632 research outputs found

    Is the Industrial Product-Service System Really Sustainable

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    As the product-service system has shifted from its original concept to the Industrial PSS, its scope has expanded to include industrial products. Furthermore, the overall goal of reducing environmental impacts has been left behind. Despite the PSS's potential as a business model for a more sustainable production and consumption system, the mere addition of services to conventional products does not necessarily lead to a reduction of environmental impacts. This paper aims to discuss the concepts related to PSS, the need for considering environmental impact reduction as a critical issue for sustainability, and the role of ecodesign practices in the development of PSS

    Geotraceability and life cycle assessment in environmental life cycle management: towards sustainability.

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    Sustainability is an emerging concept in product chains and integrates environmental, social, and economic aspects during the product's life cycle. Recently, the demand for environmental quality has required information about the products' life cycle. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) includes the inventory analysis, where the products´life cycle are systematized, and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment, when the environmental impacts potentials are calculated. A powerful tool to describe the history, use, and lication of a product in called geotraceability..

    Mapeamento de potenciais de impactos ambientais da queima de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil.

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    O artigo apresenta a distribuição espacial de alguns potenciais de impactos das emissões de monóxido de carbono (CO), metano (CH4), óxidos de nitrogênio (NOx) e óxido nitroso (N2O) causadas pela queimada de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil utilizando o SIG ArcGIS. As categorias de potenciais de impactos ambientais avaliados são: aquecimento global, formação de ozônio troposférico, acidificação e toxicidade humana

    Levantamento e identificação de espécies de moscas-das-frutas no Estado do Ceará.

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    As mosacas brancas das frutas pertencentes a especie Ceratitis capitata e ao genero Anastrepha sao reconhecidas como as pragas mais devastadoras da fruticultura em todo o mundo ...bitstream/CNPAT-2010/5391/1/Pa-062.pd

    Adherence in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients assessed with a validated Italian version of the 5-item compliance questionnaire for rheumatology

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    OBJECTIVES: The 5-item Compliance Questionnaire for Rheumatology (CQR5) proved reliability and validity in respect of identification of patients likely to be high adherers (HAs) to anti-rheumatic treatment, or low adherers (LAs), i.e. taking<80% of their medications correctly. The objective of the study was to validate an Italian version of CQR5 (I-CQR5) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and to investigate factors associated with high adherence. METHODS: RA patients, undergoing treatment with ≥1 self-administered conventional synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug (csDMARD) or biological DMARD (bDMARD), were enrolled. The cross-cultural adaptation and validation of I-CQR5 followed standardised guidelines. I-CQR5 was completed by patients on one occasion. Data were subjected to factor analysis and Partial Credit model Parametrisation (PCM) to assess construct validity of I-CQR5. Analysis of factors associated with high adherence included demographic, social, clinical and treatment information. Factors achieving a p<0.10 in univariate analysis were included in multivariable analysis. RESULTS: Among 604 RA patients, 274 patients were included in the validation and 328 in the analysis of factors associated with adherence. Factor analysis and PCM confirmed the construct validity and consistency of I-CQR5. HAs were found to be 109 (35.2%) of the patients. bDMARD treatment and employment were found to be independently associated with high adherence: OR 2.88 (1.36-6.1), p=0.006 and OR 2.36 (1.21-4.62), p=0.012, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Only one-third of RA patients were HAs according to I-CQR5. bDMARDs and employment status increased by almost 3-fold the likelihood of being highly adherent to the anti-rheumatic treatment.Peer reviewe

    Sustainability index for agribusiness products considering territorial bases and life cycle thinking.

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    The sustainability index (SI) development for agricultural products was a Brazilian Agricultural, Livestock and Provisioning Ministry, (MAPA) demand. This work seeks by participative process, to define sustainability principles, criteria and agricultural products patterns. Theses principles have universal characters liable to expand its application to several agribusiness links by future criteria in the several territorial contexts through out the patterns to be defined to each biome monitored by satellites. The SI must have credibility and international recognition. Among their principles are: Conformity with the agreement, treaties and international conventions; Conformity with the national legislation; Localization; Integration; Monitoring and continuous improvement. The participative elaboration of the sustainability principles with the more representative agribusiness sectors, science and technology areas and the public and private institutions is allowing delineating the environment conduct, innovation and business for a future guiding to criteria formatting of the and SI patterns

    Estratégias para o estabelecimento e manutenção de áreas livres e de baixa prevalência de moscas-das-frutas.

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    Determinação de uma área livre de Moscas-das-Frutas (ALMF); Metas do programa; Procedimentos para a implantação de uma ALMF; Escolha da éspecie-alvo; Seleção dos Municípios e cadastro dos produtores da região; Delimitação da faixa de proteção permanente (Área Tampão); Estrutura organizacional; Monitoramento populacional da praga; Atividades de campo; Interpretação dos dados de captura; Plano de contigência; Preparação e envio de relatórios; Criação de decreto estadual; Estabelecimento de barreiras zoofitossanitárias; Procedimentos para a manutenção de uma área livre de pragas; Medidas fitossanitárias.bitstream/CNPAT-2010/9619/1/Ci-022.pd