216 research outputs found

    Analysis of the quark sector in the 2HDM-III with a four-zero Yukawa texture using the most recent data on the CKM matrix

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    In this letter we analyse, in the context of the general 2-Higgs Doublet Model, the structure of the Yukawa matrices, Y~1,2q\widetilde{ \bf Y}_{ _{1,2} }^{q}, by assuming a four-zero texture ansatz for their definition. In this framework, we obtain compact expressions for Y~1,2q\widetilde{ \bf Y}_{ _{1,2} }^{q}, which are reduced to the Cheng and Sher ansatz with the difference that they are obtained naturally as a direct consequence of the invariants of the fermion mass matrices. Furthermore, in order to avoid large flavour violating effects coming from charged Higgs exchange, we consider the main flavour constraints on the off-diagonal terms of Yukawa texture {{(χ~jq)kl\left( \widetilde{\chi}_{j}^q \right)_{kl}}} (klk\neq l). We perform a χ2\chi^2-fit based on current experimental data on the quark masses and the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix VCKM{ \bf V}_{\rm CKM }. Hence, we obtain the allowed ranges for the parameters Y~1,2q\widetilde{ \bf Y}_{ _{1,2} }^{q} at 1σ\sigma for several values of tanβ\tan \beta. The results are in complete agreement with the bounds obtained taking into account constraints on Flavour Changing Neutral Currents reported in the literature.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. Version accepted in Phys. Lett.

    Flavor violating decays of the Higgs bosons in the THDM-III

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    We calculate the branching ratios for the decays of neutral Higgs bosons (h0,H0,A0h^{0},H^{0},A^{0}) into pairs of fermions, including flavor violating processes, in the context of the General Two Higgs Doublet Model III.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables. Text clarifying equations and references added, typos correction

    Constraints on B and Higgs Physics in Minimal Low Energy Supersymmetric Models

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    We study the implications of minimal flavor violating low energy supersymmetry scenarios for the search of new physics in the B and Higgs sectors at the Tevatron collider and the LHC. We show that the already stringent Tevatron bound on the decay rate B_s -> mu+ mu- sets strong constraints on the possibility of generating large corrections to the mass difference Delta M_s of the B_s eigenstates. We also show that the B_s -> mu+ mu- bound together with the constraint on the branching ratio of the rare decay b -> s gamma has strong implications for the search of light, non-standard Higgs bosons at hadron colliders. In doing this, we demonstrate that the former expressions derived for the analysis of the double penguin contributions in the Kaon sector need to be corrected by additional terms for a realistic analysis of these effects. We also study a specific non-minimal flavor violating scenario, where there are flavor changing gluino-squark-quark interactions, governed by the CKM matrix elements, and show that the B and Higgs physics constraints are similar to the ones in the minimal flavor violating case. Finally we show that, in scenarios like electroweak baryogenesis which have light stops and charginos, there may be enhanced effects on the B and K mixing parameters, without any significant effect on the rate of B_s -> mu+ mu-.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures; added references and note about recent measurement

    Yukawa txtures and charged Higgs boson phenomenology in the type-III two-Higgs-doublet model

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    We discuss the implications of assuming a four-zero Yukawa texture for the properties of the charged Higgs boson within the context of the general 2-Higgs Doublet Model of Type III. We begin by presenting a detailed analysis of the charged Higgs boson couplings with heavy quarks and the resulting pattern for its decays. The production of charged Higgs bosons is also sensitive to the modifications of its couplings, so that we also evaluate the resulting effects on the top decay tbH+t \to b H^{+} as well as on `direct' cbˉH++c.c.c\bar{b}\to H^++c. c. and `indirect' qqˉ,ggtˉbH++c.c.q\bar q,gg\to \bar t b H^++c. c. production. Significant scope exists at the Large Hadron Collider for several H±H^\pm production and decay channels combined to enable one to distinguish between such a model and alternative 2-Higgs doublet scenarios.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figure

    Mass matrix Ansatz and lepton flavor violation in the THDM-III

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    Predictive Higgs-fermion couplings can be obtained when a specific texture for the fermion mass matrices is included in the general two-Higgs doublet model. We derive the form of these couplings in the charged lepton sector using a Hermitian mass matrix Ansatz with four-texture zeros. The presence of unconstrained phases in the vertices phi-li-lj modifies the pattern of flavor-violating Higgs interactions. Bounds on the model parameters are obtained from present limits on rare lepton flavor violating processes, which could be extended further by the search for the decay tau -> mu mu mu and mu-e conversion at future experiments. The signal from Higgs boson decays phi -> tau mu could be searched at the large hadron collider (LHC), while e-mu transitions could produce a detectable signal at a future e mu-collider, through the reaction e mu -> h0 -> tau tau.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Rompimiento de la Simetria Electrodebil y la Fisica del Higgs: Conceptos Basicos

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    Presentamos una introduccion a los conceptos basicos del rompimiento de la simetria electrodebil y la fisica del Higgs dentro del Modelo Estandar y sus extensiones supersimetricas. Se presenta tambien una breve perspectiva general de mecanismos alternativos del rompimiento de la simetria. Ademas de las bases teoricas, se discute el estado actual de la fisica experimental del Higgs y sus implicaciones para futuros experimentos en el LHC y en colisionadores lineales e+e-.Comment: Spanish text, including full English translation. Published in the Proceedings of the XI Mexican School on Particles and Fields, Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexic