9 research outputs found

    Psychological Strategies for Overcoming the Life Crisis of the Individual in Postmodern Practical Psychology

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    The article talks about the personality-oriented approach of postmodern practical psychology to counseling a crisis client. Coping strategies for overcoming a life crisis by a person at the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels are analyzed. Based on the consideration of practical work with crisis clients, algorithms for overcoming a crisis situation in the form of stages and phases of its experience are highlighted. The important role of neuropsychological correction at the first stage of work with the client is emphasized. Theoretical and methodological provisions of postmodern psychotherapy and practical psychology on the features of psychological support of a crisis client, taking into account his personal resource. The variability of the personality as one of its fundamental properties and the psychological mechanism providing a flexible choice of coping strategies, process of adaptation to conditions of crisis situation are considered. It is revealed that in the conditions of overcoming the life crisis there are personal transformations as expression and development of specific personal characteristics and properties. The model of overcoming a life crisis situation by an individual in the context of postmodern practical psychology is presented. In the presented author’s model of overcoming the personal crisis the postmodernist, personality-oriented and phenomenological approaches are applied.</p

    Psychological Complications During Military Operations in Ukraine: Neurobiological Effects

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    The relevance to the investigation stems from the fact that during military operations in Ukraine there are psychological complications both among servicemen and the population. The most common type of psychological complications is fear as one of the most mysterious and contradictory emotions. Formed in the process of evolution as a signal and warning human reaction to danger, fear often misinforms people about the extent of external danger. Fear as a psychological complication is a powerful catalyst of human physical, spiritual strength and energy and, at the same time, it can paralyze his ability to withstand danger. It is reflected in the brain, the brain organ of the central nervous system, which regulates all the most important changes in the human body. In case of stress, it is the brain structures that react first and trigger a response, the purpose of which is adaptation and survival in difficult conditions. The brain detects a threat, recognizes the cause of psychological or physical stress. In response to the influence of a stressor protective mechanisms are triggered, changing the work of the nervous and endocrine systems. The article reveals the concept of horror and its psychotraumatic effect; the most important functions of fear as a psychological complication are defined; the neurobiological basis of stress as a psychological complication during war is investigated.</p

    Theories of a Stress-Coping Behavior: Searching for Neurocognitive Mechanisms

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    The article proves that the main form of overcoming stress is coping behavior, which is understood as a purposeful social and neurophysiologically determined behavior that allows a person to cope with stress in ways that meet the characteristics of the individual and the situation. Coping behavior is considered a synonym for stress-coping behavior, which is expressed in the use of coping strategies by the individual. Personal characteristics and situational factors determine the choice of coping behavior strategies. The article aims to resolve the contradictions of multimodal approaches to the problem in question in the post-Soviet countries and group theories that include not only external social but also neurophysiological factors. The article shows that the choice of coping strategies mostly depends on personal and neurophysiological factors. These include neurophysiological reflexive or instinctive and higher ones: adequate self-concept, positive self-esteem, personality anxiety, cognitive style, and energy resources, which include endurance and temperament characteristics, intelligence, creativity, and locus of personality control. Overcoming a stressful situation is impossible without cognitive "processing," which becomes available through reflection. The influence of reflection on the choice of coping strategy of the individual is that reflective individuals choose more adaptive and effective strategies. The international relevance of the article lies in discovering neuroscientific aspects of the problem in question in the post-Soviet countries, which will allow these countries to contribute to the global scientific interdisciplinary discourse.</p

    Psychological Aid to Victims of War and the Covid Pandemic - 19 in Ukraine

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    The article reflects theoretical, methodological and methodical bases of psychological aid to victims of unexpected crisis-military situations on the background of coronovirus pandemics spreading. The essence of psychological self-help as a factor of stress-resistance and internal psychological potential of resisting psychological traumas in the conditions of war and viral pandemics with the propositions of effective methodological means of its conducting is revealed. In providing psychological aid, the cognitive-behavioral approach was deemed effective as the basic one, and it was suggested that integrative psychotherapeutic and comprehensive psychological approaches to crisis counseling in conditions of military conflict be applied, depending on the specifics of survivors' experience of acute emotional reactions and the complexity of the course of posttraumatic stress disorders of resistance to the action of a psychotraumatic factor. Neuropsychological correction deserves special attention in providing psychological aid in conditions of military conflict and pandemics, which allows a combination of an integrated body-oriented psychological approach with neuro-psycho-correctional techniques and psychotherapeutic methods for effective restoration of the tone of the nervous system and stabilization of the psycho-emotional state. The main provisions of practical psychology that in conditions of war and pandemic COVID-19 the adaptive potential of psychological health of each person and psychological self-help is love, faith and hope. Psychological recommendations of educational character for the formation of basic skills to ensure psychological health in conditions of war and pandemic COVID-19 have been developed.</p

    Neuropsychological Preventive Treatment of Emotional Burnout among University Students

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    The article is dedicated to the problem of theoretical study and development of methodical recommendations on neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout among students of higher education establishments. The concept of neuropsychological symptom complex of emotional burnout syndrome at the emotional, cognitive and behavioral levels associated with the rigidity of psychological defense mechanisms and psychosomatic disorders has been clarified. Neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout is described, taking into account scientific data on the structural and functional organization of the cerebral hemispheres, which affect individual psychological differences in overcoming the syndrome of physical exhaustion. The phases and factors of emotional burnout development among students are indicated. Neuropsychological preventive treatment of emotional burnout among students is presented as a set of measures, with complication of the proposed techniques, taking into account an individual approach and personal resources, motivation to overcome stress, interests and needs of students. Recommendations for normalization of emotional exhaustion among students by modern foreign and domestic researchers are summarized.</em

    The Role of Positive Thinking in Overcoming Stress by a Person: The Neuroscientific Paradigm

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    The article provides a theoretical analysis of the problem of the impact of positive thinking on overcoming stress in the context of neuroscience. It is noted that coping-counteraction with stress is ruled by conscious and meaningful at the level of mental activity intellectual strategies of anti-stress actions related to individual characteristics of thinking style and personal characteristics. The style of thinking and its influence on the self-regulation of an individual in stress can largely determine the interhemispheric asymmetry of a brain and the localization of its dynamic functions. The content and functional features of positive thinking are determined. Methods of development of positive thinking are considered. It is emphasized that realistic (positively and health-improving) thinking with reasonable optimism should be developed comprehensively – in a combination of neuropsychological and socio-psychological technologies at the systemic, integration level. Effective technologies of anti-stress thinking training are offered: self-help, debriefing, development of reflection, use of cognitive-behavioral, positive and rational psychotherapy techniques, psychological training, neuropsychological methods and techniques, ecological methods of optimizing health thinking. Practical recommendations for „reprogrammingˮ a brain for positive thinking have been developed.</p

    Classification of Professionally Important Abilities and Skills of a Counseling Psychologist

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    The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of professionally important abilities and skills of a counseling psychologist. Based on the analysis of scientific achievements and the results of anonymous questionnaires, the classification of professionally important abilities and skills of a counseling psychologist by certain groups was carried out. Professionally important abilities of a counseling psychologist are presented in four areas - volitional, gnostic, speech and perceptual; and professionally important skills are presented in seven areas - gnostic, communicative, perceptual, didactic, technological, organizational, control and evaluation. It is emphasized that professionally important abilities and skills should be classified separately. Since the abilities are due to the natural inclinations of the individual and mental phenomena, and skills are developed, formed and improved during the life of the person. Abilities and skills are interconnected and interdependent.Classification of professionally important abilities and skills of a counseling psychologist by certain groups provides opportunities: 1) to most systematically present the necessary professionally important characteristics of a counseling psychologist, 2) to review educational training programs for psychologists; 3) select the necessary methods and techniques for the diagnosis and verification of these professionally important characteristics of the candidate for the position of " counseling psychologist". According to the results of a scientific study on the expert assessment of the reference level of development of a counseling psychologist of professionally important abilities and skills, it was found that respondents believe that these abilities and skills should have a very high level of development.</em

    Psychotherapy and Correction of Neuropsychic Disorders within the Neurotic Personality Development

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    In the given article, we analyze the features, preconditions and mechanisms of neurotic personality development under the influence of psychological factors. A character portrait of a neurotic personality is described. The stages of personality neuroticism are considered, from emotional reactions to subjectively significant traumatic events to neurotic personality development. A detailed theoretical and methodological analysis is provided. Neurotic traits of a healthy personality are characterized. The article suggests various integration options for psychotherapeutic methods in combination with neuro-psychic correction of emotional, personal, cognitive and behavioral disorders that characterize the neurotic development of personality. It is noted that competently integrated, systemic, complex and individual approaches should be implemented in the psychotherapeutic process. Neuropsychocorrective influence on emotional-cognitive and behavioral disorders of neurotic nature should be implemented in stages, where the neuropsychological tasks become more complex and where psychotherapeutic goals are combined with the methods of body-oriented psychotherapy, holotropic therapy and art therapy. We also point out the necessity of competent development and implementation of a neuropsychocorrection program in combination with psychotherapy of those disorders that are associated with the localization of certain mental functions in the cerebral cortex.</p

    Psychological Correction of Individual Neurotic Problems

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    The article conducts a theoretical analysis of the features of the neurotic response to uncertain situations as an important component and trigger of individual problems. In this regard, the issue of psychological correction of individual neurotic problems in uncertain situations at the theoretical, methodological and practical levels has been studied in the article. The neurotic experience of psychotraumatic events is due to internal conflicts. Effective methods of corrective work with neurotic reactions as prevention of persistent neurotic states are indicated here too. The neuropsychological content of psychotherapeutic techniques that can prevent neurotic development of an individual is revealed. It is presented the model of psychological correction of individual neurotic problems, which is capable to carry out effective corrective influence of the personal sphere on emotional, cognitive, motivational and behavioral levels. Important principles and conditions are noted regarding the psychological correction of such neurotic nature. The neuropsychological content of the body-oriented model of psychological correction of an individual in combination with psychotherapeutic methods is considered in detail.</em