504 research outputs found

    MSSM Higgs Couplings to Bottom Quarks: Two-Loop Corrections

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    We present the two-loop SUSY-QCD corrections to the effective bottom Yukawa couplings within the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. The effective Yukawa couplings include the resummation of the non-decoupling corrections Delta m_b for large values of tg(beta). We have derived the two-loop SUSY-QCD corrections to the leading SUSY-QCD and top-induced SUSY-electroweak contributions to Delta m_b. The scale dependence of the resummed Yukawa couplings is reduced from O(10%) to the per-cent level. These results reduce the theoretical uncertainties of the MSSM Higgs branching ratios to the accuracy which can be achieved at a future linear e+e- collider.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Effect of Commission Bans on Household Wealth: Evidence from OECD Countries

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    Abstract In most OECD countries, financial advisors are primarily paid through commissions. This entails a principal agent problem in which the financial advisor has the incentive to sell financial products that maximize his income, not however the return of the investor seeking financial advice. To combat this conflict of interest, countries such as Denmark, Finland or Great Britain introduced commission bans. Our research finds an annual return difference of household wealth between 1.5% to 2% with a sample period from 1997 to 2020 for OECD countries with commission ban versus OECD countries without. This implies that households in commission ban countries can have close to double the amount of wealth compared to household in non-commission ban countries after 40 years. The results support the introduction of commission bans to foster private household wealth formation. Zusammenfassung In den meisten OECD-Ländern werden Finanzberater über Provisionen vergütet. Dieses System führt zu einem Principal-Agenten-Problem, bei dem der Finanzberater einen Anreiz hat, Finanzprodukte zu verkaufen, die sein Einkommen maximieren, nicht jedoch die Rendite des Anlegers. Um diesen Interessenskonflikt aufzulösen, haben Länder wie Dänemark, Finnland oder Großbritannien Provisionsverbote eingeführt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass zwischen 1997 und 2020 OECD-Länder mit Provisionsverbot eine 1,5% bis 2% höhere jährliche Rendite auf ihr Vermögen erreicht haben. Dies kann nahezu zu einer Verdopplung des Haushaltvermögens nach 40 Jahren führen. Somit sprechen die Ergebnisse für die Einführung von Provisionsverboten zur Förderung der Vermögensbildung privater Haushalte

    The Effect of Commission Bans on Household Wealth: Evidence from OECD Countries

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    Abstract In most OECD countries, financial advisors are primarily paid through commissions. This entails a principal agent problem in which the financial advisor has the incentive to sell financial products that maximize his income, not however the return of the investor seeking financial advice. To combat this conflict of interest, countries such as Denmark, Finland or Great Britain introduced commission bans. Our research finds an annual return difference of household wealth between 1.5% to 2% with a sample period from 1997 to 2020 for OECD countries with commission ban versus OECD countries without. This implies that households in commission ban countries can have close to double the amount of wealth compared to household in non-commission ban countries after 40 years. The results support the introduction of commission bans to foster private household wealth formation. Zusammenfassung In den meisten OECD-Ländern werden Finanzberater über Provisionen vergütet. Dieses System führt zu einem Principal-Agenten-Problem, bei dem der Finanzberater einen Anreiz hat, Finanzprodukte zu verkaufen, die sein Einkommen maximieren, nicht jedoch die Rendite des Anlegers. Um diesen Interessenskonflikt aufzulösen, haben Länder wie Dänemark, Finnland oder Großbritannien Provisionsverbote eingeführt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass zwischen 1997 und 2020 OECD-Länder mit Provisionsverbot eine 1,5% bis 2% höhere jährliche Rendite auf ihr Vermögen erreicht haben. Dies kann nahezu zu einer Verdopplung des Haushaltvermögens nach 40 Jahren führen. Somit sprechen die Ergebnisse für die Einführung von Provisionsverboten zur Förderung der Vermögensbildung privater Haushalte

    The Effect of Commission Bans on Household Wealth: Evidence from OECD Countries

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    Abstract In most OECD countries, financial advisors are primarily paid through commissions. This entails a principal agent problem in which the financial advisor has the incentive to sell financial products that maximize his income, not however the return of the investor seeking financial advice. To combat this conflict of interest, countries such as Denmark, Finland or Great Britain introduced commission bans. Our research finds an annual return difference of household wealth between 1.5% to 2% with a sample period from 1997 to 2020 for OECD countries with commission ban versus OECD countries without. This implies that households in commission ban countries can have close to double the amount of wealth compared to household in non-commission ban countries after 40 years. The results support the introduction of commission bans to foster private household wealth formation. Zusammenfassung In den meisten OECD-Ländern werden Finanzberater über Provisionen vergütet. Dieses System führt zu einem Principal-Agenten-Problem, bei dem der Finanzberater einen Anreiz hat, Finanzprodukte zu verkaufen, die sein Einkommen maximieren, nicht jedoch die Rendite des Anlegers. Um diesen Interessenskonflikt aufzulösen, haben Länder wie Dänemark, Finnland oder Großbritannien Provisionsverbote eingeführt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass zwischen 1997 und 2020 OECD-Länder mit Provisionsverbot eine 1,5% bis 2% höhere jährliche Rendite auf ihr Vermögen erreicht haben. Dies kann nahezu zu einer Verdopplung des Haushaltvermögens nach 40 Jahren führen. Somit sprechen die Ergebnisse für die Einführung von Provisionsverboten zur Förderung der Vermögensbildung privater Haushalte

    Frauenforschung in der Soziologie - quo vadis?

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    It is widely accepted that the devastating consequences of spinal cord injury are due to the failure of lesioned CNS axons to regenerate. The current study of the spontaneous tissue repair processes following dorsal hemisection of the adult rat spinal cord demonstrates a phase of rapid and substantial nerve fibre in‐growth into the lesion that was derived largely from both rostral and caudal spinal tissues. The response was characterized by increasing numbers of axons traversing the clearly defined interface between the lesion and the adjacent intact spinal cord, beginning by 5 days post operation (p.o.). Having penetrated the lesion, axons became associated with a framework of NGFr‐positive non‐neuronal cells (Schwann cells and leptomeningeal cells). Surprisingly few of these axons were derived from CGRP‐ or SP‐immunoreactive dorsal root ganglion neurons. At the longest survival time (56 days p.o.), there was a marked shift in the overall orientation of fibres from a largely rostro‐caudal to a dorso‐ventral axis. Attempts to identify which recognition molecules may be important for these re‐organizational processes during attempted tissue repair demonstrated the widespread and intense expression of the cell adhesion molecules (CAM) L1 and N‐CAM. Double immunofluorescence suggested that both Schwann cells and leptomeningeal cells contributed to the pattern of CAM expression associated with the cellular framework within the lesion

    Supersymmetric Higgs Yukawa Couplings to Bottom Quarks at next-to-next-to-leading Order

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    The effective bottom Yukawa couplings are analyzed for the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model at two-loop accuracy within SUSY-QCD. They include the resummation of the dominant corrections for large values of tg(beta). In particular the two-loop SUSY-QCD corrections to the leading SUSY-QCD and top-induced SUSY-electroweak contributions are addressed. The residual theoretical uncertainties range at the per-cent level.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, added comments and references, typos corrected, results unchanged, published versio

    Формирование проектных команд на основе анализа социальных сетей

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    Цель исследования – разработка социальной технологии равномерного разделения сложившегося коллектива на проектные группы. В процессе исследования проводилось разделение группы, состоящей из 20 студентов, на четыре мини-группы по 5 человек для реализации проектов, ранжирование полученных мини-групп по уровню сложности выполняемых задач и статистическая оценка эффективности разделения. В результате исследования учебная группа из 20 студентов была разделена на четыре мини-группы по 5 человек с коэффициентом модулярности кластеризации 0,284, проведено ранжирование полученных мини-групп по уровню сложности выполняемых задач, статистически оценено положительное влияние взаимодействия внутри мини-групп на индивидуальную академическую успеваемость студентов.The purpose of study is a development of social technology of uniform division of the existing staff in the project groups. During the study, there were conducted division of the group consisting of 20 students into four mini-groups of 5 people for the projects' realization, ranking of received mini-groups by the level of the task complexity to perform, and statistical evaluation of the division efficiency. As a result, the group of 20 students was divided into four mini-groups of 5 people with modularity coefficient of clustering equals to 0.284, ranking of received mini-groups by the level of the task complexity to perform was conducted, positive influence of interaction within mini-groups on individual academic performance of students was statistically estimated

    Testing supersymmetry at the LHC through gluon-fusion production of a slepton pair

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    Renormalizable quartic couplings among new particles are typical of supersymmetric models. Their detection could provide a test for supersymmetry, discriminating it from other extensions of the Standard Model. Quartic couplings among squarks and sleptons, together with the SU(3) gauge couplings for squarks, allow a new realization of the gluon-fusion mechanism for pair-production of sleptons at the one-loop level. The corresponding production cross section, however, is at most of O(1){\cal O}(1) fb for slepton and squark masses of O(100){\cal O}(100) GeV. We then extend our investigation to the gluon-fusion production of sleptons through the exchange of Higgs bosons. The cross section is even smaller, of O(0.1){\cal O}(0.1) fb, if the exchanged Higgs boson is considerably below the slepton-pair threshold, but it is enhanced when it is resonant. It can reach O(10){\cal O}(10) fb for the production of sleptons of same-chirality, exceeding these values for τ~\widetilde{\tau}'s of opposite-chirality, even when chirality-mixing terms in the squark sector are vanishing. The cross section can be further enhanced if these mixing terms are nonnegligible, providing a potentially interesting probe of the Higgs sector, in particular of parameters such as AA, μ\mu, and tanβ\tan\beta.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figure

    Probability landscapes for integrative genomics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The comprehension of the gene regulatory code in eukaryotes is one of the major challenges of systems biology, and is a requirement for the development of novel therapeutic strategies for multifactorial diseases. Its bi-fold degeneration precludes brute force and statistical approaches based on the genomic sequence alone. Rather, recursive integration of systematic, whole-genome experimental data with advanced statistical regulatory sequence predictions needs to be developed. Such experimental approaches as well as the prediction tools are only starting to become available and increasing numbers of genome sequences and empirical sequence annotations are under continual discovery-driven change. Furthermore, given the complexity of the question, a decade(s) long multi-laboratory effort needs to be envisioned. These constraints need to be considered in the creation of a framework that can pave a road to successful comprehension of the gene regulatory code.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We introduce here a concept for such a framework, based entirely on systematic annotation in terms of probability profiles of genomic sequence using any type of relevant experimental and theoretical information and subsequent cross-correlation analysis in hypothesis-driven model building and testing.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Probability landscapes, which include as reference set the probabilistic representation of the genomic sequence, can be used efficiently to discover and analyze correlations amongst initially heterogeneous and un-relatable descriptions and genome-wide measurements. Furthermore, this structure is usable as a support for automatically generating and testing hypotheses for alternative gene regulatory grammars and the evaluation of those through statistical analysis of the high-dimensional correlations between genomic sequence, sequence annotations, and experimental data. Finally, this structure provides a concrete and tangible basis for attempting to formulate a mathematical description of gene regulation in eukaryotes on a genome-wide scale.</p