4 research outputs found

    Study of particleboard manufacture by nonconventional bonding

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    This research was conducted to investigate the posibility of producing particleboards using surface activation method of  P. deltoides particles and then using  cross-linking agents to bond wood particles. At  first, nitric acid as an oxidative agent at different proportion including 0, 3, 4.5 & 6 percent (based on OD weight of wood) and two assembly times of 0 and 1 hour was used. Black liquor at two amounts of 5 and 7 percent was used as cross-linking agent. The results indicates that using 6% nitric acid and 7% liquor had the best performance and that, the assembly time of 1 hour had negative effect on all properties. The ATR spectrum of treated samples showed the increase in the absorbtion rate at 1740 cm-1  related to COOH group as compared with control samples.  In addition, the spectrum indicated that increasing oxidation increase absorbtion rate of COOH group

    Delignification of CMP pulp with Terametes versicolor

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    This study was investigated the effect of Trametes versicolor on chemimechanical pulp (CMP) delignification. CMP were obtained from Mazanderan wood and paper industries. Circle mats were made from CMP (diameter, 7cm; thickness, 1mm) and fortified with 1g/Lit yeast juice. After sterilized, pulp mats were incubated with tow disks punched from mycelium. The duration of incubate were 5, 10, 15 & 20 days as well as temperature and moisture 25oC and 40%, respectively. Standard hand sheets were made from biodelignification pulp, and was measured mechanical and optical properties. The portion of biodelignification pulp was alkaline extracted under condition of pulp consistency, 10%; temperature, 70oC; time, 80min and 2% sodium hydroxide, and then bleached under conditions of pulp consistency, 10%; temperature, 50oC; time, 60min and 4% hydrogen peroxide. Finally, mechanical and optical properties of standard hand sheet were measured. Results showed optimum time was 10 days that decreased 5.9% lignin. Mechanical properties of treated samples were lower than control samples, but statically were not significant. Optical properties of treated samples were lower than control samples but alkaline extraction and then bleaching with sodium peroxide was increase it

    The usage effect of nano-alumina on the mechanical and surface properties of HDF made of oxidized fibers

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    Current research was conducted to investigate the effect of nano Alumina modification on the mechanical and Surface properties of High-Density Fiberboard (HDF) made from oxidized fibers. Surface activation of fiber was done with 40% nitric acid. After fibers gluing with urea-formaldehyde (7% and 9% based on the dry weight of fibers), the boards were made by hot pressing. For veneering, two types of paper with grammage of 70 and 80 g/m2 impregnated with melamine-formaldehyde and nano-alumina 0, 1.5 and 3% were applied. According to the results, the highest bending strength, modulus of elasticity and hardness were measured in nitric acid-modified fibers/ 9% glue/ grammage of 80 g/m2/3% nano-alumina samples that was significant increase compared to the control boards a significant increase. The samples weight loss due to abrasion was decreased with increasing the veneers grammage and nano-alumina, which confirmed the positive effect of nano-alumina. Veneer grammage did not show significant effect on the resistance to cigarette burn, but the highest concentration of nano-alumina resulted to improve this surface resistance via increase of thermal conductivity

    Depended pH behavior of chitosan on surface modified fibers of Kraft pulp

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    Chitosan is known as a natural polymer which improves strengths of papers. So, in this study investigated improvement of chitosan absorption on modified craft fibers and increase its efficiency. The effects of chitosan were experimented in three levels of 0%, 0.75% and 1.25% on modified kraft fibers surfaces with 3% hydrogen peroxide in different pH levels (5.5, 7 and 8.5). The results showed that chitosan had better performance at low dosages and alkaline conditions. Also surface fibers modification by hydrogen peroxide caused increase of carboxyl groups and fibers anionic charge. Fibers anionic charge with participant of chitosan formed a dual system. The apparent density increased from acidic pH to alkaline. As, the highest apparent density were reached in alkaline pH and 0.75 % of chitosan. Also, tensile index and burst index of paper were reached in alkaline pH and 0.75 % of chitosan. Whereas, chitosan and the surface modified fibers of kraft pulp did not have a significant level on the tear inde