17 research outputs found


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    Objectives: Silk is biocompatible as biomaterial and has been used commercially as sutures. More interesting properties of the silk are that the mechanical properties exceed all natural polymer and synthetic materials. In this research, a type of silk suture is being developed from species of Attacus atlas to obtain better biocompatible sutures. A. atlas is a species of silk moth that consume not only single types of leaves. The Quality of cocoon fiber then can be arranged base on the types of the leaves that is consumed. Better biocompatibility sutures comparing with recent commercial silk sutures which is not biocompatible, can be achieved by feeding with variety types of leaves. Silk suture that already established in the market is a base product of Bombyx mori species of silk which is only consume one type of leaf (mulberry leaves).Methods: In this research, the A. atlas cocoon was produced by feeding with herb Erythrina variegate. The microstructure was observed, element composition as well as biocompatibles properties was investigated.Results: A high composition of kalium (K) as well as chloride (Cl) is identified in the fiber. The released fiber from cocoon also indicates high biocompatibility that is promising as biocompatible suture.Conclusion: The biocompatible fiber for future application as sutures is possible to be prepared by feeding the wild silkworm of A. atlas with leaf of E. variegate. The fiber is found rich with kalium (K) as well as chloride (Cl) with irregular shape of crystal at the surface of the fiber


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    Objective: The aim of the investigation is to evaluate and to compare the tensile strength of commercial natural and synthetic absorbable suturematerials currently used in surgery. The natural absorbable sutures of chromic catgut are prepared for this purpose as well as commercial syntheticabsorbable sutures made from polyglycolide.Methods: The analysis has been carried out following the standard test method for tensile strength and Young’s modulus of fiber ASTM C1557-03.Measuring the diameter of each suture has been carried out with an optical microscope to determine the accuracy of manufacturers’ data. Tensiletesting has been performed to evaluate the tensile strength of each type of sutures. The modulus elasticity and strain (ϵ) obtained are also presented.Results: The results show that sutures made from braided synthetic material of polyglycolide (violet coated) present a tensile strength remarkablysuperior (1070.292 MPa) to that of natural absorbable sutures of chromic catgut (392.276 MPa). Using optical macro microscope analysis,monofilament sutures present less surface irregularities than multifilament polyglycolide sutures. Chromic catgut monofilament sutures present lesssurface irregularities than multifilament polyglycolide.Conclusion: Tensile test of absorbable sutures was conducted in this research. Two types of absorbable sutures were investigated and compared. It isfound that sutures made from braided synthetic material of polyglycolide (violet coated) having much better tensile strength comparing with suturesmade from natural material (chromic catgut monofilament)


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    Objective: The purpose of this research is to investigate the tensile strength of commercial synthetic non-absorbable suture made from blue polypropylene monofilament that commonly used in surgery.Methods: The commercial synthetic non-absorbable made from blue polypropylene monofilament was prepared for this purpose. The ASTM C1557-03 was used as a standard the method for analysis. For accuracy of the measurement, the diameter of the sutures was measured using optical microscope. The tensile strength, strain at failure, and modulus elasticity of the sutures were measured following instruction from the standard test method. The graph strain versus stress was provided.Results: Results show that that the average tensile strength of five valid tested samples is about 875.812 MPa. The average strain is found about 0.282. The average of modulus of elasticity is 4026.069 MPa.Conclusion: It is concluded that the sutures of commercial synthetic non-absorbable suture made from blue polypropylene monofilament having linier elastic as well as plastic properties. The average tensile strength of five valid tested samples is about 875.812 MPa. The average strain at failure is found about 0.282. The average of modulus of elasticity is 4026.069 MPa

    Growth Rate and Body Size Mapping of Male Buffaloes during the Fattening Phase

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    Background: Buffalo is an animal that really likes water. Generally, buffalo like to soak in muddy waters and swamps around the cage. This behavior appears because buffalo have very few sweat glands. Therefore, if one wants to develop buffalo farming, he/she should look for special habitats or existing buffalo breeding centers. Differences in growth rates are caused by physiological factors and functional demands. Growth in animal body size usually follows an exponential function, with the growth rate varying from one body size to another. An animal's body size that functions earlier will grow faster with a greater growth rate than an animal that functions later. Differences in the growth rate of animal body size are also influenced by the constituent components of these body parts. Body parts composed primarily of bone will develop earlier than those composed of muscle or fat. During fattening, the body size of male buffaloes will have a different growth rate, where this difference indicates the potential for body size. The body size of a buffalo with a high growth rate has relatively large growth potential, while those with a small growth rate have small growth potential, or the body part has stopped growing because it has reached its maximum point. The purpose of this study is to determine the body size growth rate of male buffaloes, which have high potential during fattening. Mapping the body size of male buffaloes during fattening aims to help breeders determine at what age the buffaloes start to be fattened and slaughtered for meat production purposes so that they are economically quite profitable. Methodology: Data was collected using a saturated sampling technique, in which the livestock taken were all buffaloes kept by the Sumber Sari Livestock Group in Kalianget village, Seririt District, Buleleng Regency, Bali, which met the requirements in terms of their health and physical condition. The data obtained were analyzed using the power model regression analysis to determine the growth rate of the body size of the buffaloes. To map the growth rate, Biplot analysis was carried out with a Promax rotation of 90, as the variable is the estimated body size of the buffaloes based on the equation of the power regression line, and the object is the age of the male buffaloes. Conclusion: The results showed that the fastest growth rate or the greatest potential was chest width, followed by hip width, chest depth, body length, chest circumference, and shoulder height. At the same time, the slowest part of the lowest potential was the height of the hips. The results of mapping the body size growth rate of male buffalo aged 11-74 months with biplot charts showed that their growth potential was still quite high. However, there was a tendency for male buffalo over 30 months to have a slower growth rate in body size than those under 30 months

    Biplot Simulation of Length and Circumference of Different Body Regions of Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Background: Biplot simulation using factor analysis with Promax kappa rotation of 90 is used to determine the coordinates of the length and body circumference dimensions of male and female mud buffalo in two-dimensional space. So that it can be known which body dimensions have fast, medium, and slow growth rates, and also to find out at what age male and female buffalo the growth rate is fast or slow. Methods: This study used 3 male and female buffaloes aged 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 months, so that the number of buffalo used was 36. The data obtained were analyzed using Factor Analysis with Promax Kappa 90 rotation. The object coordinates were the coordinates of male and female swamp buffalo aged 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 months, determined based on the Analysis Factor Scores Regression. The location of the coordinates of the length and circumference dimensions and the location of the object coordinates of male and female buffaloes aged 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 months are drawn using a biplot graph. Conclusion: The biplot simulation results show that the body dimensions in quadrant II have the fastest growth rate, namely the length of the horns and the length of the neck, which are body dimensions that are slow to reach adult size. The dimensions of the body in quadrant I are body length, head length, upper and lower neck circumference. While the slow growth rate in quadrant IV indicates that the dimensions of the body are already growing or the growth is not optimal; namely, the length of the ears and the length of the tail have reached adult size. At the same time, the abdominal circumference and chest circumference are due to their growth not being optimal. Based on age and sex, the dimensions of male buffalo's length and body circumference are always greater than that of female buffalo from the age of 10-20 months. The positional distance between male and female buffalo age shows that the older the age, the shorter the distance; this result indicates that the growth rate slows down with increasing age

    Tumbuh Kembang Organ Visceral Itik Lokal Bali pada Masa Finisher

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tumbuh kembang organ visceral itik lokal bali pada masa finisher, sehingga dapat ditentukan perkiraan berat organ pada usia tertentu. Penelitian ini menggunakan itik jantan dan betina umur 8-16 minggu sebanyak 30 ekor yang dipelihara secara semi intensif di Desa Kalianget, Kecamatan Seririt, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali. Penelitian ini tentang organ visceral (hati, jantung, paru-paru dan ventrikulus), dilakukan penimbangan berat organ setiap 2 minggu. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Multivariant dan regresi power. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan saat berumur 8 sampai 16 minggu itik bali terjadi pertumbuhan berat organ visceral yang nyata. Hasil analisis Multivariant menunjukkan berat organ visceral itik lokal bali jantan dan betina tidak berbeda nyata, hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan organ visceral mengalami laju tumbuh kembang yang nyata , yang paling awal tumbuh adalah ventrikulus, jantung, paru- paru dan yang terakhir adalah hati

    Pola Pertumbuhan Dimensi Panjang Pada Babi Bali

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    Penelitian pola pertumbuhan panjang bagian-bagian tubuh babi bali telah dilakukan di Desa Musi, Kecamatan Gerokgak, Buleleng, Bali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui panjang kepala, leher, telinga, punggung dan ekor pada saat kelahiran sampai ukuran maksimal yang dapat dicapai, serta menentukan kapan pertumbuhan telah mencapai titik infleksi dan ukuran dewasa. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah babi bali pada usia 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, dan 26 minggu. Data dianalisis dengan model analisis regresi sigmoid, dengan menentukan panjang kepala, leher, telinga, punggung dan ekor saat lahir, ukuran maksimumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa panjang kepala, leher, telinga, punggung dan ekor mengikuti pola sigmoid. Babi bali jantan dan betina pada saat lahir memiliki ukuran panjang kepala, leher, telinga, punggung dan ekor yang sama, sedangkan untuk ukuran maksimum, panjang bagian-bagian kepala, leher, telinga, punggung dan ekor terdapat perbedaan antara babi bali jantan dan betina. Titik infleksi yang paling cepat dicapai adalah panjang ekor babi bali betina pada usia 2 minggu dan yang paling lambat adalah panjang punggung pada umur 8 minggu, sedangkan ukuran dewasa tercepat dicapai adalah panjang teliga babi jantan pada usia 15 minggu dan yang paling lambat adalah panjang ekor pada umur 45 minggu

    Dimensi Kuku Sapi Bali

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    Kaki sapi bali yang baik adalah kaki yang proporsional dengan ukuran tubuh, mampu menopang tubuh secara tegak lurus. Bagian kuku perlu diperhatikan karena kuku yang terganggu akan membuat pertumbuhan sapi kurang optimal. Kuku sapi harus kokoh, tidak sensitif, dapat tumbuh dan berkembang terus, dan memiliki elastisitas yang tinggi. Sapi bali yang digemukan cenderung memiliki kuku yang tumbuh lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan sapi bali yang dibiarkan bebas. Tujuan Penelitian untuk mengetahui dimensi ukuran kuku kaki depan dan kaki belakang sapi bali serta menentukan ukuran standar normal (panjang kuku, tinggi kuku, diagonal kuku, lebar kuku, luas kuku, tinggi tumit)  kaki depan dan kaki belakang sapi bali jantan dan betina. Sampel  yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah sapi bali dewasa sebanyak 40 ekor, terdiri dari 20 jantan dan 20 betina dewasa di Pasar Hewan Bringkit Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung, dan pengukuran dilakukan pada sapi dalam keadaan berdiri. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan uji Independent-Samples T-test pada selang kepercayaan 95% dan 99% dengan Statistical Program for Social Science(SPSS) for Window versi 17.0. Dari hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa dimensi ukuran  kuku  kaki yang terdiri dari ukuran-ukuran standar kuku, panjang, tinggi tumit, diagonal kuku, dan lebar kuku kaki sapi jantan lebih besar dari pada kuku sapi betina

    Faktor-faktor Risiko Penyebaran Escherichia coli O157:H7 pada Sapi Bali di Kuta Selatan, Badung, Bali (RISK FACTORS FOR DISSEMINATION OF ESCHERICHIA COLI O157:H7 IN BALIN CATTLE IN SOUTH KUTA, BADUNG, BALI)

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    Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a strain of E.coli which has ability to produce toxin known as shiga-liketoxin. Shiga like toxin can cause colitis haemorrhagic and hemolytic uremic syndrome in human. However,in calves, it can cause diarrhea, while in adult cattle can be career. Cattle are primary reservoir of E. coliO157:H7. Study of dissemination pattern of E.coli O157:H7 was carried out using 60 samples of cattlefeces. This is a cross sectional study and samples were collected using purposive sampling technique.Based on statistic calculation using chi-square and Odds ratio tests, it was found some risk factorsaffected the dissemination of E.coli O157:H7 infection in South Kuta District, Badung, Bali. Some of thosewere the altitude of sea level that showed the cattle which were maintained in highland showed more riskthan cattle that was in the lowland, with odds ratio value 1.12. The management animal husbandryshowed cattle that maintained in captive management were in higher risk than cattle that was notmanaged in captive system, with odds ratio value 2.50. The type of captive floor, which made from cementwas higher risk than cattle that was raised in captive floor which were made from non cement with oddsratio value 6.22. The chi-square test result did not show a significant difference to the dissemination of E.coli O157:H7 in the South Kuta-district

    Pemeliharaan Anjing oleh Masyarakat Kota Denpasar yang Berkaitan dengan Faktor Risiko Rabies

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem pemeliharaan anjing masyarakat Kota Denpasar yang berisiko terhadap penularan rabies serta pemahaman masyarakat tentang bahaya penyakit rabies. Metode yang dipakai adalah survei terhadap responden atau pemilik anjing di Kota Denpasar, meliputi tiga kecamatan yaitu Kecamatan Denpasar Barat, Denpasar Timur dan Denpasar Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan 140 responden sebagai sampel yaitu 50 responden di Denpasar Barat, 60 responden di Denpasar Timur dan 30 responden di Denpasar Utara. Wawancara dilakukan dengan bantuan kuisioner (closed ended dan open ended). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pemeliharaan anjing masyarakat Kota Denpasar relatif baik namun ada sejumlah faktor risiko rabies yang perlu diwaspadai seperti anjing peliharaan berkontak dengan anjing lain, memelihara HPR (Hewan Pembawa Rabies) selain anjing dan sistem pemeliharaan dengan cara dilepas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem pemeliharaan anjing oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Kota Denpasar relatif baik. namun ada sejumlah faktor risiko rabies yang perlu diwaspadai seperti kontak dengan anjing lain, memelihara HPR lain dan pemeliharaan yang dilepasliarkan