102 research outputs found

    Self-efficacy and sense of coherence: Narrative review and a conceptual synthesis

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    In this study, the authors develop an exploratory synthesis of two major health concepts: Antonovsky's sense of coherence and Bandura's beliefs in one's own efficacy. Reinterpretation of each study in the light of the other can lead to greater conceptual development and expand existing knowledge. The mutual themes are presented with an explanation of their contribution to broader conceptual discussions. The existence of some similarities between the two concepts is suggested. Researchers can obtain valuable and additional arguments through cross-fertilization of ideas across presented studies united by shared assumptions. Further research is recommended among various age groups and social backgrounds in order to verify the possible benefits of such theoretical development. Theoretical and practical implications of such a synthesis are presented

    Horizontal violence amongst women working in bureaucracies

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    Interrogating the Conventional Boundaries of Research Methods in Social Sciences: The Role of Visual Representation in Ethnography

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    Wie ich in diesem Beitrag zeigen werde, beinhaltet performative Sozialwissenschaft die Chance, lang dauernde Konventionen etablierter Forschung bewusst zu hinterfragen. Hierzu werde ich die innovative Rolle des Visuellen für die Datensammlung und -analyse und für die Beschäftigung von Öffentlichkeit mit Forschung diskutieren. Beispiele entnehme ich aus zwei postmodernen, feministisch-ethnografischen Untersuchungen, die sich mit akademischer Aus- und Weiterbildung, Belastbarkeit, Hoffnung und Optimismus in Großbritannien, den USA, Australien und Neuseeland zwischen 1997-2005 befassten. In diesen Studien wurde visuelles Material für die Datenerhebung und für die Präsentation der Ergebnisse eingesetzt, um die Stimmen der Forschungsteilnehmer/innen, der Forschenden und der Betrachter und Betrachterinnen dieser Arbeiten zu validieren. Forschungsteilnehmende und Publikum erhielten die Möglichkeit, sich aktiv an dieser Visualierungsarbeit zu beteiligen. Neben den Illustrationen kamen zwei weitere Methoden zum Einsatz: kritische Konversationsanalyse und reflexives Tagebuchschreiben. Im Beitrag skizziere ich, in welcher Weise der Einsatz Kunstbasierter Methoden zu einer vertieften Repräsentation und Datenanalyse beigetragen hat. Das Erstellen von und die Beschäftigung mit visuellem Material bedeutete einen stärkenden und dynamischen Prozess für alle an der Forschung Beteiligten, ein innovatives Potenzial für Intersubjektivität und Reziprozität.The author will propose that the use of performative social science is a means to deliberately interrogate long held conventions of established research. The innovative role of visual art representation in data collection, analysis and public engagement with research will be discussed. Examples will be drawn from two postmodern feminist ethnographic research which investigated academic professional development, resilience, hope and optimism in the UK, US, Australia and New Zealand from 1997-2005. Artwork was initially created as data collection and digitalised as representation to intentionally validate the voices of research participants, the researcher and viewers of the work. The research participants and viewers were given opportunities to actively engage with the visual work. Artwork complimented two additional research methods: critical conversational interviewing and reflective journaling. This paper will address the ways inclusion of art methods contributed and deepened data representation. The role of crafting artwork in the field, the artistic changes that represented the complexity of data analysis and engagement with the work will be explored. It will be argued that the creation and engagement with artwork in research is an empowering and dynamic process for researchers and participants. It is an innovative means of representing intersubjectivity that results in reciprocity.El autor plantea que el uso de la ciencia social performativa es un medio para interrogar deliberadamente a las grandes convenciones, durante mucho tiempo mantenidas, de la investigación establecida. Se discutirá el papel innovador de la representación del arte visual en la recopilación de datos, el análisis y el compromiso público de la investigación. Se presentan dos ejemplos procedentes de la investigación etnográfica feminista postmoderna que investigaron el desarrollo profesional académico, la reslencia, la esperanza y el optimismo en el Reino Unido, Estados Unidos, Australia y Nueva Zelanda entre 1997 y 2005. Inicialmente, la obra de arte fue creada como una recopilación de datos y digitalizada como una representación con el fin de confirmar intencionalmente las voces de los participantes en la investigación, los investigadores y los observadores del trabajo. Los participantes en la investigación y los observadores tuvieron la oportunidad de ocuparse activamente del trabajo visual. La obra de arte fue completada con dos métodos de investigación adicionales: la entrevista conversacional crítica y el diario reflexivo. Este artículo tratará sobre las formas en que la inclusión del los métodos del arte contribuyen y profundizan la representación de los datos. También se explorará el papel de realizar la obra en el campo, los cambios artísticos que representan la complejidad del análisis de datos y el compromiso con el trabajo. Se argumenta que la creación y el compromiso con la obra de arte en la investigación son un un proceso dinámico y fortalecedor para investigadores y participantes. Supone un medio innovador de representar la intersubjetividad que da como resultado la reciprocidad

    Speaking feminisms and nursing

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    Studying women nurse academics: exposing workplace violence - part two

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    This article is the second in a series on workplace violence in academia. The specific findings on women nurse academics\u27 experiences with violence in Australian universities are revealed. Findings indicate that Australian universities are competitive with wide spread violence. Participants revealed they were not supported nor recognised for their workplace contributions. Violence predominated in schools of nursing rather than the broader university. It is argued these findings need public dissemination to improve workplace environments and eliminate violence. It is noted that the results reported are part of a larger research study on progression and professional development of women nurse academics

    Hope: through the looking glass, DVD recording

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    Internationalizing nursing: valuing the multiple spaces and places of nursing education

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    It is timely that the Journal of Nursing Education is offering its readers an issue that directly highlights international nursing education. During the past decade, the internationalization of nursing has come to the forefront. Nursing students and clinicians alike appear to be strongly identifying with the importance of cross-cultural diversification and are expanding nursing education to include various places and spaces. Part of this discourse concerns the ways in which such experiences can contribute to workplace satisfaction and enhancement of one’s nursing career. Both of these issues are significant when the world of nursing faces the ongoing problems of recruitment and retention