3 research outputs found

    STRUKTUR DAN PERAN ANEKA LEMBAGA DALAM RANTAI PASOK TERNAK DAN DAGING SAPI POTONG DI PROVINSI NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR (Structure and role of of various institutions in supply chain of cattle and beef comodities in East Nusa Tenggara Province)

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    The structure and role of each specific institution in the supply chain management of local cattle marketing need to be known in detail and comprehensively. The objectives were: 1)  to describe the various institutional roles in the supply chain management of livestock and beef in Kupang District and Kupang City, NTT; and 2)  to formulate efforts to improve the institutional performance of the livestock and beef supply chain in Kupang District, NTT. Surveys of institutions related to supply chain  management of beef cattle in a comprehensive manner, covering all stakeholders (farmers, livestock traders, butchers, meat traders, animal markets, slaughterhouses, animal quarantine, sea freight expeditions, etc.). Data were analyzed descriptively- qualitatively and quantitatively, analysis of costs , benefits and margin of each marketing actor. As conclusions were: 1) The role of institutions in the supply chain management of cattle / beef in Kupang Regency is slowly starting to form a solid network according to the roles of the parties. However, they still have problems in terms of smooth communication and interaction in transactions at each point of the supply chain, especially the point between farmers and village traders regarding price determination; and 2)   the institutional performance of cattle/ beef supply chain as a whole to ensure the interests of all stakeholders not optimal yet, in particular related to improve the group transaction methods, benchmark prices, controlling the sale of young females, preventing the slaughter of productive females, strict quarantine, and the availability of large capacity livestock vessels


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    The objectives of this study were 1) to determine the rate of farmer’s income which obtained from pig farming, 2) to analyze the financial feasibility of pig farming in Nagekeo Regency. The sampling method consist of three phases. Firstly determining two districts purposively, Secondly determining four villages sample also purposively, thirdly, determining 41 respondents in the basis of proportional random sampling. The data collected were analyzed using income and financial analysis. The criteria of financial analysis were NPV, Net B/C, R/C, IRR, Price of BEP and PP. The results of this study showed that the average of farmer’s income abtained from pig farming was Rp 18.514.171 per year. The financial analysis shows the NPV of Rp 21.568.664, the value of the Net B/C of 2,06; R/C of 2,88; IRR of 44%; PBP of 1,5 per year; and Price of BEP equal is Rp 3.497.721 million. Based on the results abtained it can be concluded that the pig farming in Nagekeo is already profitable and financially feasible. Therefore, efforts need to be developed and improved. ABSTRAK  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengetahui besarnya pendapatan petani peternak yang diperoleh dari usaha ternak babi yang dijalankan di Kabupaten Nagekeo dan 2) menganalisis kelayakan usaha ternak babi secara finansial di Kabupaten Nagekeo. Metode pengambilan contoh dilakukan melalui tiga tahap. Pada tahap pertama dilakukan pada tingkat kecamatan secara purposive (sengaja) dari 7 kecamatan diperoleh 2 Kecamatan Contoh. Penentuan Desa Contoh dilakukan secara purposive (sengaja) dari 26 desa sehingga diperoleh 4 Desa Contoh. Penentuan responden dilakukan secara acak proposional, sehingga diperoleh 41 responden. Data analisis menggunakan  analisis pendapatan, dan analisis finansial dengan menggunakan kriteria NPV, Net B/C, R/C, IRR, BEP Harga dan PP. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata besar pendapatan yang diterima dari usaha ternak babi adalah sebesar Rp 18.514.171 per tahun. Analisis finansial menunjukkan nilai NPV sebesar Rp 21.568.664, nilai R/C ratio sebesar 2,88, nilai B/C sebesar 2,06, nilai IRR sebesar 44%, nilai PBP sebesar 1,5 tahun dan BEP harga sebesar Rp 3.497.721. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa usaha ternak babi di Kabupaten Nagekeo sudah menguntungkan dan layak secara finansial. Oleh karena itu usaha ini perlu dikembangkan dan ditingkatkan


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      The purpose of this research were to identify the strength, weakness, oppurtunity, threat and  to know the result of analysis strategy of developing effort agroindustrise’i babi which  hasbeen in District Oebobo in Kupang City.This research was conduct by some steps with analysis tools which used were input step to identify the factor  internal, eksternal of environment by use the matrics  IFE and EFE. Verification step used SWOT matrics, and decision step used QSPM  matrics.Resultaccount of IFE matrics get score about 2,606 with prominent superiority of company was quality of product (score 0,284) and prominent lack of company was capacity of production still limited (score 0,133). The result of EFE matrics get score about 2,75 with prominent oppurtunity is high consumer loyalty to products ( score 0,299) and prominent threat is increase of inflation ( score 0,275).Result of SWOT analysis produce about eleven alternatif strategies. Based of the result QSPM analysis of eleven strategy alternatif, there was one strategy alternatif which priority is to increase the quantity and quality of product se’i babi with score TAS about 6,116. ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu Mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dan mengetahui hasil analisis strategi pengembangan usaha agroindustri se’i babi yang tersebar di Kecamatan Oebobo, Kota Kupang. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan dengan alat analisis yang dipakai yakni tahap input mengidentifikasi faktor lingkungan internal eksternal menggunakan matrik IFE dan  matrik (EFE). Tahap pencocokan menggunakan matriks SWOT, dan tahap keputusan menggunakan matrik QSPM. Hasil perhitungan dengan matrik IFE diperoleh total skor sebesar 2,606 dengan kekuatan utama perusahaan adalah produk berkualitas (skor 0,284) dan kelemahan utama perusahaan adalah kapasitas produksi masih terbatas (skor 0,133). Hasil perhitungan matrik EFE diperoleh total skor sebesar 2,75 dengan peluang utama yakni tingginya loyalitas konsumen terhadap produk (skor 0,299) dan ancaman utama yakni ancaman naiknya inflasi (skor 0,275). Hasil analisis SWOT menghasilkan sebelas strategi alternatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis QSPM, dari sebelas alternatif strategi yang ada terdapat satu alternatif strategi yang diperioritaskan yakni meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk se’i babi dengan skor TAS sebesar 6,116