14 research outputs found

    Pola Komunikasi Pasangan Antaretnik Sundaminang Di Bandung

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    Aktivitas komunikasi pada pasangan antaretnik Sunda-Minang dalam pembentukan identitas pada anakanaknya meliputi situasi komunikasi, peristiwa komunikasi dan kompetensi komunikasi. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif, dengan perspektif penyesuaian identitas dan jenis studi etnografi komunikasi. Subjek penelitiannya adalah pasangan pedagang antaretnik di Kota Bandung yang dipilih secara purposif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, partisipasi pasif, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa aktivitas komunikasi anggota keluarga pasangan antaretnik terjadi saat di pasar, di rumah, saat santai bersama keluarga. Bahasa yang digunakan sehari-hari adalah bahasa Indonesia, etnik Minang lebih dominan bila di banding dengan adat Sunda. Sebagian besar kepala keluarga yang beretnik Minang cenderung memilih kompromi titik tengah. Dalam pengambilan keputusan etnik Minang memiliki ketegasan yang kuat, serta kemandirian yang mampu membentuk keluarga untuk bertahan di lingkungan yang baru. Kompetensi komunikasi yang ditemukan berupa reaksi dan kemampuan pasangan untuk mengatasi perbedaan sehingga penyesuaian searah menjadi alternatif pilihan para keluarga. Pola komunikasi meliputi komunikasi pasangan antaretnik, komunikasi transaksional orangtua dan anak, serta komunikasi sesama pasangan campuran

    Gender in Cultural Communication

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    Choose the way as a DJ began to take many people because the existence of his music seemed to grow and never fade. Actually have work related to this, there is no harm as long as a DJ has points that must be met in order to still exist.  The job is in demand by women. The method used is qualitative with dramaturgy approach.  There is uniqueness in a Dj.  Popular culture deals with everyday issues that can be enjoyed by all people or certain circles such as mega stars, private vehicles, fashions, home models, body treatments and so on. Self presentations include manipulation of fashion symbols, body language, make over, message content, language style. Keywords: Disk Jockey, the exixtence of music, culture, wome

    Book Sales System Design on Foundation Akubaca

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    In a company or organization that wants its business continues to grow, the success ofthe company's business development is a measure of the success of the company. Ifyou want the performance will be maintained, they should be able to mobilize all itsoperational resources to work optimally. One is the staff who work behind the dataand information processing. This is due to make the right decisions requires accurate,easily understandable and fast. This is where the role of a database applicationprogram, the provider of computerized data that should be able to provideinformation within a short and easy to read.The author found the case while working as a translator at a book publisher AkubacaFoundation semimanual still using the system in data processing sales. Therefore,transactions that occur must be managed effectively. The author designed the booksales system that meets their needs using Visual Basic 6-based database

    Patterns Of Communication Of Sunda-minang Interethnic Families In Bandung, Indonesia

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    This writing examines inter-ethnic families, from a viewpoint of their communication patterns. The samples in this research are inter-cultural married couples, i.e. Sundanese and Minangkabau background. By descriptive-qualitative method, especially by technique of in-depth interviews, the data from the field shows that inter-ethnic families have a well adaptive attitude. It could be seen from their patterns of communication wether in their communication to their own couples, to their own children, and to their ethnic organizations. It is obvious that there is a meeting between Sundanese and Minangkabau cultures, i.e. each proposes lofty values. Such values are showed in a form of mutual understanding, diversity awareness and acculturated roles and learning. Pattern of communication is an important thing in performing an interethnic family life, for it could resolute the conflict between ethnics and as an openness so that could find the best solution in every problem of life

    Konsep Branding Wisata Berbasis Pemasaran Digital di Desa Sirnajaya, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Desa Sirnajaya merupakan salah satu desa wisata berbasis alam dengan branding utama bertajuk “Agrowisata Situ Rawa Gede”. Permasalahan promosi dan konsep branding yang masih belum matang menyebabkan proses pemasaran destinasi wisata menjadi berjalan lambat. Artikel ini menyajikan tentang Perumusan strategi branding pemasaran berbasis digital yang tepat sebagai langkah awal meningkatkan citra wisata di Desa Sirnajaya. Data-data berupa hasil wawancara tentang kondisi pemasaran wisata, data observasi kondisi lapangan, dan data survei review pengunjung dari Google Maps diolah menggunakan metode analisis isi, gap analisis, dan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasilnya didapatkan startegi umum untuk memperkuat branding “Agrowisata Situ Rawa Gede” salah satunya dengan meningkatkan strukturisasi konsep promosi dan konsep branding serta meningkatkan kualitas jaringan ke berbagai platform digital untuk membangun citra kawasan

    Strategi Media Relations Badan Narkotika Nasional Kabupaten Bandung Barat dalam Upaya Membangun Citra Lembaga

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      In achieving Kabupaten Bandung Barat's Indonesia National Narcotics Board organization goal in preventing drug abuse, organization credibility which is reflected by its image in the eye of its public needs to be attained. One of the ways of achieving so is by maximizing positive publication by executing media relations strategies that consist of steps to create good cooperation with the media. Across the year 2019, Kabupaten Bandung Barat's Indonesia National Narcotics Board had successfully publicized more than 60 news article on online media platforms ranging from local to provincial scope. The goal of this research is to describe Kabupaten Bandung Barat's Indonesia National Narcotics Board's Media Relations Strategy. Using descriptive qualitative research method by utilizing observation, interview, and documentation technique which based on Media Relations Strategy concept. Research indicated that it' successful publication linked to the media relations strategy that consist of serving the media by providing information according to what the media suppose important, providing information that is relevant and promptly, arranging publication material which is in line with good journalistic rule to the media, cooperative in providing information to the media, openess in giving explanation about a certain issue when questioned by the media, building a kinship relations with the media.Abstract is written concisely and factually, includes the background of research, the purpose of research, the method of research, the result of research, conclusion, and reccomendation