6 research outputs found

    Sanacija animalnog otpada u funkciji održivog razvoja

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    In the world, the best way of harmless removal of animal waste from meat industry as well as died animals is exactly their collecting and utilization (for feed production, chemical industry and fuel), depending of raw material structure and its characterization, their processing in special plants with modern equipment and technology. The environment is now threatened by the creation and accumulation of waste materials in all branches of industrial production and in the meat industry. The importance of harmless removal of animal wastes increases with the intensification of animal breeding and with development of meat processing plants.Značaj neškodljivog uklanjanja sporedhih proizvoda klanja životinja raste sa intenziviranjem stočarske proizvodnje i razvojem pogona za preradu mesa. Danas je to nezamenjiva veterinarsko sanitarna i preventivna mera u suzbijanju stočnih zaraza i zoonoza, a sve se više naglašava njena uloga u saniranju i očuvanju životne sredine. Najcelishodniji put za neškodljivo uklanjanje otpadaka iz industrije mesa kao i uginulih životinja je upravo njihovo sakupljanje i iskorišćenje (u proizvodnji hrane za životinje, hemijsku industriju ili pogonsko gorivo), tehničkom preradom u specijalnim fabrikama sa savremenom opremom i tehnologijom

    Iskorišćenje smeše starog hleba i mlinskog otpada uz dodatak otpadnog ulja procesa hladnog ceđenja soje

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    The paper presents the technological process of extrusion and utilization of stale bread and corn breakage in the production of quality and safe animal feed. There is an evident problem of stale bread in Vojvodina and elsewhere in the region, both in terms of quantity as well as with environmental and health and safety aspect. There is no organized way of collecting and distribution of stale bread for further processing. Therefore, it is increasingly polluting of the environment, create problems in the food chain, where socially vulnerable people bread collected from the container, feed the animals, humans consume meat that is medically risky. In the process of extrusion of corn fracture and bread crumbs (old bread) has been used, obtained by milling corn grits with corn rupture 13% of moisture and the bread crumbs which are mixed in the ratio of 50:50 in protivstujnoj a mixer, and then the mixture is moisturized to 5% to the weight of mixtures of waste oil from process hlanog squeezing oil from soybeans. The oil is waste from the process of cold pressing and squeezing oil from soybeans. Extrusion of the mixture was carried out on a twin-screw extruder with 85 kW running DEM Kulpin ,, at temperature 1380C-145 0C, and the head of the extruder, which had 4 holes 10mm diameter with a knife in the end. The results confirm that the obtained product is nutritionally valuable and microbiologically correct, but that the total number of mold and microorganisms below the maximum allowable concentration.U radu je prikazan tehnološki postupak ekstrudiranja i iskorišćenja starog hleba i kukuruznog loma u proizvodnji kvalitetne i zdravstveno bezbedne stočne hrane. Postoji evidentan problem starog hleba u Vojvodini i šire u regionu, kako sa aspekta količina, tako i sa ekološkog i zdravstveno-bezbednosnog aspekta. Ne postoji organizovan način prikupljanja i distribucije starog hleba radi dalje prerade. Zbog toga se u sve većoj meri zagađuje čovekova okolina, stvaraju se problemi u lancu ishrane, gde socijalno ugrožene osobe hleb prikupljaju iz kontejnera, hrane životinje, ljudi konzumiraju meso koje je zdravstveno rizično. U procesu ekstrudiranja kukuruznog loma i hlebnih mrvica(stari hleb) korišćen je kukurzni griz dobijen mlevenjem loma kukuruza sa 13% vlage i hlebne mrvic koji su izmešani u odnosu 50:50 u protivstujnoj mešalici, a potom je ova smeša navlažena sa 5% na masu smeše otpadnog ulja iz procesa hlanog ceđenja ulja iz soje. Ulje je otpad iz procesa hladnog presovanja i ceđenja ulja iz soje. Ekstrudiranje smeše izvršeno je na dvopužnom ekstruderu snage 85 kW u pogonu DEM Kulpin,, pri temperature 1380C-145 0C, a sa glavom ekstrudera koja je imala 4 otvora prečnika 10mm sa nožem na kraju. Dobijeni rezultat potvrđuju da je dobijeni proizvod nutritivno vredan i mikrobiološki ispravan, a da je ukupan broj plesni i mikroorganizama ispod maksimalno dozvoljenih koncetracija

    Not to be forgotten: The bombing of Novi Sad: An ecological black area

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    During the 1999 NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, the second largest Yugoslav city Novi Sad was one of the cities that bore the brunt of the bombing. According to NATO press releases, the bombing targeted oil refineries, roads, bridges, and telecommunications relay stations, facilities which had used for military purposes. The bombing of Novi Sad's refinery caused fires which burned 50000 tons of crude oil, sending toxins and carcinogens into the air and contaminating groundwater. The bombing of the city caused great damage to local civilians, including severe pollution and widespread ecological damage, health consequences which will remain for years as well as permanent psychological consequences caused by almost 3 months of trauma and fear

    Flakes product supplemented with sunflower and dry residues of wild oregano

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    This paper investigates the effects of simultaneous addition of sunflower (3, 6 or 9 g/100 g of sample) and dry residue of wild oregano (0.5 or 1 of sample), on the physical texture and chemical properties of corn flakes to obtain new products with altered nutritional properties. The chemometric analysis pointed at the versatile beneficial contributions of sunflower in corn flakes enriched with dry residue of wild oregano enabling the optimization of corn flakes formula. The presented data point that addition of milled sunflower in investigated corn flakes products improved nutritive properties while addition of dry residue of wild oregano improved physical characteristics of corn flakes products. Regarding quality (sample CF11, score value of 0.59) maximum scores have been obtained with the addition of 6 g/100 g of sunflower and 1 g/100 g of dry residue of wild oregano per 100 g of sample for corn flakes formulation. Production of corn flakes with addition of wild oregano residues contributed to the food waste valorisation in the food industry. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III 46005 an Grant no. TR 31027