74 research outputs found

    Gender Differentials in Labour Productivity among Small-Holder Cassava Farmers in Ideato Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria.

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    This study examined gender differentials in labour productivity among small-holder cassava farmers in Ideato Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria in 2008. The study data was collected through a multi-stage random sampling technique from 120 cassava farmers, whom consist of 60 males and 60 females. For the male farmers, the coefficients for household size and credit were negatively related to labour productivity and significant at 10.0% level of probability. For the female farmers, the coefficient for farm size was negative, while access to credit was positive; both were significant at 1.0% level of probability. The coefficients for education and age were negative and significant at 5.0% level of probability for all the farmers. The results calls for policies aimed at land re-forms by making more lands and easy accessibility to credit available to women who are younger and more agile for increased labour productivity.Gender, Labour Productivity and Cassava Farmers

    Gender Constraints in Small-Holder Cocoyam Production in Enugu North Agricultural Zone of Enugu State Nigeria

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    The study presents the results of analysis of data collected on 120 cocoyam farmers (60 females and 60 males) across the two Agricultural blocks in Enugu North Agricultural Zone using the multi-stage randomized sampling technique. Descriptive statistical tool (percentages) was used in analyzing farmer’s production problems. The survey reviewed that most of the farmers (males and females) encountered problems of root rot disease as a result of storage and lack of storage facilities. Both farmers encountered the problem of limited land, labour unavailability lack of credit facilities, distance from farm to market, pest and diseases etc. These constraints constitute serious impediments to cocoyam production and need to be addressed adequately through policy advocacy.Gender, Cocoyam and Small-Holder Farmers

    Economic Efficiency of Small-Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: A Translog Stochastic Frontier Cost Function Approach

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    This study employed a translog stochastic frontier cost function to measure the level of economic efficiency and it’s determinants in small-holder cocoyam production in Anambra state, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 120 cocoyam farmers in the state in 2005 from whom input-output data and their prices were obtained using the cost-route approach. The parameters of the stochastic frontier cost function were estimated using the maximum likelihood method. The results of the analysis show that individual farm level technical efficiency was about 59%. The study found age, education and farm size, to be negatively and highly significantly related to economic efficiency at 1.0% while fertilizer use and farmer experience were significant and directly related to economic efficiency at 1.0% and 5.0% levels of probability respectively. No significant relationship was found between economic efficiency and extension visit, family size, credit access and membership of cooperative societies.Translog Stochastic Frontier Cost Function and Economic Efficiency.

    Analysis of the Determinants of Total Factor Productivity among Small-Holder Cassava Farmers in Ohafia L.G.A of Abia State.

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    The study analysed the determinants of total factor productivity by the use of OLS regression technique among small-holder cassava farmers in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State. The study data was collected through a multi-stage random sampling technique from 90 farmers in 2009. The coefficients for education and extension were negative and significantly related to total factor productivity (TFP) at 10%level of probability. The coefficients for age, fertilizer and access to credit were positive and significant at 1% level of probability. The coefficients for gender and household size were negative and significant at 1% level of probability. The results calls for policies aimed at provision of inputs especially fertilizer and credit targeted mostly on women farmers. Policies on increased education and extension contacts and birth control should be advocated forTotal Factor Productivity and Cassava

    Comparative Economic Evaluation of Adopters and Non-Adopters of Some Selected Technologies in Abia State

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    This study was carried out in Abia State, Nigeria in 2007, to compare the output, cost and returns of Adopters and Non-adopters of some selected farm technologies. Data was collected from the respondents (120) Adopters and (120) Non-adopters) using well structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, students‘t’ test and profitability analysis. The results show that there were significant differences in farm size, expenditure, income and profit of adopters and non-adopters. The calculated‘t’s calculated were greater than‘t’ tabulated at P = 0.05. This implies that adopters of farm technologies had more output, made more expenditure and generated more income and profit than the non-adopters of the selected farm technologies. Therefore, farmers are advised to adopt innovations to increase output and generate more profit.Adoption, Evaluation and Technologies

    Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Productivity among Small holder Cassava Farmers in Abia State, Nigeria

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    The study was carried out in 2008 to investigate the determinants of productivity among small holder cassava farmers. The log linear model derived from the Cobb-Douglas functional form was used to analyze the data which was collected through a multi-stage random sampling technique. About 120 farmers were interviewed using the cost-route approach. The study found out that education, farmers experience, farmer’s organization and extension contact were positive and significant at 1% level. Age of farmers, land size were positive and significant at 5% level. The coefficient of gender was negative and significant at 5% level. The results of the study calls for policies aimed at encouraging experienced female farmers to form farmers group and land allocated to them to increase output and productivity of cassava in the study area.Productivity; Cassava; Log-Linear and Abia State

    An Ordered Probit Model Analysis of Transaction Costs and Market Participation by Small-Holder Cassava Farmers in South-Eastern Nigeria.

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    The Ordered Probit model analysis procedure was applied to determine the factors (related to fixed and variable transaction costs) influencing the decision to participate in cassava markets by a sample of 360 smallholder farmers in South-Eastern Nigeria. Participation decisions revealed that membership of cooperatives or social organizations, farming experience and marketing experience had a positive relationship with decision to be autarkic other than buyer and seller other than autarkic and significant at 1.0% level of probability. The coefficients for frequency of extension contacts, age, native of community, road conditions to the nearest town and yield were also positive and significantly related to decision to be autarkic other than buyer and seller other than autarkic at 5% level of probability. The coefficient for access to communication facilities was positive and significantly related to decision to remain autarkic other than buyer and seller other than autarkic. The coefficients for education, distance to the nearest town, distance from the farm to the market and crop transportation were negative and significantly related with the decision to remain autarkic other than a seller and buyer other than autarkic at 1% level of probability. The coefficient for gender was positive and significantly related to decision by female farmers to be autarkic other than buyer and seller other than autarkic. These decisions to participate as a buyer, seller or remain autarkic were as a result of fixed and proportional transaction costs associated with participating in the market.Ordered Probit, Transaction Costs, Market Participation and Cassava

    Technical Efficiency of Small-Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Agricultural Extension Policy

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    This study employed the Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier production function to measure the level of technical efficiency in small-holder cocoyam production in Anambra state, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 120 cocoyam farmers in the state in 2005 and from them input-output data were obtained using the cost-route approach. The parameters of the stochastic frontier production function were estimated using the maximum likelihood method. The result of the analysis shows that individual farm level technical efficiency was about 95%. The study found education and farming experience to be positively and significantly related to technical efficiency at 1% while practice index, fertilizer use and membership of cooperative societies also had a direct relationship with technical efficiency and were significant at 5% level. Age and farm size had an indirect relationship with technical efficiency and was significant at 1% and 5% level respectively. There were no significant relationship between technical efficiency and knowledge index, credit access and family size. Expected increases in agriculture require increase in agricultural productivity. In other words, agricultural productivity very much depends on the efficiency of the production process. Hence, policies designed to educate people through proper agricultural extension services will have a great impact in increasing the level of efficiency and hence agricultural productivity of these farmers.Technical Efficiency, Stochastic Frontier Production Function and Extension Service.

    Allocative Efficiency of Small-Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria

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    This study employed a stochastic frontier translog cost and production functions to measure the level of allocative efficiency and it’s determinants in small-holder cocoyam production in Anambra state, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 120 cocoyam farmers in the state in 2005 from whom input-output data and their prices were obtained using the cost-route approach. The parameters of the stochastic frontier cost function were estimated using the maximum likelihood method. The result of the analysis shows that individual farm level allocative efficiency was about 65%. The study found age and education to be negatively and significantly related to allocative efficiency at 1.0%. Farm size coefficient also had a negative relationship with allocative efficiency and was significant at 5.0%. Fertilizer use and credit access was significant and directly related to allocative efficiency at 5.0% as well as farm experience at 10.0% level of probability. No significant relationship was found between allocative efficiency and extension visit, family size and membership of cooperative societies.Translog Stochastic Frontier Production Function, Technical Efficiency, Economic Efficiency and Allocative Efficiency

    Cost Return Analysis of Cocoyam Production at NRCRI, Umudike

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    A cost return analysis of cocoyam production at the National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike showed that the enterprise is profitable. Labour constituted about 50% of total variable cost of production, which is the most important resource in cocoyam enterprise. A hectare cost of cocoyam production was N140, 114 while total revenue was N257, 400 and net return was N117, 286. The study showed that small-holder cocoyam enterprise is profitable by returning N1.27 for every N1.00 spent.Cost Returns and Cocoyam