11 research outputs found

    Implementation of ISO 22000 - a tool to increase business efficiency and customer satisfaction. A Case Study: SC Prodlacta Brasov

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    Quality is the extent to which the product meets the need that led to its appearance. If a product meets expectations, the quality has been reached. Quality management is an organizational strategy based on the idea that higher performance is achieved only by involving the perseverance of the entire organization in continuous improvement processes. One of the quality strategies that can be used to improve the activity is the certification that involves the implementation of international standards on quality management at the organization level

    Design element analysis on juice market Case study: Prigat

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    : If at the beginning package was considered simply a package that contained a product, now due to the development and modernization of the trade, it is a very valuable component of the marketing policy, being a carrier of messages to the consumer. Classic design elements that are included in any packaging refer to shape, color and graphics. The Romanian Juices Market was marked by originality and innovation in terms of packaging design elements. Thus, from 1998 until now the following have appeared: the first wide mouth square bottle, the first sport opening head PET bottle for Prigat Active, the first opening gable top box produced in our country

    Consumer protection in electronic commerce

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    Electronic commerce is one of the most important aspects of the Internet and allows people to buy instant. Fast and easy development of e-commerce has led to the necessity of consumer protection in cyberspace, where trade takes place, so as to ensure consumer safety and security matters. This article examines e-commerce in terms of consumer protection and data security, which concerns equally all stakeholders in the electronic market: buyers, sellers, banks, courier cargo and other participants

    The influence of consumer protection on the satisfaction of airline passengers

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    In a society in continuous development, air transport is no longer a luxury, but a means of transportation for everyone. As a result of rising living standards, reducing the cost of air travel compared to other means of transport, more and more people prefer to travel by air even at short distances. The steady increase in popularity and accessibility of air transport has led, in some cases to a decrease in the quality of services provided by air transport companies and in violation of consumer rights. The evolution of consumer protection has influenced positively the quality of air transport services by imposing certain obligations and offering a very high level of security, which increases passenger satisfaction. This article aims to quantify the passanger satisfaction and how the rights and interests of travelers in Romania are protected. In this respect, the authors carried out a quantitative research done among consumers of air transport services. Through a quantitative exploratory empirical research, 110 people were interviewed. The results obtained have made it possible to determine the extent to which the airline they have called upon, succeeds in meeting their expectations and satisfying them, and their rights have been respected. At the same time, passengers’ perception of the quality of air services were also quantified. Based on the results, the authors make some recommendations to airline companies’ management: to develop effective strategies to protect the rights and interests of travelers, to permanently identify the needs of the actual customers


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    In order to be competitive on the tourism market, hotels adopt different strategies. An intelligent and relatively new strategy that is adopted in the hotel market in Romania is the use of the ECO concept, the goal being to achieve sustainable development and sustainable tourism, involving a series of socio-economic benefits. One of the first accommodation units in Romania to use this strategy is Vega Hotel in Mamaia, a 5* hotel, which was awarded the Eco-Hotel Management System certification by Tuv-Rheinland Romania in the summer of 2009. This paper, through a market research, analyzes the views and attitudes of tourists on the use of the ECO concept in the hospitality industry

    Quality management in shipping. Case study: Maersk Line Denmark

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    Quality assurance has become very important to the majority of production or service companies with international activity. Maritime transport companies were also required to take measures to implement a quality management system. Because of navigation accidents that had a significant impact on shipping, there was designed a ship safety management code. To put into practice the quality management system, each company adopts specific quality strategies according to their activity

    Policies and Strategies Quality Courier Services Market Case Study DHL

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    In this paper we presented some of the policies and strategies quality courier servicesimplemented at DHL. We focused on this company because it is the only one that has achievedSuperbrand status in category '' Transport and Courier '. This company is an economic model to befollowed, both in terms of the values it perpetuates the market and developed a business model. Company policy in quality, is to offer its customers high quality services in the field of courierservices at a competitive price, under achieving a good profit for the company and a good salaryfor employees


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    The present economic crisis has had a powerful impact on the restaurants in the city of Brașov, which have confronted themselves in the past years both with a decrease in the number of consumers, and with a reduction in the consumption of products and public food services. In this context, this survey aims to analyze the perceptions of the restaurant managers in the city of Brașov regarding the quality of products and services they offer to the consumers, by using, in this sense, one of the techniques that are specific to qualitative research that is the semi - directive in - depth interview method


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    Marketing communication has evolved steadily in the direction of increasing complexity and increasing volume of funds needed to run their own actions. More than ever, consumers are exposed to an overwhelming variety of sources and communication tehniques, the information received being numerous, diverse and polyvalent. The desire to make more efficient the marketing communication activity urges the broadcasters to encode messages, to use effective means of propagation in order to obtain a high degree of control on receptors and to influence the consumption attitudes. Between the means used for this purpose, manipulation tehniques are well known. This paper highlights the main conclusions drawn as a result of a quantitative marketing research on the adult population from Braşov in order to identify the attitudes and opinions of consumers from Braşov regarding the manipulation techniques used by commercial practices and advertising.The results of the research have shown that 82% of the respondents buy products in promotional offers, and 18% choose not to buy these products and 61% of the respondents consider that they have not been manipulated not even once, while only 39% believe that they have been manipulated at least once through advertising or commercial practices. Advertisements on TV have a strong influence on consumers, 81% of the respondents considering that at least once they have bought a product because of a TV commercial

    Food Safety and Sustainability ‒ An Exploratory Approach at the Level of the Romanian Wine Production Companies

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    This article aims at identifying and analyzing opinions referring to the necessity, opportunity and efficiency of the implementation of the strategies and sustainable development practices in the wine industry as food safety is considered a component of sustainability. The main objective of the paper is to create a clear picture of the existing willingness of companies to adopt marketing strategies that should contribute to increasing food security by increasing the quality of wine and which should be based on the principles of sustainability. In this sense, the authors conducted some qualitative marketing research in which 15 managers from wine producing companies from Romania's wine-growing areas were interviewed. The research highlights the relationship between responsible consumption, food safety and sustainability, and the authors believe that such an association is relevant to the economic and social context of the European Union and other parts of the world. The novelty of this research refers to the analysis of the relationship between the responsible wine consumption and sustainability, to the identification of the opinions of the wine companies managers regarding the benefits and the limits of M2M and IoT technologies, to the emphasis of the marketing strategies and techniques considered innovative in the field of viticulture, as well as to the association of the concept of food safety by wine consumption to the aspects related to education and culture