37 research outputs found
Strukturwandel unter dem Aspekt der Handelbarkeit von Gütern: Der Fall der ostdeutschen Industrie
In dem Aufsatz wird versucht, einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem derzeitigen strukturellen Wandel in der ostdeutschen Industrie und dem Grad der Handelbarkeit der dort produzierten Güter herauszuarbeiten. Dieser Idee liegt die These zugrunde, daß der Produktionseinbruch und der Preisverfall um so stärker sein müßten, je besser das Gut handelbar ist. Die Märkte schlecht handelbarer Güter hingegen sind aufgrund hoher Transaktionskosten (im wesentlichen Transportkosten) vor Konkurrenz geschützt. Für die Untersuchung wurden die in der ostdeutschen Industrie produzierten Güter in drei Klassen unterschiedlicher Handelbarkeit eingeteilt, für die jeweils mittlere Werte der Preis- und Produktionsentwicklung ermittelt wurden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß der Produktionseinbruch bei den schwer handelbaren Gütern längst nicht so stark ausfiel wie bei den Gütern der beiden anderen Klassen, und daß sich der Relativpreis deutlich zugunsten dieser Gütergruppe verändert hat. Der Anteil der schwer handelbaren Güter an der gesamten industriellen Wertschöpfung hat sich zu Lasten der anderen Gütergruppen erhöht
De-industrialization or re-industrialization? On the future of the Eastern German economy
The paper is intended to explore the prospective direction of structural adjustment in eastern Germany in the light of recent developments. The authors do argue that the Mezzogiorno-picture, a completely de-industrialized region between the Elbe- and the Oder-river, is not convincing. In the long-run, say in two decades, eastern Germany has good opportunities to become the most modern and competitive industrial basis in central Europe. In the medium-run, however, a dualization is likely - an industry with a rather new, highly capital-intensive segment and a subsidized old one. Consequently, there will emerge fast growing regions within Eastern Germany, so-called productivity islands, and regions with high chronical unemployment. This will be the unavoidable price for a very rapid equalization of real wages between east and west.
Outward processing in Central and East European transition countries: Issues and results from German statistics
Our paper explores the recent trends in outward processing (OP) of German firms in former centrally planned economies (CPEs). We argue that OP is an interesting alternative to cross-border trade and equity foreign arrangements. We present the theoretical framework to understand OP as well as some facts and figures which may prove the empirical evidence. Finally, we discuss consequences for corporate restructuring in CPEs.
Foreign direct investment and trade in transition countries: Tracing links
Several studies have emphasized the links between trade reorientation and industrial restructuring in transition countries. In these studies trade has usually been considered as transactions among unrelated enterprises in different countries. However, an important and steadily growing share of trade are transactions with multinational enterprises and their foreign affiliates. Foreign direct investment of multinationals is the missing link in explaining this type of trade. The paper deals with the so-called intra-firm trade of multinationals operating in transition countries. It argues that trade within the internal networks of multinationals is the major route for international technology'transfer. It summarizes shortly previous studies and takes a glance at the trade structure of Hungarian enterprises involved in a joint venture. Finally, it discusses the implications for corporate restructuring in transition countries.
Western enterprises on eastern markets: The German perspective
The paper offers a vision of the future of cross-border activities between Germany and the Central and East European reform countries. It provides a comprehensive theoretical framework and it presents some stylized facts. It focuses on three prominent areas: trade in goods and services, off-shore processing and foreign direct investment. Although trade in goods and services is still the dominant form of cross-border activities, other forms make up mightily. Industry and country variables strongly influence the type of activities. Trade and off-shore processing are predominantly derived from comparative advantages (especially cheap labour) in Heckscher- Ohlin industries. Foreign direct investment, however, can be found mainly in (mobile) Schumpcter industries.
Western enterprises on eastern markets: The German perspective
The paper offers a vision of the future of cross-border activities between Germany and the Central and East European reform countries. It provides a comprehensive theoretical framework and it presents some stylized facts. It focuses on three prominent areas: trade in goods and services, off-shore processing and foreign direct investment. Although trade in goods and services is still the dominant form of cross-border activities, other forms make up mightily. Industry and country variables strongly influence the type of activities. Trade and off-shore processing are predominantly derived from comparative advantages (especially cheap labour) in Heckscher- Ohlin industries. Foreign direct investment, however, can be found mainly in (mobile) Schumpcter industries
De-industrialization or re-industrialization? On the future of the Eastern German economy
The paper is intended to explore the prospective direction of structural adjustment in eastern Germany in the light of recent developments. The authors do argue that the Mezzogiorno-picture, a completely de-industrialized region between the Elbe- and the Oder-river, is not convincing. In the long-run, say in two decades, eastern Germany has good opportunities to become the most modern and competitive industrial basis in central Europe. In the medium-run, however, a dualization is likely - an industry with a rather new, highly capital-intensive segment and a subsidized old one. Consequently, there will emerge fast growing regions within Eastern Germany, so-called productivity islands, and regions with high chronical unemployment. This will be the unavoidable price for a very rapid equalization of real wages between east and west
Foreign direct investment and trade in transition countries: Tracing links
Several studies have emphasized the links between trade reorientation and industrial restructuring in transition countries. In these studies trade has usually been considered as transactions among unrelated enterprises in different countries. However, an important and steadily growing share of trade are transactions with multinational enterprises and their foreign affiliates. Foreign direct investment of multinationals is the missing link in explaining this type of trade. The paper deals with the so-called intra-firm trade of multinationals operating in transition countries. It argues that trade within the internal networks of multinationals is the major route for international technology'transfer. It summarizes shortly previous studies and takes a glance at the trade structure of Hungarian enterprises involved in a joint venture. Finally, it discusses the implications for corporate restructuring in transition countries
Foreign direct investment and trade in transition countries: Tracing links – A sequel
This paper deals with the interactions between outward investments of western multinationals and export performance of their affiliates in transition countries. It argues that multinationals make an important contribution to increasing, diversifying and up-grading trade, because they are able to open the access to advanced technologies and, thereby, to international markets. The paper reviews the theoretical arguments, presents and extracts some stylized facts and discusses the policy implications of our research