4 research outputs found

    The Diagnostic Challenge Competition: Probabilistic Techniques for Fault Diagnosis in Electrical Power Systems

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    Reliable systems health management is an important research area of NASA. A health management system that can accurately and quickly diagnose faults in various on-board systems of a vehicle will play a key role in the success of current and future NASA missions. We introduce in this paper the ProDiagnose algorithm, a diagnostic algorithm that uses a probabilistic approach, accomplished with Bayesian Network models compiled to Arithmetic Circuits, to diagnose these systems. We describe the ProDiagnose algorithm, how it works, and the probabilistic models involved. We show by experimentation on two Electrical Power Systems based on the ADAPT testbed, used in the Diagnostic Challenge Competition (DX 09), that ProDiagnose can produce results with over 96% accuracy and < 1 second mean diagnostic time

    Diagnosis and Reconfiguration using Bayesian Networks: An Electrical Power System Case Study

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    Automated diagnosis and reconfiguration are important computational techniques that aim to minimize human intervention in autonomous systems. In this paper, we develop novel techniques and models in the context of diagnosis and reconfiguration reasoning using causal Bayesian networks (BNs). We take as starting point a successful diagnostic approach, using a static BN developed for a real-world electrical power system. We discuss in this paper the extension of this diagnostic approach along two dimensions, namely: (i) from a static BN to a dynamic BN; and (ii) from a diagnostic task to a reconfiguration task. More specifically, we discuss the auto-generation of a dynamic Bayesian network from a static Bayesian network. In addition, we discuss subtle, but important, differences between Bayesian networks when used for diagnosis versus reconfiguration. We discuss a novel reconfiguration agent, which models a system causally, including effects of actions through time, using a dynamic Bayesian network. Though the techniques we discuss are general, we demonstrate them in the context of electrical power systems (EPSs) for aircraft and spacecraft. EPSs are vital subsystems on-board aircraft and spacecraft, and many incidents and accidents of these vehicles have been attributed to EPS failures. We discuss a case study that provides initial but promising results for our approach in the setting of electrical power systems

    A Framework for Systematic Benchmarking of Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems

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    In this paper, we present an architecture and a formal framework to be used for systematic benchmarking of monitoring and diagnostic systems and for producing comparable performance assessments of different diagnostic technologies. The framework defines a number of standardized specifications, which include a fault catalog, a library of modular test scenarios, and a common protocol for gathering and processing diagnostic data. At the center of the framework are 13 benchmarking metric definitions. The calculation of metrics is illustrated on a probabilistic model-based diagnosis algorithms utilizing Bayesian reasoning techniques. The diagnosed system is a real-world electrical power system, namely the Advanced Diagnostics and Prognostics Testbed (ADAPT) developed and located at the NASA Ames Research Center. The proposed benchmarking approach shows how to generate realistic diagnostic data sets for large-scale, complex engineering systems, and how the generated experimental data can be used to enable "apples to apples" assessments of the effectiveness of different diagnostics and monitoring algorithms

    Bayesian Software Health Management for Aircraft Guidance, Navigation, and Control

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    Modern aircraft β€” both piloted fly-by-wire commercial aircraft as well as UAVs β€” more and more depend on highly complex safety critical software systems with many sensors and computer-controlled actuators. Despite careful design and V&V of the software, severe incidents have happened due to malfunctioning software. In this paper, we discuss the use of Bayesian networks to monitor the health of the on-board software and sensor system, and to perform advanced on-board diagnostic reasoning. We focus on the development of reliable and robust health models for combined software and sensor systems, with application to guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C). Our Bayesian network-based approach is illustrated for a simplified GN&C system implemented using the open source real-time operating system SEK/Trampoline. We show, using scenarios with injected faults, that our approach is able to detect and diagnose faults in software and sensor systems