45 research outputs found

    Telecenters: A Model for Community Access to ICTs

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    The paper presents research in progress carried out within the Bulgaria Public Computer and Communications Center (PC3) project sponsored by USAID. An alternative telecenter model for community access to information and communication technologies (ICT) is presented, derived from the global telecenter experience while taking into account the Bulgarian context. The specifics of the model are highlighted and the main aspects of the implementation process are discussed. Projections are made towards expected results and potential challenges

    An Approach for Evaluating Web-Based Collaborative Environments

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    The paper presents a study of Web-based Collaborative Environments (CE) with regard to the type and frequency of the embedded tools. A classification is made by the type of tools most frequently included. A model for evaluating and choosing an appropriate environment in a concrete context is proposed

    A Virtual Environment for Distance Education and Training

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    The paper aims at developing a model for a Virtual Environment for Distance Education and Training (VEDET) that offers a comprehensive metaphor to be used both for humancomputer interface and instructional design purposes. It also gives a paradigm for restructuring traditional education and training by complementing them with a virtual component. Thus the VEDET would not replace the traditional school, university or training department of a organisation but rather extend their facilities and tools and make their activities more flexible and technologically enriched

    When I*Teach means I*Learn: developing and implementing an innovative methodology for building ICT-enhanced skills

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    The paper presents research findings and pilot experiences related to the development and validation of an innovative methodology for building ICT-enhanced skills. The concept of ICT-enhanced skills and the essence of the methodology are explained. The process of methodology validation – via a pilot teacher training course – is presented by offering the reader a dual perspective: that of a teacher and that of a learner. The main insights and conclusions are illustrated by authentic teachers’ impressions

    The-more-it-changes-the-samer-it-gets Principle in the Context of Mathematics and Informatics Education

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    The paper presents some observations from the authors’ teaching experience with teachers and students in a Logo and a Toon Talk environment. The effect of having different representations of the same notion is explored in the context of some important mathematics and informatics concepts and structures. A comparison is made between using visual (TT-like) and script based programming languages for educational purposes

    WebLabs: Virtual collaborative learning experience for researchers, teachers and students

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    The paper presents experiences from a 3 year international project, WebLabs: New representational infrastructure for e-learning, in which researchers, teachers and young students from UK, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Sweden, Portugal and Italy participated. The project explored innovative pedagogy based on the integration of constructionist learning approach and virtual co-learning. For the purposes of the project a visual programming environment, Toon Talk, and a virtual collaborative system, Wplone, were adopted, and special instruments - webreports - were designed and developed. The experience proved that mathematical and science concepts, usually considered as difficult and unattainable for young children, can be made accessible and meaningful to them, by using different representations as well as group co-learning and reflection

    E-learning for Enhancing Management Skills

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    The paper discusses design and development issues of a course intended for mixed delivery (face-to-face and online) and aiming at enhancing management skills of early years practitioners in order to enhance their labor market prospects. The course is being developed within the EEEYMS* project by partners from UK, Finland, Bulgaria and The Netherlands. The purpose is to design an ICT based flexible learning solution. The content is organized in nine modules. The course is implemented in two ways: an online version, integrated into a Learning Management System (LearnWise), and an off-line version (on CD). This paper discusses content and design decisions, module structure and organization, navigation strategies, and issues related to translation of learning materials into user-friendly electronic format for non-IT specialists

    A Virtual Teacher Community to facilitate professional development

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    Information technologies revolution calls for new skills and teachers’ qualifications. In order to help secondary school education to meet the requirements raised by the changes in information and educational technologies, development of new curricula and supporting materials is necessary, on the one hand, and building relevant teachers knowledge and skills, on the other. The paper discusses the problem for supporting teachers’ professional development. Building a virtual community of teachers and experts is proposed in order to support teachers in building new knowledge and skills and to motivate and help them to collaborate, share and reuse educational resources

    A Virtual Teacher Community to Facilitate

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    Paper presented at the ISSEP 2006: Informatics Education – The Bridge between Using and Understanding Computers, Viluis, Lithuania, 7-11 November 2006Information technologies revolution calls for new skills and teachers’ qualifications. In order to help secondary school education to meet the requirements raised by the changes in information and educational technologies, development of new curricula and supporting materials is necessary, on the one hand, and building relevant teachers knowledge and skills, on the other. The paper discusses the problem for supporting teachers’ professional development. Building a virtual community of teachers and experts is proposed in order to support teachers in building new knowledge and skills and to motivate and help them to collaborate, share and reuse educational resources.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org