32 research outputs found

    Incorporación del aula invertida (flipped classroom) a la metodología docente de las prácticas de Odontopediatría

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    Incorporar el aula invertida en las prácticas de Odontopediatría permite que los estudiantes, ayudados por vídeos, realicen un aprendizaje activo mediante preguntas, discusiones y actividades guiadas por el docente sobre los conocimientos adquiridos

    El aula invertida (flipped classroom) como método docente de las prácticas preclínicas de Odontopediatría. Evaluación de aplicaciones digitales educativas

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    El Aula Invertida es una modalidad de aprendizaje semipresencial en la que el alumno obtiene información en un tiempo y lugar que no requiere la presencia física del profesor, por lo que es necesario el uso de nuevas tecnologías, especialmente del campo audiovisual. En el Grado de Odontología, la materia de Odontopediatría debe capacitar al alumno en la adquisición de las destrezas necesarias para su incorporación a las prácticas clínicas con pacientes en edad infantil. El uso de vídeos educativos nos ha permitido enseñar determinadas maniobras que sería complejo describir de forma teórica y que al ser visualizadas, han facilitado al alumno su entendimiento y posterior ejecución. Hemos evaluado la aplicación educativa diseñada para el desarrollo del aula invertida "Ed-puzzle" que permite al profesor mejorar sus propios vídeos e incorporar preguntas en cualquier punto de su contenido, además de hacer seguimiento de los estudiantes, sus respuestas y visualizaciones. Se ha realizado un estudio comparativo con el uso del "Campus Virtual UCM", respecto al aprendizaje de los alumnos

    Aprendizaje colaborativo usando Microsoft Teams en la asignatura de Odontopediatría II

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    El aprendizaje colaborativo es una técnica didáctica que promueve desarrollar la colaboración entre individuos con el fin de compartir, conocer y ampliar información que tienen cada uno de ellos sobre un tema. No significa repartirse las tareas sino que cada miembro aporte su información para que así el grupo lo pueda modificar, ampliar y así pasar de un trabajo individual a uno más completo. Este aprendizaje colaborativo se puede hacer de manera presencial o virtual. Para la realización de manera virtual contamos con multitud de plataformas para crear grupos y aprender de forma colaborativa. Nosotros hemos elegido la plataforma Microsoft Teams ya que en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid se está implementado está plataforma para la docencia online. Microsoft Teams (MT) es una plataforma unificada de comunicación y colaboración en la que un grupo puede mantener la comunicación. Dentro de los canales que dispone MT, pueden organizarse reuniones, mantener conversaciones, compartir y almacenar archivos e integrar aplicaciones. En el curso 2021/2022 hemos creado varios Equipo de trabajo en MT con los alumnos matriculados en el asignatura de Odontopeadiatría II. Los profesores hemos subido casos clínicos, preguntas así como temas de debates relacionados con la Odontopediatría, donde se crearon debates entre los alumnos y los profesores de manera on-line. Posteriormente se les pasó a los alumnos encuesta de satisfacción donde valoraron el aprendizaje con este tipo de docencia y esta plataforma. Una vez obtenidas las respuestas, hemos analizados los resultados y elaborado un documento para mejorar el Aprendizaje colaborativo con MT de manera online, intentando establecer mejoras para posteriores años académico

    Influence of the severity of osteogenesis imperfecta on cranial measurements

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    Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a disease that causes bone fragility and deformities, affecting both the cranial base and the craniocervical junction, and may lead to other neurological disorders. A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out based on cephalometric analysis of the cranial base in a sample of patients with OI, in lateral skull radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), comparing them with a sample of age-matched controls. When the different variables of the craniocervical junction were analyzed, significance was found in comparisons with the different age groups. All measurements of the variables studied stabilized as growth progressed. For most of the variables, the severity of the disease influences the measurements of the skull base, with statistically significant differences. Both age and severity of the disease are factors that directly influence the anatomy of the craniocervical junction in these patients and may serve as indicators in the early detection and prevention of other derived alterations.Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEpu

    Application of orthopantomography in the analysis of bone mineral density in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disorder characterized by osteopenia and bone fragility. Con sidering that orthopantomography is a routine diagnostic test in growing patients, it can be used to analyze bone density in these patients. The study sample consisted of 21 child patients diagnosed with OI, under medical treatment with antiresorptives and for whom orthopantomography was available, analyzed and compared with 20 healthy children. The panoramic radiographs were ana lyzed and the radiomorphometric indices and fractal dimension were measured after first selecting the areas of interest to be studied. The results showed that fractal dimension of the basal cortical bone was lower in the study group, and MCW was lower in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. In addition, MCW and fractal dimension were lower with higher number of treatment cycles re ceived. In light of the results obtained, we can conclude that panoramic radiography can be useful in analyzing changes in bone mineral density in these patients throughout the course of treatment.Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEpu

    Application of Orthopantomography in the Analysis of Bone Mineral Density in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta

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    Osteogenesis imperfecta is a disorder characterized by osteopenia and bone fragility. Considering that orthopantomography is a routine diagnostic test in growing patients, it can be used to analyze bone density in these patients. The study sample consisted of 21 child patients diagnosed with OI, under medical treatment with antiresorptives and for whom orthopantomography was available, analyzed and compared with 20 healthy children. The panoramic radiographs were analyzed and the radiomorphometric indices and fractal dimension were measured after first selecting the areas of interest to be studied. The results showed that fractal dimension of the basal cortical bone was lower in the study group, and MCW was lower in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. In addition, MCW and fractal dimension were lower with higher number of treatment cycles received. In light of the results obtained, we can conclude that panoramic radiography can be useful in analyzing changes in bone mineral density in these patients throughout the course of treatment

    The impact of osteogénesis imperfecta severity on oral health-related quality of life in Spain: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) affects dental and craniofacial development; therefore, it can influence oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). The objective of this study was to explore the influence of the severity of OI on OHRQoL in adults older than eighteen years residing in Spain. Method: Adults with OI were recruited from the Spanish Association of Crystal Bone (AHUCE) foundation. OHRQoL was evaluated using the Spanish version of the Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire (OHIP-14sp), oral hygiene habits, and a dental care survey. Clinical and radiological dental examinations were performed to evaluate the patients' oral conditions. Results: A total of 65 adults (n = 46 females) aged between nineteen and sixty-two years who were diagnosed with OI and classified as type I, III, and IV (n = 20, 14, and 31, respectively) participated in this research. The total OHIP-14sp scores were significantly greater (worse) for type III (23 [SD = 10]) and type IV (21.4 [SD = 12]) than for type I (13.8 [SD = 6]) (P < 0.05). The negative impact of OHRQoL was due to the association of type III OI with all domains except for the handicap domain, while type IV OI was associated with the physical disability, social disability, and handicap domains (P < 0.05 for all). Conclusion: The severity of OI negatively impacted OHRQoL in adults. This association was statistically significant.Depto. de Especialidades Clínicas OdontológicasFac. de OdontologíaTRUEpu

    Influence of the Severity of Osteogenesis Imperfecta on Cranial Measurements

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    Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a disease that causes bone fragility and deformities, affecting both the cranial base and the craniocervical junction, and may lead to other neurological disorders. A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out based on cephalometric analysis of the cranial base in a sample of patients with OI, in lateral skull radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), comparing them with a sample of age-matched controls. When the different variables of the craniocervical junction were analyzed, significance was found in comparisons with the different age groups. All measurements of the variables studied stabilized as growth progressed. For most of the variables, the severity of the disease influences the measurements of the skull base, with statistically significant differences. Both age and severity of the disease are factors that directly influence the anatomy of the craniocervical junction in these patients and may serve as indicators in the early detection and prevention of other derived alterations

    Analysis of Craniocervical Abnormalities in Osteogenesis Imperfecta during Growth

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    Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a genetic disease characterized by osteopenia and bone fragility in which the craniocervical junction is also affected. This is of special relevance due to the high prevalence in anomalies described in the literature as follows: basilar invagination, basilar impression, and platybasia. Methods. We analyzed 19 lateral skull radiographs and 14 magnetic resonance images (MRIs) of 28 patients with OI in which eight linear and five angular measurements were plotted to determine the existence of craniocervical junction anomalies and compare them with 38 lateral skull radiographs and 28 MRIs performed on age-matched healthy controls. Results. From the reference values obtained from the control sample for each age group, we established the limit value at which pathology could be suspected. Some of the variables studied showed a clear trend associated with growth. More than half of the patients (60.71%) presented an anomaly in the skull base. Conclusions. According to the diagnostic criteria used and taking +2.5 SD as the limit value, 10.71% of the patients had basilar invagination, 35.71% had basilar impression, and 39.29% had platybasia, the latter being the most common finding