454 research outputs found
Впровадження засад органічного землеробства при вирощуванні лісових культур в південному степу
The problem of development of forestry and conservation fundamentals of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe with the help of synthetic chemicals, makes it necessary to simultaneously solve two problems: on the one hand, the optimization and increase of the efficiency of the used substances, which, at low economic costs, dramatically increase the effectiveness of artificial forestry and forest productivity, on the other - such economic activity should not upset the balance in the environment. We need an accurate assessment of the relationship and interconnection of these two sides of one problem.Recently, the tendency towards the use of substances, derived from natural sources, in particular from plant material, has grown. The study of the mechanisms of self-protection of plants in nature has led to the development of new natural ecologically safe biostimulators and adaptogens. However, they are recommended, mainly for use in agriculture. Their influence on the species of trees is practically not studied.The article studies the influence on the growth and development of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana, its livelihood under the conditions of organic fertilizer “Bio-gel” on the bases of Oleshky sands in Kherson region.The results of the experiments conducted during 2016-2017 showed the effectiveness of Bio-gel effect on the growth of two-year seedlings of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana with open root system; the dependence of efficiency on the method of introduction and concentration of working solutions of fertilizers is established. According to the conducted research, an effective way of using fertilizers is soothing the root system. The positive effect of bio-gel organic fertilizer on the livelihood and preservation of seedlings has been revealed.The analysis of the sanitary state of Pinus nigra subsp. Pallasiana has shown their greater resistance to disease agents in the extreme climatic conditions of the southern steppe, which indicates the effectiveness of the use of Bio-gel for forest-cultivation in such complex cultivation areas as the sands of southern Ukraine.Проблема розробки лісівничих та природоохоронних засад вирощування Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe за допомогою синтетичних хімічних речовин, ставить необхідність одночасного вирішення двох завдань: з одного боку оптимізація та підвищення ефективності застосовуваних речовин, які при малих економічних витратах різко підвищують ефективність штучного лісовирощування та продуктивність лісів, з іншого – така господарська діяльність не повинна порушувати балансу у навколишньому середовищі. Потрібна точна оцінка взаємин і взаємозв’язку цих двох сторін однієї проблеми.Останнім часом зростає тенденція до використання препаратів, отриманих з природних джерел, зокрема з рослинної сировини. Вивчення механізмів самозахисту рослин в природі призвело до розробки нових природних екологічно безпечних біостімуляторов та адаптогенів. Однак рекомендовані вони, в основному, для використання в сільському господарстві. Вплив їх на деревні породи практично не досліджений.У статті досліджений вплив на ріст і розвиток саджанців Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana, її приживлюваність за умов застосування органічного добрива «Біо-гель» на зрубах Олешківських пісків Херсонської області.Результати дослідів, проведених протягом 2016-2017 років, показали ефективність впливу «Біо-гелю» на ріст дворічних саджанців Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana з відкритою кореневою системою; встановлено залежність ефективності від способу внесення та концентрації робочих розчинів добрива. Згідно проведених досліджень ефективним способом застосування добрива є замочування кореневої системи. Виявлено позитивний вплив органічного добрива «Біо-гель» на приживлюваність та збереженість саджанців.Аналіз санітарного стану культур Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana виявив їх більшу стійкість до збудників хвороб в екстремальних кліматичних умовах південного степу, що свідчить про ефективність застосування «Біо-гелю» для заліснення таких складних категорій лісокультурних площ якими є піски півдня України
Research of Influence of Potassium-rich Diets on the Physical Performance of Students
The aim of the work is the scientific substantiation and experimental support of the expedience and use of potassium-cationic water for improving the bread quality and the study of the influence of potassium-rich diets on the physical performance of students. There was studied the influence of potassium cations on the activity of proteolytic enzymes of wheat flour. It was established, that at using potassium-cationic water, the output of wet gluten (35,1 %) essentially increases, at that the output of dry one (8,4 %) decreases to the same extent that is a positive factor in the bakery technology. It was proved that enriching the vital medium of bakery yeast by potassium cations essentially activates their ability to hydrolysis of maltose that favors activation of the process of gassing (Maltase activity – 35,1 min). The process of gassing influences the speed of dough-conduction and ready bread quality, especially volume (357,7, 100 g/ml), porosity (79,1 %) and crumb ability to compression (33,5 c.u.). It was established, that consumption of bread, produced on potassium-cationic water, favors the strengthening of the heart muscle tone, improvement of the general condition of the organism, especially, physical endurance and performance
The aim of this article is to investigate changes in the structure, color and microbiological parameters of milk-protein concentrates (MPC) made of buttermilk with the use of cranberry or viburnum purees in the process of storage. Necessary results were obtained after analyzing phase transitions, changes in color-parametric and microbiological characteristics of the studied products.
Low-temperature phase transitions and their influence on the structure of MPC were investigated using the method of differential scanning calorimetry. This method was used to obtain information on the change in the temperature function, depending on the change in heat absorption typical for melting, crystallization, or glass transition of components of MPC. The obtained dependences indicated an increase of heat absorption leaps of concentrates in relation to control, which indicates an increase in the amount of bound moisture and, accordingly, a decrease in significant changes in the structure of concentrates in the process of storage. In addition, it was found that rational was the rapid freezing of MPC at a temperature of –20...–30 ° C.
The CIE XYZ and CIELab methods were used to evaluate the change in the color-parametric characteristics of MPC. According to the data obtained, red or yellow spectral tone dominates for the samples, but with an increase in the storage time, one can see a significant shift in the color of both concentrates towards the yellow color. It is also established that with increasing of storage time there is a gradual darkening of MPC. It was defined, that rational was the shelf life of up to 30 days from the time of studied products making.
It was also determined that with the use of deep freezing of the MPC, the storage time has no significant effect on the development of the microflora
The aim of the work is the scientific substantiation and experimental support of the expedience and use of potassium-cationic water for improving the bread quality and the study of the influence of potassium-rich diets on the physical performance of students. There was studied the influence of potassium cations on the activity of proteolytic enzymes of wheat flour. It was established, that at using potassium-cationic water, the output of wet gluten (35,1 %) essentially increases, at that the output of dry one (8,4 %) decreases to the same extent that is a positive factor in the bakery technology. It was proved that enriching the vital medium of bakery yeast by potassium cations essentially activates their ability to hydrolysis of maltose that favors activation of the process of gassing (maltase activity – 35,1 min). The process of gassing influences the speed of dough-conduction and ready bread quality, especially volume (357,7, 100 g/ml), porosity (79,1 %) and crumb ability to compression (33,5 c.u.). It was established, that consumption of bread, produced on potassium-cationic water, favors the strengthening of the heart muscle tone, improvement of the general condition of the organism, especially, physical endurance and performance
The algorithm of the study that includes theoretical analysis and physical experiment was elaborated for the study of technological parameters of pectin containing raw material processing in the vegetable-milk forcemeats technology. The expedience of using carrot Shantenee, pumpkin Guiley and marrow Zolotinka as the sources of pectin substances in the technology of combined forcemeats on the milk base was grounded. Technological parameters of pectin containing raw material processing for realization of its target properties as an amendment and stabilizer of the structure in milk-vegetable forcemeats technology were theoretically grounded. The methods of determination of soluble pectin and protopectin content and also the methods of determination of рН medium were chosen.
The methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data were carried out using computer programs MS Excel 97 2003 and MatCAD. The influence of рН medium, temperature and duration of thermal processing of carrot, pumpkin and marrow on the process of accumulation of soluble pectin in them was studied. The formation technology of puree of the vegetables that have the increased viscosity and are not stratified at the storage and further use. Accumulation of soluble pectin that expresses the properties of structure stabilizer and favors the increase of vegetable puree viscosity causes the expedience of its use in milk-vegetable forcemeats technology.
The use of vegetable puree in milk-vegetable forcemeats technology allows widen the assortment and provide the mutual enrichment of the receipt components of combined forcemeat masses with milk proteins, β-carotene, food fibers, vitamins and other functional ingredients
Hormonal parameters and embryological outcomes of in vitro fertilisation/intra cytoplasmic sperm injection cycles in women using dydrogesterone for the prevention of premature luteinizing hormone surge during ovarian stimulation
Aim. To evaluate the hormonal parameters and embryological outcomes of an ovarian stimulation protocol using dydrogesterone to prevent the premature LH surge in IVF/ICSI programmes.
Materials and methods. A prospective study randomised, including 79 women with normal ovarian reserve undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF/ICSI with recombinant FSH (rFSH) from Day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle. To prevent the premature LH surge, participants in Group 1 (n=38) received oral dydrogesterone 20 mg/day from the start of ovarian stimulation until the day of ovulation trigger administration. Participants in Group 2 (n=41) received a GnRH antagonist. We evaluated the starting and total dose of gonadotropins, duration of stimulation, serum levels of LH, oestradiol and progesterone on Day 1 and 6 of stimulation and the day of trigger administration, number of retrieved and mature oocytes, fertilization rate, and the number of blastocysts and cryopreserved embryos.
Results. There were no significant differences in most hormonal parameters, characteristics of the ovarian stimulation and embryological outcomes between the two groups. Serum levels of progesterone in the dydrogesterone arm were higher than in the GnRH antagonist arm (2.3 nmol/l [2.03.4] vs 1.5 [1.02.4] nmol/l; p=0.026), but without any impact on the embryological outcomes.
Conclusion. Prevention of premature LH surge in ovarian stimulation cycles using oral dydrogesterone may represent a convenient alternative to the conventional use of GnRH antagonists, reducing the number of required injections and potentially increasing the convenience in patients who are not planning a fresh embryo transfer
Integrated Placental Modelling of Histology with Gene Expression to Identify Functional Impact on Fetal Growth
Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Altered placental formation and functional capacity are major contributors to FGR pathogenesis. Relating placental structure to function across the placenta in healthy and FGR pregnancies remains largely unexplored but could improve understanding of placental diseases. We investigated integration of these parameters spatially in the term human placenta using predictive modelling. Systematic sampling was able to overcome heterogeneity in placental morphological and molecular features. Defects in villous development, elevated fibrosis, and reduced expression of growth and functional marker genes (IGF2, VEGA, SLC38A1, and SLC2A3) were seen in age-matched term FGR versus healthy control placentas. Characteristic histopathological changes with specific accompanying molecular signatures could be integrated through computational modelling to predict if the placenta came from a healthy or FGR pregnancy. Our findings yield new insights into the spatial relationship between placental structure and function and the etiology of FGR
Parenclitic and Synolytic Networks Revisited
© 2021 Nazarenko, Whitwell, Blyuss and Zaikin. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Parenclitic networks provide a powerful and relatively new way to coerce multidimensional data into a graph form, enabling the application of graph theory to evaluate features. Different algorithms have been published for constructing parenclitic networks, leading to the question—which algorithm should be chosen? Initially, it was suggested to calculate the weight of an edge between two nodes of the network as a deviation from a linear regression, calculated for a dependence of one of these features on the other. This method works well, but not when features do not have a linear relationship. To overcome this, it was suggested to calculate edge weights as the distance from the area of most probable values by using a kernel density estimation. In these two approaches only one class (typically controls or healthy population) is used to construct a model. To take account of a second class, we have introduced synolytic networks, using a boundary between two classes on the feature-feature plane to estimate the weight of the edge between these features. Common to all these approaches is that topological indices can be used to evaluate the structure represented by the graphs. To compare these network approaches alongside more traditional machine-learning algorithms, we performed a substantial analysis using both synthetic data with a priori known structure and publicly available datasets used for the benchmarking of ML-algorithms. Such a comparison has shown that the main advantage of parenclitic and synolytic networks is their resistance to over-fitting (occurring when the number of features is greater than the number of subjects) compared to other ML approaches. Secondly, the capability to visualise data in a structured form, even when this structure is not a priori available allows for visual inspection and the application of well-established graph theory to their interpretation/application, eliminating the “black-box” nature of other ML approaches.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio
Comparative performance of MRI-derived PRECISE scores and delta-radiomics models for the prediction of prostate cancer progression in patients on active surveillance.
Funder: National Institute of Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research CentreFunder: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Imaging Centre in Cambridge and ManchesterFunder: Cambridge Experimental Cancer Medicine CentreFunder: Gates Cambridge Trust; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100005370OBJECTIVES: To compare the performance of the PRECISE scoring system against several MRI-derived delta-radiomics models for predicting histopathological prostate cancer (PCa) progression in patients on active surveillance (AS). METHODS: The study included AS patients with biopsy-proven PCa with a minimum follow-up of 2 years and at least one repeat targeted biopsy. Histopathological progression was defined as grade group progression from diagnostic biopsy. The control group included patients with both radiologically and histopathologically stable disease. PRECISE scores were applied prospectively by four uro-radiologists with 5-16 years' experience. T2WI- and ADC-derived delta-radiomics features were computed using baseline and latest available MRI scans, with the predictive modelling performed using the parenclitic networks (PN), least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) logistic regression, and random forests (RF) algorithms. Standard measures of discrimination and areas under the ROC curve (AUCs) were calculated, with AUCs compared using DeLong's test. RESULTS: The study included 64 patients (27 progressors and 37 non-progressors) with a median follow-up of 46 months. PRECISE scores had the highest specificity (94.7%) and positive predictive value (90.9%), whilst RF had the highest sensitivity (92.6%) and negative predictive value (92.6%) for predicting disease progression. The AUC for PRECISE (84.4%) was non-significantly higher than AUCs of 81.5%, 78.0%, and 80.9% for PN, LASSO regression, and RF, respectively (p = 0.64, 0.43, and 0.57, respectively). No significant differences were observed between AUCs of the three delta-radiomics models (p-value range 0.34-0.77). CONCLUSIONS: PRECISE and delta-radiomics models achieved comparably good performance for predicting PCa progression in AS patients. KEY POINTS: • The observed high specificity and PPV of PRECISE are complemented by the high sensitivity and NPV of delta-radiomics, suggesting a possible synergy between the two image assessment approaches. • The comparable performance of delta-radiomics to PRECISE scores applied by expert readers highlights the prospective use of the former as an objective and standardisable quantitative tool for MRI-guided AS follow-up. • The marginally superior performance of parenclitic networks compared to conventional machine learning algorithms warrants its further use in radiomics research.The authors acknowledge support from National Institute of Health Research Cambridge
Biomedical Research Centre, Cancer Research UK (Cambridge Imaging Centre grant number
C197/A16465), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Imaging Centre in
Cambridge and Manchester, and the Cambridge Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre. T. Nazarenko is supported by a Medical Research Council grant (MR/R02524X/1). A. Suvorov is supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the programme developing World-Class Research Centres "Digital Biodesign and Personalized Healthcare" (075-15-2020-926)
The WID-BC-index identifies women with primary poor prognostic breast cancer based on DNA methylation in cervical samples
Genetic and non-genetic factors contribute to breast cancer development. An epigenome-based signature capturing these components in easily accessible samples could identify women at risk. Here, we analyse the DNA methylome in 2,818 cervical, 357 and 227 matched buccal and blood samples respectively, and 42 breast tissue samples from women with and without breast cancer. Utilising cervical liquid-based cytology samples, we develop the DNA methylation-based Women’s risk IDentification for Breast Cancer index (WID-BC-index) that identifies women with breast cancer with an AUROC (Area Under the Receiver Operator Characteristic) of 0.84 (95% CI: 0.80–0.88) and 0.81 (95% CI: 0.76–0.86) in internal and external validation sets, respectively. CpGs at progesterone receptor binding sites hypomethylated in normal breast tissue of women with breast cancer or in BRCA mutation carriers are also hypomethylated in cervical samples of women with poor prognostic breast cancer. Our data indicate that a systemic epigenetic programming defect is highly prevalent in women who develop breast cancer. Further studies validating the WID-BC-index may enable clinical implementation for monitoring breast cancer risk.publishedVersio
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