127 research outputs found

    Vacuum energy in the presence of a magnetic string with delta function profile

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    We present a calculation of the ground state energy of massive spinor fields and massive scalar fields in the background of an inhomogeneous magnetic string with potential given by a delta function. The zeta functional regularization is used and the lowest heat kernel coefficients are calculated. The rest of the analytical calculation adopts the Jost function formalism. In the numerical part of the work the renormalized vacuum energy as a function of the radius RR of the string is calculated and plotted for various values of the strength of the potential. The sign of the energy is found to change with the radius. For both scalar and spinor fields the renormalized energy shows no logarithmic behaviour in the limit R0R\to 0, as was expected from the vanishing of the heat kernel coefficient A2A_2, which is not zero for other types of profiles.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Identification of Papillomaviruses in Butchers' Warts

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    We have studied the papillomaviruses found in the hand warts of 60 butchers, most of them from 2 distant slaughtershouses. Warts differing in morphology and location were studied separately. The viruses were identified by molecular hybridization, restriction enzyme analysis and immunoflurescence. Four known human papillomaviruses (HPV-1, HPV-2, HPV-3, HPV-4) were detected and one hitherto unknown papillomavirus was identified in 9 butchers. The DNA of the latter virus did not anneal with any of the RNAs complementary to either HPV-1 to HPV-5 or bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) DNAs, and showed a Hind II+III restriction enzyme cleavage pattern distinct from those of known HPVs and BPVs. This virus showed distinct antigenic properties, as shown by immunofluorescence, using HPV-1, -2, -3, -5, and BVP-1 antisera. It may represent a new type of human papillomarvirus(HPV-7) or a yet unidentified animal papillomavirus. In addition, 6 butchers were found to be infected with a papillomavirus, distinct from the known skin HPVs and from BPV-1, which could not be characterized by restriction enzyme analysis. Eleven butchers were found to be infected by 2 viruses.A characteristic histological pattern was found to be associated with the different papillomaviruses


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    In the face of the migration crisis in Europe in 2015, discussions on refugees and emigrants who live in Poland have been dominated by stereotypes and negative images presented by the media, and the division into supporters and opponents of the “Others” have also become highly visible in schools. The lack of topics in the field of global education and of knowledge about the current situation of African countries has contributed to the increase in xenophobic attitudes among pupils, and to all sorts of manifestations of verbal and physical violence motivated by prejudices against people who stand out because of their appearance or origin. The Encountering the Other project, which has been run by the Artykuł 25 Foundation and the National Museum in Szczecin since 2014, attempts to reply to the lack in Poland of a social basis of sensitivity, respect and solidarity with people of different geographical and cultural backgrounds. Its main aim is to allow primary, middle and secondary school pupils to acquire knowledge about the Countries of the Global South, which may encourage them to revise their attitudes. The basis of the project is classes in school which are based on our own script prepared from a lecture by Ryszard Kapuściński, Encountering the Other: the challenge for the 21st century, which he gave upon receiving the title of doctor honoris causa from the Jagiellonian University. The National Museum in Szczecin plays an important role in the project. It runs classes for students which show them the old art and culture of West-African countries and their influence on European art, but also presents works by contemporary artists from Benin, Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa. As part of the Week of Global Education, the museum presents documentaries for children and teens from the Docs Against Gravity Festival, and there are workshops using the kamishibai theatre and discussions on mutual understanding and global interdependence. The project is complemented by a conference targeted at teachers and representatives of organisations working with children and teens, whose main aim is to provide knowledge on the contemporary culture and art of African countries, and to show good practices for counteracting discrimination and violence motivated by prejudice. The Encountering the Other project aims to counteract prejudice and stereotypes, to show a different image of the Countries of the Global South, to convince children, teenagers and teachers to make their social attitudes more responsible, which would be of key importance on shaping trends today or in the future, and to incorporate global issues into mainstream discussions.W obliczu kryzysu migracyjnego jaki dotknął Europę w 2015 r., dyskusje na temat uchodźców i emigrantów mieszkających w Polsce zostały zdominowane przez stereotypy i negatywne obrazy przedstawiane w mediach, a podział na zwolenników i przeciwników „Innych” stał się niezwykle wyraźny również w szkole. Brak tematów z zakresu edukacji globalnej i wiedzy na temat obecnej sytuacji krajów afrykańskich przyczynił się do wzrostu postaw ksenofobicznych wśród uczniów, a także wszelkiego rodzaju przejawów słownej i fizycznej przemocy motywowanej uprzedzeniami wobec osób wyróżniających się wyglądem czy pochodzeniem. Projekt Spotkanie z Innym realizowany przez Fundację Artykuł 25 i Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie od 2014 r., jest próbą odpowiedzi na polski deficyt społecznej postawy wrażliwości, szacunku i solidarności z ludźmi z innych obszarów geograficznych i kulturowych. Jego celem jest umożliwienie uczniom szkół podstawowych, gimnazjalnych i ponadgimnazjalnych zdobycia wiedzy na temat Krajów Globalnego Południa, która może zachęcić ich do zweryfikowania poglądów. Podstawą projektu są zajęcia w szkole na podstawie autorskiego scenariusza, powstałego na bazie wykładu Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego Spotkanie z Innym jako wyzwanie XXI wieku wygłoszonego z okazji przyznania mu tytułu doktora honoris causa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. W projekcie istotną rolę odgrywa Muzeum Narodowe w Szczecinie realizując zajęcia dla uczniów pokazujące dawną sztukę i kulturę krajów Afryki Zachodniej, ich wpływ na sztukę europejską, ale też prezentujące twórczość współczesnych artystów z Beninu, Nigerii czy RPA. W ramach Tygodnia Edukacji Globalnej w muzeum prezentowane są filmy dokumentalne z festiwalu Docs Against Gravity dla dzieci i młodzieży, prowadzone warsztaty z wykorzystaniem teatrzyku kamishibai oraz dyskusje przybliżające tematy dotyczące wzajemnego porozumienia i globalnych współzależności. Dopełnieniem projektu jest konferencja kierowana do nauczycieli i przedstawicieli organizacji pracujących z dziećmi i młodzieżą, której głównym zamierzeniem jest dostarczenie wiedzy na temat współczesnej kultury i sztuki krajów afrykańskich oraz pokazanie dobrych praktyk przeciwdziałających dyskryminacji i przemocy motywowanej uprzedzeniami. Projekt Spotkanie z Innym ma na celu: przeciwdziałanie uprzedzeniom i stereotypom, pokazanie innego obrazu Krajów Globalnego Południu, nakłonienie dzieci, młodzieży i nauczycieli do zmiany postawy społecznej na bardziej odpowiedzialną, która już dziś lub w przyszłości będzie miała kluczowy wpływ na kształtowanie trendów oraz włączanie zagadnień globalnych do dyskusji mainstreamowych


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    In the face of the migration crisis in Europe in 2015, discussions on refugees and emigrants who live in Poland have been dominated by stereotypes and negative images presented by the media, and the division into supporters and opponents of the “Others” have also become highly visible in schools. The lack of topics in the field of global education and of knowledge about the current situation of African countries has contributed to the increase in xenophobic attitudes among pupils, and to all sorts of manifestations of verbal and physical violence motivated by prejudices against people who stand out because of their appearance or origin. The Encountering the Other project, which has been run by the Artykuł 25 Foundation and the National Museum in Szczecin since 2014, attempts to reply to the lack in Poland of a social basis of sensitivity, respect and solidarity with people of different geographical and cultural backgrounds. Its main aim is to allow primary, middle and secondary school pupils to acquire knowledge about the Countries of the Global South, which may encourage them to revise their attitudes. The basis of the project is classes in school which are based on our own script prepared from a lecture by Ryszard Kapuściński, Encountering the Other: the challenge for the 21st century, which he gave upon receiving the title of doctor honoris causa from the Jagiellonian University. The National Museum in Szczecin plays an important role in the project. It runs classes for students which show them the old art and culture of West-African countries and their influence on European art, but also presents works by contemporary artists from Benin, Nigeria and the Republic of South Africa. As part of the Week of Global Education, the museum presents documentaries for children and teens from the Docs Against Gravity Festival, and there are workshops using the kamishibai theatre and discussions on mutual understanding and global interdependence. The project is complemented by a conference targeted at teachers and representatives of organisations working with children and teens, whose main aim is to provide knowledge on the contemporary culture and art of African countries, and to show good practices for counteracting discrimination and violence motivated by prejudice. The Encountering the Other project aims to counteract prejudice and stereotypes, to show a different image of the Countries of the Global South, to convince children, teenagers and teachers to make their social attitudes more responsible, which would be of key importance on shaping trends today or in the future, and to incorporate global issues into mainstream discussions

    Is contact allergy rare in psoriatics?

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    Whither bowenoid papulosis?

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