7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Employee welfare Facilities as an Intervention strategy of Industrial Unrest on Organization Performance: Case of Mumias Sugar Company

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    Industrial unrest has been a major issue for most organizations all over the world. When employees within an organization persistently fail to realize their work goals and objectives in life that are tied to their work place, then they tend to develop negative attitudes towards their work on the employer. Mumias Sugar Company Management had managed to significantly minimize cases of industrial unrest. For this reason, the researcher sought to find out what intervention strategies were used and which ones when combined yielded the best results. The objectives of the study were: to determine the effects of employee welfare facilities and working conditions influenced the industrial unrest intervention strategies on organizational performance in Mumias Sugar Company. Research questions were formulated to guide the researcher. The Contagion Theory by Gustav Le Bon of 1896 was adopted as theoretical framework for the study where the bargaining theory focused on the interactions between professional negotiators for employers and employees; the mobilization theory focused on the decisions of workers to participate in industrial conflict and; the comparative approach focused on economic and social -political institutions. A conceptual framework was developed from theoretical framework which guided the study. Related literature was reviewed and it was established that Mumias Sugar Company embraced provision of employee social welfare facilities as an intervention strategy to either avert or end industrial unrest and in turn improve their overall performance. However, this measure was found to be effective only for a short period of time hence having minimal impact on organizational performance. This, as it was established, was due to the fact that the strategy served a specific purpose hence did not address the employees’ problems comprehensively. The study identified that no studies had ever measured the combined effect of using multiple industrial unrest intervention strategies on organizational performance at Mumias Sugar Company. Causal-comparative research design was adopted for this study. The study area was Mumias Sugar Company and the target population was 1938 at the time of the study. Morgan and Krejcie’s formula for sample size determination was used to calculate the sample size of 321respondents.Purposive sampling technique was used to identify one top level manager for the interview schedule and five middle level managers for the filling of questionnaires; while simple random sampling technique was used to select the 309 employee respondents for the study.  The study collected quantitative data through closed-ended questionnaires and qualitative data through open-ended questionnaires, document analysis and interview schedules. The instruments were pilot tested and their validity verified by the two assigned supervisors. Reliability, coefficient was determined through the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient. Data were collected, coded and entered into the SPSS package for analysis. Data were presented using frequencies, Chi-squares and percentages on the variables responses. The findings from the study indicated that the major forms of industrial unrest experienced by MSC were strikes and the main cause of this was inflexibility of terms and conditions of employment. The study concluded that industrial unrest intervention strategies employed at MSC did not only address the issue of unrest but also enhanced performance of the organization. The recommendations of the study were that MSC should address causes of unrest and formulate appropriate policy. This policy should target both the organization and the employees to enhance employee performance and eventually organizational performance. The study also made recommendations for further studies on Industrial unrest. Key Words: Employee Welfare Facilities, Industrial Unrest Strategy, Mumias Sugar Company

    Quality Assurance Standards in the Management of School Curriculum: Case of Schools for the Deaf in Coast Counties, Kenya

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    It has been the concern of the Ministry of Education, parents and other stakeholders over the poor academic performance in the schools for the deaf in the country in general and in the Coast counties in particular. Deaf learners have continued lagging behind their peers in academic achievement. The prudent management of the curriculum can enhance academic performance and this largely depends on the managers of the curriculum. Quality Assurance and Standards Officers as managers of the curriculum have a key stake in its implementation and the results thereby. The study sought to find out the role of Quality Assurance and Standards in the management of curriculum in schools for the deaf. The study was conducted in four counties of the Coast of Kenya which have schools for the deaf. The target population was the QASOs, Head teachers and teachers in the districts and counties which have schools for the deaf in the Coast. The sample size was forty-three teachers, seven head teachers and twelve QASOs. Simple random sampling was used to get the required number of teachers and purposive sampling for the head teachers and Quality Assurance and Standards Officers. Descriptive analysis design was used to establish the roles of quality assurance and standard management on performance. The data was analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The study revealed that there are numerous challenges faced by quality assurance and standards officers in the management of curriculum in schools for the deaf. Respondents indicated that there is non-supervision of curriculum implementation by the QASOs. There is also lack of communication skills, lack of manpower, lack of funds and lack of knowledge in special needs education. These challenges impede the prudent management of the curriculum and external supervision by the QASOs in the schools for the deaf. This in turn leads to poor academic performance. Thus effective management of the curriculum by the Quality Assurance and Standards team may enhance performance if diligently carried out. Key Words: Quality Assurance Standards, Management of school curriculu

    An Evaluation of Economic Strategies in Budget Deficit Reduction in Kenya

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    Budget deficits have attracted a great deal of attention over the past few decades. This is so because financial experts have blamed it on all assortments of ills that beset developing countries. Some of these ills include: high inflation rates, over indebtedness, loss of a country’s sovereignty, crowding out of the private sector among others. In spite of its various attempt to widen the tax base and the numerous austerity measures to cut down on its recurrent expenditures, the Kenyan government like most of the other developing countries has over the years been a perpetual casualty of budget deficit. The purpose of this study was therefore to evaluate the economic strategies measures that the Kenyan government may put in place in order to reduce budget deficit. Specifically the research addressed how; tax policy, Inflation, technological innovation and government expenditure affects reduction of budget deficit in Kenya. The research will be of great significance to: the Kenyan Government, future scholars as well as the government of other countries with deficit budget. The research design adopted for the study was descriptive research design; the population was the 33 tax seniors in the 5 leading audit firms in the country namely PKF Kenya, Deloitte & Touché, KPMG, Ernst & Young Kenya and Price Water House & Coopers Kenya. Census method of sampling was adopted for selecting elements under study. Moreover both primary and secondary methods of data collection were used to collect data and the results thereon analyzed using Minitab version 17 and presented in form of: tables, charts, graphs and inferential statistics. The response rate from the questionnaires issued was 76% and most of the respondents asserted that the tax policy and the government expenditure were the main causes of the persistent budget deficits in Kenya and a number of recommendations were put forth on how best to address the same, among the recommended measures to deal with the tax policy included; widening the tax base to capture the juakali sector, revamping of the turnover tax system, more stringent measures to ensure compliance and a total overhaul of the VAT system which still has a very big growth potential. On the issue of government expenditure it was recommended that the numerous austerity measures that have over the years been proposed by the various Finance Bills be strictly adhered to so us to cut down on the avoidable public expenditures and equally the government to utilize concessional loans that have zero interest rates so as to cut down on interest repayments on its loans. Moreover the researcher found out that inflation was heavily contributing to the budget deficit in Kenya hence recommendable that the government initiates various fiscal and monetary policies to contain inflation to manageable levels. The researcher further recommended that investment in information technology be expedited as through it, KRA will be in a position to bring more persons in the tax net and consequently widen the tax base and equally fasten the tax collection process and facilitate various audit by the authority. Key Words: Economic strategies, Budget deficit in Keny

    An Evaluation of the Principal’s Instructional Supervision on Academic Performance: A Case of Sameta Primary School Kisii County, Kenya

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of principal’s instructional supervision on academic performance in Sameta primary School in Kisii, Kenya. The specific objectives of this study were; to determine if there was effective instructional supervision by the principal, to investigate the quality of teaching and learning process, to explore the level of syllabus coverage in all classes, to identify challenges encountered by the principal while conducting instructional supervision and give recommendation on how to mitigate the challenges of instructional supervision by the principal. A descriptive survey research design was used in this study. The study focused on the head teacher, heads of departments and teachers. The study targeted the school due to its drop in performance over the years from 2008 to 2012. For this purpose census method was used to select all 6 heads of departments, 13 teachers and 1 head teacher. The sample size for the study is 20. This method ensures that the entire sample group has an equal chance of being selected for the study. The study used questionnaire, interview schedule, and document analysis in data collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such frequencies and percentages with the aid of a computer program SPSS (Version 17). Inferential statistics such as chi-square (x2) was also used to test the differences amongst the variables and if they had a significant effect. The major forms of instructional supervision techniques used by the principal in Sameta primary School, Kisii were exploration and discovery, question and answer, open ended observation, observational learning, rating scale, checklist and peer review. The use of thematic learning as a way of determining syllabus coverage in school showed no significant difference since teachers in this school mostly do not use thematic learning as a way of determining the extent of syllabus coverage in class. Similarly, monitoring by teachers aids in measuring the extent of syllabus coverage in class. Therefore most teachers in the school use monitoring as a way of measuring the extent of syllabus coverage in class. It was recommended that in order to improve on the academic standards of the school, the principal should devise more ways of instructional supervision techniques that are aimed at improving the general academic standards of the school. The study is useful to the Education Managers, principalsl, head teachesr, teachers, parents and even students of Sameta primary as well as other Schools in the region and globally. Key words: Principal’s instructional supervision on academic performance, Kisii County

    An Evaluation of Financing and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Mombasa County, Kenya

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    The purpose of this research was to establish the relationship and the link between financing institutions and the level of development, growth of small and medium enterprises in Mombasa County. In the course of the research it was found out that many factors contribute to the growth and development of SMEs in Mombasa County as it is also envisaged in other parts of the country. However the element of financing came out clearly as a major factor that contributes positively to the development of SMEs. The research covered various categories which included but not limited to formal, informal, public and private owned enterprises. It was interesting to note that most of the SMEs could not survive the third year incubation period which was attributed to lack of adequate and relevant financing information. Empirical evidence from this study suggests that SMEs operators need information on available bank loans, sources of business finance, SMEs loan schemes, information on venture capital and other types of finances. This study was realized through the use of questionnaires both open and closed ended. A descriptive research design approach was employed to collect data from service, manufacturing, commerce and trade among other small and medium enterprises in Mombasa to actualize the objectives of this research. The data was then tabulated quantitatively in form of charts, tables and percentages and analyzed using SPSS and Ms. Excel. Further to this research, it was observed that generally Mombasa County has a weak enterprise finance information system that could not support, in particular, the information needs of SMEs. The findings revealed that general knowledge and awareness of financing options available to SMEs in Mombasa County are weak. This research will be of great importance to small and medium enterprises by opening their eyes to alternative sources of finance and probably giving them a better chance of development and become competitive in the global corporate setting. It may also go a long way in helping the policy makers come up with rules and regulations governing SMEs financial development. Some recommendations that the study made include the government involvement in setting out of policies to help in finance uptake by SMEs. In conclusion, the underlying issues are that all must be involved in order to use SMEs as wealth creating instrument as portrayed in Kenya’s vision 2030 (GoK, 2007). Key Words: Financing, Development of SMEs in Mombasa, Keny

    Socio-Economic Factors on Alcohol Abuse among the Youth in Kikuyu District, Kenya

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    The purpose of this study was to establish Factors Associated with high rate of Alcohol abuse among the youth in Kikuyu District, Kiambu County. It was guided by five research objectives focusing on the influence of peer pressure, parents and guardians, media, role model and social economic on youth engagement in alcohol. It used descriptive survey as well as questionnaire and interview guide as the main tools for data collections. The target population comprised of boys, girls and mixed secondary schools in kikuyu district. However for the purpose of data collection 285 form four students and 104 beer drinkers in pubs were selected. The data was analyzed using the SPSS which yielded frequency tables, percentages and mean. Through the data analysis the study revealed that most of beer customers are single. However, there are some who are married and other divorced.  This is an indication that more youth are engaged in beer taking compared to elderly people. The study also revealed that, majority of the people engaged in beer drinking have secondary education as their highest academic qualification, followed by KCPE holders tying with diploma holders and degree holders respectively. In the same category 60% of the students are engaged in beer taking compared to 40% non students. This was so because of many middle level colleges and the universities in the area. The study also established that 30% of secondary school students are engaged in beer taking. The rest of students involved in beer taking include 40%    tertiary colleges, 20% polytechnic students and 20% university students. Key Words: Alcohol abuse among the youth, Kikuyu District, Keny

    An Analysis of Loan Portfolio Management on Organization Profitability: Case of Commercial Banks in Kenya

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    The banking sector in any economy serves as a catalyst for growth and development. Banks are able to perform this role through their crucial functions of financial intermediation, provision of an efficient payment system and facilitating the implementation of monetary policies. Bank profitability is usually expressed as a function of internal and external determinants. The overall performance and profitability of the banking sector in Kenya has improved tremendously over the last 10 years. The aim of this study was to close the gap in knowledge by investigating profitability determinants within commercial banks in Kenya. The determinants studied were loan portfolio, interest expense, and administration costs and assets value. A descriptive survey design was employed in this study. The population of the study was the management employees working for commercial banks in Kenya. The sample was accessed by use of both stratified and simple random sampling. A questionnaire was used to gather the primary information. The questionnaires were self-administered and were served to the respondents by self-introduction. Research assistants were used to follow up on duly completed questionnaires. Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyse primary data while the SAS v.6 of 2009 was used to analyse the secondary data gathered from the banks. Findings of the study showed that public sector banks and private sector banks were not much affected by increasing or decreasing of interest margin. It can therefore be interpreted that the profitability growth of public and private sector banks are not dependent on fluctuation of interest rate although the foreign banks have the benefit of high return due to increase or decrease in interest margin. Key Words: Loan portfolio Management on organization profitability, commercial Banks in Keny