12 research outputs found
Coal pyrolysis is the thermal cracking process in inert gas condition, to produced gas, liquid and solid product. Quantity and quality product will effected by condition of operation.
Pyrulysis process to make use of Kalimantan (KPC) in the atmospheric reactor in inert of nitrogen gas as inert with flow rate gas is 350 ml/minute, with measurement of particle is 6/10, 4/6 and 2/4 mesh, to be done at temperature condition 400 – 700 oC and weight of feed 2 kilogram, respectively.
It can be concluded that condition of nitrogen inert and fed with step by step can the probabilities limited of internal secondary reaction and effective enough to resist external secondary reaction, it is showed in the increasing of tar production and decreas of gas product, specialy of particle 4/6 and 2/4 mesh with operation temperature higher 600 oC and effectiveness to resist of thermal secondary reaction for 6/10 mesh. The effect temperature to grow into gas product in the measure of particle 6/10 mesh.
The yield of char, tar and gases depends on temperature and particle size. The maximum yield tar was obtained at temperature 500o C with particle size 4/6 mesh and the maximum yield gas was obtained at temperature 700o C with particle size 6/10 mesh are 12,4 % and 20.74 % respectively. The concentartion of gases will increase with increasing temperature, but will decrease with increasing particle size. The Atmosphere of nitrogen inert of influence for the higher the particle size at temperature above 500o C, the less gas product, but more tar, were obtained
Cassava-based bioethanol production process is done in a pilot-scale plan (capacity of 50 kg of cassava starch / process). This study aimed to study the effect of α-amylase enzyme doses were added at various temperature hydrolysis process and dosage Gluko Amylase enzymes are added at different time saccharification to glucose levels. Hydrolysis and saccharification reactor using a stirred tank reactor equipped with temperature control and extractor unit. The hydrolysis process is run with a ratio of 1: 4 (1 part of cassava starch + 4 parts water) and temperature maintained 90 ° C and processing time 1 hour. For Saccharification processes are studied temperature range 30-80 oC for 1-5 hours by adding a suitable enzyme dosage is executed. Furthermore, the solution was cooled to room temperature and carried out the extraction process for separation of solids (cake) and the solution. Glucose solution is fermented by adding yeast, Urea and NPK nutrients. The fermentation process carried out over 4 (four) days at a temperature of 30 oC. Fermentation products termed fermentation broth containing 6-9% alcohol. Purification process of fermentation broth using distillation apparatus equipped with reboiler, reflux column and a total condenser with fixed reboiler temperature 90 o C and maintained reflux temperature 75 o C. Results were analyzed ethanol content of alcohol. Relatively good results obtained on the addition of enzyme α-amylase enzyme of 200 ppm and 150 ppm Gluko amylase, saccharification at 60 o C for 3 hours which produce glucose level 160 g / L. Bioethanol is produced from a single stage distillation with reflux alcohol content ranges from 85% to 95% which can be used as Alternative Energy.
Keywords: Bio-Ethanol, Alternative Energy, Cassava, hydrolysis
Alpha-selulosa merupakan bahan dan biomass yang mnnpunyai manfaat besar dalam
bidang industri maupun sumber energi yang terbarukan. Indonesia negara penghasil uhi kayu terbesar
ke lima di dunia dimana produksi ubi kayu Nasional pada tahun 2010 mencapai 23 Juta ton, yang dapat
menghasilkan limhah batang ubi kayu kurang lebih sampai 2,3 Juta ton. Limhah tnt termasuk limbah
lignoselulosa yang dapat diolah untuk menghasilkan alpha-selulosa. Proses isolasi alpha-selulosa dapat
dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu : proses prehidrolisis dan proses delignifikasi. Proses prehidrolisis
bertujuan untuk menghilangkan bahan-bahan ekstraktif(mudah larut) yang ada dalam batang ubi kayu,
dilakukan menggunakan pelarut air dengan perbandingan berat bahan terhadap pelarut 1 : 20 pada
suhu 1 ode selama 2,5 Jam Sedangkan proses delignifikasi selain untuk menghilangkan lignin Juga untuk
melarutkan hemiselulosa sehingga diperoleh kandungan alpha-selulosa yang tinggi. Proses delignifikasi
dilakukan dengan mengguakan pelarut alkali (NaOH) dengan variasi konsentrasi : 15%, 20% 25% dan
30% 1"/,), Serta waktu delignifikasi divariasikan 30, 60, 90 dan 120 menit pada temperatur proses tetap
128'C, dengan perbandingan berat bahan terhadap pelarut NaOH 1:20. Dari hasil percobaan diperoleh
kondisi operasi terbaik pada konsentrasi NaOH 25% dan waktu delignifikasi 60 menit h:mdungan alphaselulosa
yang didapatkan sebesar 67, 69
Extraction from adhesive substance between tissue chell in the papaya peel wouldproduce a product called pectin. The aim of this research was to obtain pectin from papayapeel. Ten miligrams of papaya peel with the size of 40 mesh added with 200 ml of aquadesl,then add also HCl with various concentration: 0.01 N, 0.015 N, 0.02 N, 0.025 N, and 0.03N.The extraction was done at 80 0C temperature for: 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 hours after that solutionextracted filtered to separate the concentrate and filtrate. The concentrate discharded and thefiltrate was pectin. Pectin filtrate then heated at temperature of 95 ° C while stirring intensivelyuntil the volume obtain half then the original volume. The filtrate cooled using acid alcohol,and stirred until evenly. After mixed evenly, filtrate left over fot about 10-14 hours. Theprecipate pectin then separated, washing with 95% neutral alcohol, and dried in an oven at 40oC for 6 hours. Dry pectin content weighed and analyzed the content of methoksil. The bestconditions result: the rendement of pectin obtained 9.2% and the content methoksil papaya peelwas 8.87% at 2 hours with the concentration of HCL 0.02 N.Keywords: extraction time, papaya peel, pecti
Pembuatan Tembaga Sulfat dari Limbah Padat Tembaga dengan Proses Kristalisasi Panas
The content of this article aims to determine the value of the best crystal formation by hot crystallization using Response Surface Methodology with the Composite Central Design (CCD) method, then the crystals are identified using XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) analysis. The hot crystallization method at a temperature of 90°C with a stirring speed of 500 rpm was used with variations in reaction time and sulfuric acid concentration. The reaction times used were 50, 55, 60, 65, and 70 minutes, and the sulfuric acid concentrations were 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, and 18%. The highest mass of copper sulfate crystals obtained was 5.3908 grams with a reaction time of 70 minutes and a sulfuric acid concentration of 18%, with the highest chemical element in the crystal being Cu at 76.06%.
Pembuatan tembaga sulfat dengan proses kristalisasi memiliki dua cara yaitu kristalisasi dingin dan kristalisasi panas. Proses kristalisasi dingin memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dibandingkan dengan kristalisasi panas untuk menghasilkan kristal tembaga sulfat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai pembentukan kristal terbaik dengan kristalisasi panas menggunakan Response Surface Methodology (RSM) dengan metode Composite Central Design (CCD) kemudian kristal diidentifikasi menggunakan analisa X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Metode kristalisasi panas pada suhu 90°C dengan kecepatan pengadukan 500rpm menggunakan variasi waktu reaksi dan konsentrasi asam sulfat. waktu reaksi yang digunakan yaitu 50, 55, 60, 65, dan 70 menit dan konsentrasi asam sulfat sebesar 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, dan 18%. Massa kristal tembaga sulfat terbanyak didapatkan sebesar 5,3908gram pada variasi waktu reaksi 70 menit dan konsentrasi asam sulfat 18% dengan unsur kimia terbanyak dalam kristal yaitu Cu sebesar 76,06%
Use Of Natural Gas Become a Petrochemical with Zeolite Catalyst
Methane is a hydrocarbon compound that can be used for various purposes. Currently, methane is widely used as fuel, and continues to be developed as a synthetic gas material and petrochemical products that have added value, one of which is formaldehyde. This study aimed to study the partial catalytic oxidation reaction of methane to formaldehyde using MoO3/zeolite as a catalyst. Reactant gas stream consisting of pure O2 and CH 4 were contacted with a rate ratio of 1:20, put into Fixed Bed Reactor therein contained 30 grams of catalyst MoO3/zeolite, and the pressure was maintained at 1 atm. The temperature and flow rate of the incoming reactant gas were used as variables. The main product produced was formaldehyde, besides that there were also CH3 OH, CO, CO2, H2O. The results were analyzed using Gas Chromatography, so it was known that the converted methane was 5.18% and the volume fraction of formaldehyde formed was 1.46%
Proses pengambilan alpho-selulosa dapat dilakukan do/am dua tahap yaltu : proses prehidrolisis
dan proses delignifikasi. Proses prehidrolisis bertujuan uruuk menghilangkan bahan-bahan ekstraktif
[mudah larut} yang ada dalam batang ubi kayu, dilakukan menggunakan pelarut air dengan perban-dingan berm bahan terhadap pelarut 1:20 pada suhu 100°C selama 2,5 jam. Sedangkan proses
delignifikasi selain untuk' menghllangkan lignin juga unnik melarutkan hemiselulosa sehingga
diperoleh kandungan alpha-selulosa yang tinggi. Proses delignlflkasi dilakukan dengan menggu-nakan pelarut alkali (NoOH) dengan variasi konsentrasi: /5%, 20%, 25% dan 30",1" serta waktu
delignifikasi divariasikan 30, 60, 90 dan 120 menlt pada temperatur proses tetap 128 ·C, dengan
perbandingan berat bahan terhadap pelarut NaOH /:20. Darl hasil percobaan diperoleh kondisi
operasi terbaik pada konsentrasi NaOH 25 % dan waktu delignifikasi 60 menit kandungan alpha-selulosa yang didapatkan sebesar 67,69% berat
Effect of Cow Dung Concentration and Microbial Count on The Formation of Biogas in A Horizontal Digester
Biogas is a renewable fuel that produced through a process of anaerobic fermentation of a mixture of cow dung and water. The process of formation of methane gas occurs in a digester reactor with a capacity of 3500 kg/batch during a certain fermentation time with the help of anaerobic bacteria. This research studied effect of the comparison of cow dung and water as well as the number of microbes added. The process of formation of biogas run at varying of cow dung with water and microbes added. Fermentation process was running 16 days by varying the variables. Furthermore, every four days observed, and recorded pressure in the digester, biogas product was analyzed its content of methane gas were formed. Relatively good results were taken on cow dung and water ratio of 1: 1 with the addition of microbes as much as 50 ppm with a time of fermentation for 12 (twelve) days produce biogas of 5.1 m 3/batch with contents of methane about 74 %, carbon dioxide 19 %, and residual gas of 7 %
CFD Analysis of Journal Bearing by Modifying The Roughness Surface
A journal bearing is a machine part that is used to ensure that the shaft always rotates in the opposite direction of the axis. Journal bearings are chosen because they are well-suited for use in mechanical systems that demand precision, speed, and a high load capacity. Recent years have seen an increase in research on how to improve the tribological performance of bearings by considering the design/architecture of these bearings. Numerous scientists have developed numerous methods for measuring pressure distribution, load-carrying capacity, acoustic power level, force friction, and cavitation phenomena in order to improve the performance of tribology, particularly in journal bearings. As a result, hydrodynamic lubrication was used in the investigation. The investigation was conducted using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) three-dimensional journal bearing model that took cavitation into account. Additionally,the location of the heterogeneous rough/smooth bearing pattern was modified, as was the shaft rotational speed. The results of this study indicate that when the surface roughness is applied to journal bearings in a variety of locations with heterogeneous rough/smooth bearing patterns, the tribological performance of journal bearings is significantly improved, and that high shaft rotational speed has a significant effect on the tribological performance of journal bearings
Inhibition of Barium Sulfat Crystal Formation in a Batch Method Crystallizer in the Presence of Cu and Zn
Deposits of barium sulfate are a common issue in the oil and gas industry. The presence of these crystals impacts oil and gas production, causing technical problems such as inhibiting flow rate, increasing pressure in the pipe, and causing the pipe to break and be damaged. The results of this study show the formation of barium sulfate (BaSO4) crystals with the batch crystallizer method at 300 °C under the influence of the stirring rotation speed (0 rpm, 120 rpm, 240 rpm, 360 rpm, 480 rpm) and the additive concentration (0 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm, 15 ppm, 2atm). In this study, the BaSO4 crystallization experiment was performed in a glass beaker using a magnetic stirrer with a stirring rotation speed to react BaCL2 and Na2SO4. The results demonstrated that adding zinc chloride (ZnCl2) and copper (ii) chloride (CuCl2) additives reduced the mass of crystals formed. The amount of barium sulfate scale that forms can be affected by the rotational speed of the stirrer. According to SEM analysis, the crystal morphology of BaSO4 was orthorhombic, indicating that this crystal shape was typical of barite crystals. While XRD analysis confirmed the formation of barium sulfate (barite) crystals, it also demonstrated that the crystals formed were solid barite crystals