Municipality

    The relative centrality of settlements in Croatia

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    This article presents a qualitative methodological procedure for determining settlement centrality in the form of the relative importance of centralities, expressed through numerical values. It offers easy-to-process data for further research. The calculated values of centrality agree with the spirit of W. Christallerā€™s "classical" theoiy of central settlements. The simple sum of tertiary and quaternary contents of a settlement expresses no more than the wealth of its offer and only if we evaluate the importance of this offer can we reach the degree of the settlementā€™s potential centrality. Up to the moment when we determine the relative importance of centrality of a settlement, we remain in the domain of its nodal importance. The concept of nodality and the concept of centrality of a settlement are two hindered concepts. The first may be called the concept of importance and the second the concept of relative importance of a settlement. In real life there is a whole range of transitive situations, from the good supply of the central settlement with tertiary and quaternary functions, whose capacities exceed the needs of the population in the gravitational area of the settlement, to the opposite situation, which is reflected in positive and negative values of the relative importance of centrality. Therefore, the balance between the supply of the settlement and the demand of the gravitational area can be defined as "ideal centrality". A comparative analysis of systems of central settlements on the basis of relative importance of centrality shows some inter-regional relations. The poor capacity of tertiary and quaternary activities in several larger settlements of the Osijek macroregion is especially prominent. An analysis shows that their specific position also means their satellite character. The system of central settlements in the Lika association of communes, on the other hand, is very well supplied

    The Physical and Demographic Evaluation of some Settlements in the Istrian County

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    Primjenom kvantitativnog postupka demografskog vrednovanja naselja ukazuje se na postojanje pozitivnog odnosa između demografski kvalitetnijih, potentnijih naselja i kvalitete njihove geo-prometne pozicije. Određujući kvantitativnim postupkom hijerarhijski slijed demografski vrednovanih naselja Istarske županije i superponirajući ga s osnovnom prometnom mreaom Županije zorno se pokazuje veza između visoko demografski valoriziranih i potentnih naselja i njihovog povoljnog geo-prometnog smjeÅ”taja u okviru prostora Županije. Kako je pravilno određen sustav naselja važan za svekoliki razvoj određenog prostora radom se želi dati doprinos istraživanju sustava naselja Istarske županije radi Å”to pravilnijih planskih usmjerenja razvoja sustava naselja.The author used the quantitative method to demographically evaluate settlements and found a correlation between demographic quality and potentials, and favourable geo-communications position. He classified the demographically evaluated settlements in the Istrian County quantitatively and superposed the results over the basic communications network in the county, obtaining a clear connection between good demographic quality and greater potentials with favourable geo-communications position. Since a properly defined settlements system is important for the overall development of an area, this paper is an attempt to contribute to research into the Istrian settlements system for use in planning the further development of this system

    The appearance of the suburban landscape as a reflection of people\u27s attitude towards nature and the environment

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    Izgled danaÅ”njeg antropogenog krajolika izraz je promjene stava čovjeka prema okoliÅ”u, Å”to je posljedica razvoja druÅ”tva i slabljenja ovisnosti čovjeka o prirodnom okoliÅ”u. U djelovanju na taj stav, koji je sastavni dio procesa planiranja, nalaze se mogućnosti kontrole stihijskog rasta i zaÅ”tite čovjekova prirodnog okoliÅ”a. Uočavanje i zaÅ”tita krajolika koji potiču drukčije osjetilne reakcije od gradskih, njihovo izuzimanje iz pravca suburbanog i općeg urbanog Å”irenja te estetsko vrednovanje pretpostavke su za oblikovanje prepoznatljive i raznovrsne strukture suburbanih i Å”irih, izvangradskih prostora.The appearance of today\u27s anthropogeneous landscape reflects changed attitudes towards the environment resulting from social development and decreasing dependence on the natural environment. The process of planning includes changing these attitudes, controlling unplanned growth and protecting the natural human environment. Singling out and conserving landscapes that differ from the urban, their protection from suburban and urban expansion and their aesthetic evaluation are preconditions for forming a varied structure of suburban and extra-urban space

    From the concept of the urban image to the concept of the genral landscape image

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    PokuÅ”avajući objasniti pojam vizualne slike u naÅ”oj svijesti, možemo ustvrditi da je ona uvijek subjektivan odraz objektivne stvamosti, ne samo u smislu vizualnih senzacija, već i u smislu Å”irih spoznaja prostora oko nas. Zamisao duhovne spoznaje u obliku slike određenoga gradskog prostora najpotpunije je u svojim radovima obradio Kevin Lynch definirajući pojam slike grada. Istratujući problem spoznaje naÅ”e okoline, koja zemljopisno obuhvaća Å”ire i raznolikije prostore nego Å”to je u užem smislu grad, David Stea postavlja konceptualnu tezu gradbenih elemenata vizualne slike i oblikuje pojam mentalna mapa. U oblikovanjU vizualne slike Å”irih zemljopisnih prostora, znatnije nego pri oblikovanjU slike grada, sudjeluje komponenta duhovnosti. Oblikovanjm slike krajolika u naÅ”oj svijesti oblikuje se i naÅ” određeni stav prema njoj, pa možemo govoriti i o njezinoj estetskoj kvaliteti. Skup racionalnih prostomih elemenata, zajedno s iracionalnom komponentom, rezultira vizualnim dojmom - slikom. Slike zemljopisnih područja malokad su vizualizirane kao jasne, povezane cjeline. Pretežito je to niz nepovezanih, "krnjih" slika ili pak kolatna slika načinjena od elemenata različitih lokacija "maglovito" povezanih u vizualnu impresiju odnosno sliku određenog kraja, koju možemo obilježiti sintagmom opća slika krajolika.The concept of the conscious visual image can be explained as the subjective reflection of objective reality, not only in the sense of visual sensations, but also in the sense of a wider awareness of our surroundlngs. The idea of spiritual awareness in the form of the image of a certain urban area was illustrated most completely by Kevin Lynch, who defined the concept of the urban image. Researching the problem of environmental awareness, which covers geographicallly wider and more varied spheres than a town in the more limited sense, David Stea introduced the thesis of conceptual building elements of which the visual image is formed, establishing the concept of the mental map. The component of spirituality participates to a greater degre when the visual image of broader geographical spacesis formed than it does in the formation ofthe urban image. As our consciousness forms the landscape image, so it also forms our atitude towards it, and we can talk about its aesthetic qualities. The set of rational spatial elements, combined with the Irrational component, result in a visual impression - the image. Images of geographical areas are rarely visualized as clear, linked wholes. They usually take the form of a series of unconnected "incomplete" images, or of a collage made of various elements in different locations "foggily" joined in a visual impression, giving the image of a specific region that we may call a general landscape image

    Continuity in Developing Physical Plans in West Istria

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    U proteklih dvadesetak godina naÅ”e druÅ”tvo doživjelo je temeljite političke i druÅ”tveno-ekonomske promjene, koje su se, nedvojbeno, odrazile i na područje zapadne Istre, prostora koji je snažnim razvitkom u drugoj polovini 20. stoljeća, doživio ogromnu prostornu transformaciju, prvenstveno u priobalju. Razvitak i prostorna transformacija područja tekli su paralelno izradom i donoÅ”enjem prostorno-planske dokumentacije i drugih dokumenata, fizičkom izgradnjom stambenih, stambeno-turističkih i područja, zona i lokacija.Considerable political, social and economic changes in Croatia in the last 20 years have undoubtedly had a significant impact on West Istria, too. This region, and in particular its coastal area, has experienced a profound spatial transformation brought about by a rapid development throughout the second half of the 20th century. The development and spatial transformation of the region went concurrently with the process of developing and adopting the physical planning documents as well as the construction

    Landscape ā€“ Contemporary European Trends, Slovenian Model and Experiences, Croatian Context

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    Prikazana su suvremena europska kretanja u pokuÅ”ajima određenja metodoloÅ”kog postupka vrjednovanja i tipoloÅ”ke klasifikacije krajobraza u Europi. Istaknute su osnovne poteÅ”koće koje prate taj proces, s posebnim osvrtom na situaciju u Sloveniji, kao i na stanje u Hrvatskoj. Rad potvrđuje tezu da ne postoji u potpunosti usuglaÅ”en pristup u metodologiji klasificiranja, a time i zaÅ”tite krajobraza na europskoj razini, niti to isto postoji u Hrvatskoj.This paper addresses the issue of adopting an appropriate methodological procedure for the evaluation and typological classification of landscape. Emphasis is placed on the major difficulties in this process with special reference to Slovenian and Croatian context. The paper confirms the hypothesis about the absence of a coordinated approach to the methodology for both landscape classification and protection not only in Croatia but also in the wider European context

    Graphic interpretation of the system of central places hierarchy in central Croatia

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    U analizi sustava hijerarhije centralnih naselja srediÅ”nje Hrvatske koriÅ”ten je postupak grafičke intetpretacije, kako bi se Å”to zornije prikazao odnos unutar skupova određenih numeričkih vrijednosti definiranih sustava hijerarhije centralnih naselja. Ucrtavanjem vrijednosti pm, pm, i km sustava hijerarhije centralnih naselja srediÅ”nje Hrvatske u log-log koordinatni sustav, grafički smo definirali poziciju srednjih centralnih naselja klasa kao funkciju triju navedenih vrijednosti. Budući da su te vrijednosti svojstvene svakom sustavu hijerarhije centralnih naselja, njihov odnos pokazuje, srednjim vrijednostima klasa, karakteristike unutraÅ”njih hijerarhijskih odnosa, i to onoliko koliko to mogu pružiti navedene vrijednosti. Usporedbom definiranih sustava za srediÅ”nju Hrvatsku međusobno, te njihovom usporedbom s "idealnim" modelom - normom, koji izražava savrÅ”en hijerarhijski sustav, mogu se zornije nego u numeričkim intetpretacijama prikazati, i time uočiti, svojstva, eventualni "nedostaci" ili unutraÅ”nji nesklad pojedinog sustava hijerarhije centralnih naselja.To analyze the system of central places hierarchyin Central Croatia the graphic interpretation has been used. Following the characteristics of each graphic interpretation, this graphic interpretation too, is basically aimed at presenting the evident relation presentation within certain numerical value groups; in this case the defined system of centralplaces hierarchy. By drawing into the values "Pm", "pm and km" of the system of central places hierarchy in Central Croatia into log-log coordinate system, the position of the medium size central places class has been graphically defined as s function ofallthree above mentioned values. As these values are characteristic for each central places hierarchy system, their relation, through medium class values, indicates the characteristics of inner hierarchy relations to the extent provided by the mentioned values. By mutual comparison of the defined system for Central Croatia, as well as by their comparison with the "idea" norm pattern, presenting the ideal hierarchy system, clearer presentation is possible than by the numerical interpretation, and in this way the characteristics, possible disadvantages, or inner disharmony of each separate system ofcentral places hierarchy can be observed