3 research outputs found

    Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Dalam Mengelola Areal Bekas Ladang Berpindah Di Desa Sehe Lusur Kecamatan Kuala Behe Kabupaten Landak the Comunity of Local Wisdom in Managing Used-areas of Shifting Cultivation in Sehe Lusur Village Sub District of Kuala Beh

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    Research on local wisdom in managing used-areas of shifting cultivation in Sehe Lusur Village, sub district of Kuala Behe District of Landak. The aims to determine the shape of local wisdom in managing used-areas of shifting cultivation and to determine the the influence factors such as: age, knowledge, education, perception, lenght of stay and villagers experiences. The samples were using purposive sampling technique. The data were collected through a descriptive method in the form of a survey with interview techniques. Data were analyzed with chi-square. The research showed that in those areas people planted some useful crops and perennials by intercropping. The lands managed traditionally and no special treatment. They rely on soil fertility and work together or mutual cooperation (pengari). The yields are partially self-consumed and sold. There were differences in the frequency rate of local wisdom in managing those areas. The frequencies were tend to moderate. The level of knowledge factor showed a real relationship, education showed a strong relationship; whereas factors of age, perception, length of stay and work experience do not indicate a real relationship with the local wisdom in managing the used-areas of shifting cultivation areas. Keywords: local wisdom, villagers, used-areas of shifting cultivation, forest areas, mix farm

    Nilai Ekonomi Air untuk Rumah Tangga dan Keramba di Seksi Pengelolaan Taman Nasional (Sptn) Wilayah II Semitau Taman Nasional Danau Sentarum (Tnds) Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu

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    Forest benefits especially in national park such as recreation facilities, watersheds, protection of ecological proces, biodiversity, education and research as well as the future of collateral value is valued lower because still many people who don\u27t understand the value of the various benefits of Forest Resources especially the benefits of water. To understand the benefits of Forest Resources will require an assessment of all the resulting benefits.The research objectives are to examine the influence of socioeconomic factors on domestic water and fish cages consumption, calculate the economic value of water for domestic and fish cages as well as examine the contribution of the use of water to communities in the TNDS SPTN Region II Semitau. The method used is descriptive method through a survey form and interview techniques both unstructured and structured observations and direct measurements in the field. Analysis using the method of determination of the demand model "Stepwise Regression" with the software SPSS 16.00.TNDS area provides enormous benefits of water if valued in money. The results show the economic value of water is Rp 13.444.886.086,92 per year for domestic water needs in the research area and Rp 127.641.323.610,00 per year for domestic water needs in the TNDS area. For fish cages water needs in research area economic value of water is Rp 15.044.768.326,15 per period. Water sources in TNDS area contributes in meeting the needs of water, especially for people who are around the area and generally for people who are out of the area for domestic needs, fisheries, and other economic activities. Keywords: the economic value, domestic and fish cages water, national park