3 research outputs found

    Env-Aware Anomaly Detection: Ignore Style Changes, Stay True to Content!

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    We introduce a formalization and benchmark for the unsupervised anomaly detection task in the distribution-shift scenario. Our work builds upon the iWildCam dataset, and, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose such an approach for visual data. We empirically validate that environment-aware methods perform better in such cases when compared with the basic Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM). We next propose an extension for generating positive samples for contrastive methods that considers the environment labels when training, improving the ERM baseline score by 8.7%

    Environment-biased Feature Ranking for Novelty Detection Robustness

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    We tackle the problem of robust novelty detection, where we aim to detect novelties in terms of semantic content while being invariant to changes in other, irrelevant factors. Specifically, we operate in a setup with multiple environments, where we determine the set of features that are associated more with the environments, rather than to the content relevant for the task. Thus, we propose a method that starts with a pretrained embedding and a multi-env setup and manages to rank the features based on their environment-focus. First, we compute a per-feature score based on the feature distribution variance between envs. Next, we show that by dropping the highly scored ones, we manage to remove spurious correlations and improve the overall performance by up to 6%, both in covariance and sub-population shift cases, both for a real and a synthetic benchmark, that we introduce for this task.Comment: The updated, long version of the paper is available at arXiv:2310.0373