18 research outputs found

    Differenzierung nach LeistungsfƤhigkeit - Verbesserung des Schwimmunterrichts

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    There is an obvious lack of studies examining the ability grouping effects in kinesiology. Therefore, the aim was to establish the probable differential effects of the heterogeneous (control - C) vs. ability grouping (experimental - E) programmes in a higher education swimming curriculum. In this experiment male students (21 Ā± 0.9 years) were the sample of subjects. The E group participated in a swimming-course divided into three swimming ability-based subgroups, whereas the C group participated in a swimming programme, randomly divided into three heterogeneous subgroups. Apart from the quantitative changes, the qualitative changes were also studied. An analysis of variance showed significant improvement in the six measured swimming variables (25, 50 and 300 metres front crawl stroke; 50 metres butterfly stroke and backstroke; 100 metres breaststroke) in both groups. In conclusion, (a) the factor analysis computed on the variables of the differences, and (b) the canonical discriminant analysis calculated in the initial and final measurements marked the E programme as: (a) qualitatively, and (b) quantitatively superior when compared to the C programme.Uvod Svaki kinezioloÅ”ki proces ujedno je i pedagoÅ”ki proces. Stoga bi u svim područjima primijenjene kineziologije trebalo utjecati na povećanje pedagoÅ”ke efikasnosti, tj. omogućiti polaznicima da optimalno napreduju u skladu sa svojim mogućnostima. Jedan od mogućih načina za povećanje pedagoÅ”ke efikasnosti jest realizacija kinezioloÅ”kog programa u homogeniziranim skupinama. Homogenizirane skupine su metodički organizacijski oblik rada karakterističan po tome da su skupine formirane tako da su pripadnici podjednakog stanja sposobnosti i/ili osobina. Pretpostavka je da je rad s takvim skupinama efikasniji, iako u području kineziologije praktički ne postoje znanstveni dokazi o efikasnosti rada u homogeniziranim skupinama. Osnovni je cilj ovog istraživanja utvrditi je li rad u homogeniziranim skupinama efikasniji od rada u heterogenim skupinama u pogledu razvoja plivačkih sposobnosti, i to generalno te u pojedinim podskupinama ispitanika (ispitanici ispodprosječnih, prosječnih i iznadprosječnih plivačkih sposobnosti). Metode Uzorak ispitanika činili su studenti kineziologije, svi plivači (N = 79; prosječne dobi 20 godina), podijeljeni u kontrolnu (K; n = 42) i eksperimentalnu (E; n = 37) skupinu. Kontrolna skupina nastavu plivanja provodila je u tri heterogene skupine koje se inicijalno nisu međusobno značajno razlikovale u plivačkim sposobnostima. Eksperimentalna skupina je na osnovi inicijalnih plivačkih rezultata, primjenom taksonomske analize, podijeljena u tri homogenizirane skupine (ispitanici ispodprosječnih, prosječnih i iznadprosječnih plivačkih sposobnosti) te je u tako formiranim skupinama realizirana nastava iz plivanja. Uzorak varijabli činilo je 6 varijabli za procjenu plivačkih sposobnosti i to: kraul 25, 50 i 300 metara (K25, K50, K300); leđno 50 metara (L50); delfin 50 metara (D50) i prsno 100 metara (P100). Sve varijable mjerene su standardnim procedurama FINA. Svi ispitanici provodili su jednak službeni plan i program (120 sati jednakog rasporeda), ali je izvedbeni program bio prilagođen pojedinim podskupinama. Ispitanici su provjereni testovima plivačkih sposobnosti na početku i na kraju nastave. Potrebno je napomenuti kako je kontrolna skupina također podijeljena u tri homogenizirane skupine temeljem inicijalnih pli-ačkih sposobnosti, ali nastavu plivanja nije provodila u tim skupinama, već je homogeniziranje provedeno radi usporedbe postignuća odgovarajućih podskupina iz skupina K i E. Na rezultatima inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja izračunati su deskriptivni statistički parametri te je primijenjena faktorska analiza (utvrđivanje latentne strukture primijenjenog sustava varijabli), diskriminativna kanonička analiza (razlike između skupina K i E u inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju), serija analiza varijance (kvantitativne razlike između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja za skupine K i E te odgovarajuće podskupine) i faktorska analiza na varijablama razlika inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja (kvalitativne promjene). Svi koeficijenti na razini pogreÅ”ke od pā‰¤0.05 smatrali su se značajnima. Rezultati, rasprava i zaključak Faktorskom analizom utvrđena je podjednaka homogena struktura plivačkih sposobnosti u inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju. Analizom varijance ustanovljeno je da je između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja doÅ”lo do poboljÅ”anja plivačkih rezultata u svim varijablama i u E i u K skupini. Diskriminativnom kanoničkom analizom u inicijalnom mjerenju nisu utvrđene značajne razlike između K i E. U finalnom mjerenju skupina E postigla je značajno bolje rezultate u svim varijablama od skupine K, osim u K300 (obje skupine podjednake). Konačno, utvrđeno je kako je rad u homogeniziranim skupinama omogućio značajniji napredak: (a) generalno, (b) ispitanicima ispodprosječnih plivačkih sposobnosti i (c) ispitanicima iznadprosječnih plivač-kih sposobnosti u usporedbi s radom u heterogenim skupinama. Rad u homogenim i heterogenim skupinama podjednako je učinkovit u razvoju plivačkih sposobnosti ispitanika prosječnih plivačkih sposobnosti. Razlike u volumenu rada posebno su analizirane analizom varijance te je utvrđena značajna razlika među odgovarajućim podskupinama programa K i E, osim za ispitanike prosječnih plivačkih sposobnosti. Razloge za dobivene rezultate trebalo bi tražiti u samom načinu provođenja nastave. U radu s heterogenim skupinama nastavnik nije u mogućnosti pravilno dozirati opterećenje ā€“ ni ukupni volumen, ni ekstenzitet ni intenzitet. S obzirom da se u radu s heterogenim skupinama u istoj skupini nalaze i ispitanici izrazito dobrih i ispitanici izrazito loÅ”ih plivačkih sposobnosti, nastavnik je prisiljen primjenjivati sadržaje rada koji su s obzirom na volumen opterećenja ā€“ prosječni. Nastavnik se u tom slučaju pokuÅ”ava prilagoditi svim studentima odabirom nekakvog medijalnog opterećenja. Studentima najboljih plivačkih sposobnosti takav trenažni podražaj uglavnom nije adekvatan (ispod praga podražaja). Nasuprot tomu, takav je podražaj za studente najloÅ”ijih plivačkih sposobnosti ā€“ prenaglaÅ”en. Takav (medijalni) volumen ustvari odgovara jedino studentima prosječnih plivačkih sposobnosti, Å”to je ujedno i razlog zaÅ”to su ti studenti podjednako napredovali i u kontrolnom i u eksperimentalnom programu. U radu s homogenim skupinama nastavnik je u mogućnosti plan i program prilagođavati stvarnim potrebama studenata. Studenti nastavu provode u skupinama formiranima prema aktualnom stanju njihovih sposobnosti. Odabir volumena opterećenja za pojedinu skupinu u ovom je slučaju precizniji nego u radu s heterogenim skupinama. Konačno, s obzirom da pravilan odabir volumena opterećenja predstavlja osnovu napredovanja u svim sposobnostima, pa tako i u plivačkim sposobnostima, jasno je zaÅ”to je eksperimentalni program polučio bolje rezultate od kontrolnog programa.Es besteht ein offensichtlicher Mangel an Studien, die sich mit den Effekten der Differenzierung nach unterschiedlicher LeistungsfƤhigkeit in Kinesiologie befassen. Deswegen zielt diese Studie darauf ab, die wahrscheinlichen differentialen Effekte der heterogenen Programme (C) gegenĆ¼ber den Programmen nach Leistungsgruppen (E) im Hochschulschwimmunterricht zu bestimmen. In der vorliegender Untersuchung waren die Studenten (21 Ā± 0,9 Jahre) die Probanden. Die E Gruppe besuchte einen Schwimmkurs, wobei die Teilnehmer in drei Untergruppen eingeteilt wurden u. z. nach deren Leistung, und die Gruppe C aus drei zufƤllig unterteilten heterogenen Untergruppen bestand, die am Schwimmunterricht teilnahmen. AuƟerder quantitativen Ƅnderungen wurden auch die qualitativen Ƅnderungen untersucht. Die Varianzanalyse zeigte eine signifikante Verbesserung der sechs gemessenen schwimmspezifischen Variablen (25, 50 und 300 Meter Kraul; 50 Meter Schmetterlings- und 50 Meter RĆ¼ckenschwimmen; 100 Meter Brustschwimmen) in beiden Gruppen. AbschlieƟend lƤsst sich folgern, dass (a) anhand der Faktorenanalyse, die Differenz-variablen vorgenommen wurde, sowie (b) der kanonischen Diskriminanzanalyse, womit die Anfangs- und die Endmessungen durchgefĆ¼hrt wurden, das E Programm (a) im qualitativen, und (b) quantitativen Sinne besser als C Programm ist

    Nonlinear Relationships between Anthropometric and Physical Fitness Variables in Untrained Pubescent Boys

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    Previous studies evidently actualized nonlinear regressions as a step forward in defining the true nature of the relationships between anthropometric and physical fitness (PF) variables in trained subjects. In this paper we have sampled 1176 nontrained boys aged 14ā€“16 years and tested them on (1) five anthropometric predictors, including: body height, body weight, triceps skinfold, upper arm circumference, and body mass index (BMI); and (2) five PF criteria measuring: static (static strength) and dynamic muscle endurance (repetitive strength), aerobic endurance, explosive strength, and coordination. Linear (y = a + bx) and nonlinear (second-order polynomial: y = a + bx + cx2) regressions were calculated simultaneously. BMI is found to be the most significant anthropometric predictor of PF status. Although the calculation and interpretation of nonlinear regressions are far more complicated in comparison to those of linear regressions, the variance of the criteria are in some cases far better explained through a significant nonlinear model. Even more, we have found evidence that an exclusive discussion of the linear correlation model could lead to serious interpretative mistakes. This mostly relates to the fact that a linear regression model implies a continuous relationship (dependence) between the predictor and the criteria, while a nonlinear one effectively identifies possible breakpoints in the regression line and consequently highlights the real nature of the relationship between variables

    Die von den HI-LO- und Aerobic-Tanz-Programmen bewirkten VerƤnderungen in motorischen FƤhigkeiten und morphologischen Eigenschaften bei jungen Frauen

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    In previous studies a number of authors have already demonstrated the positive changes in certain dimensions of the anthropological status of female aerobic dancers induced by various treatments of modern aerobic dance programmes. Changes in motor space have been, however, rarely investigated. The authors have attempted in the present paper to define the potential differential training effects of the step (N = 24) and hi-lo (N = 23) aerobic dance programmes and to analyse the changes in the morphological (variables assessing voluminosity of the body and skinfold thickness) and motor (coordination, flexibility, movement frequency) measures of college-aged female participants. The entire programme consisted of a total of 25 separate aerobics training sessions (three times a week; each session of 60 min). Each session encompassed cardio-section routines, which consisted of the experimental aerobic dance programmes (35 min), strength- developing exercises (15 min) and stretching exercises (10 min). The results, obtained by means of ANOVA and discriminant analysis, suggest both programmes resulted in reduced skinfold measures and in improved measures of flexibility, coordination in rhythm and, to a lesser extent, measures of movement frequency. No differential influence of the two programmes of aerobic dance was confirmed.Uvod Programi suvremene aerobike danas su jedan od najpopularnijih oblika rekreativnog tjelesnog vježbanja. U dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima autori su ukazali na pozitivne promjene pojedinih dimenzija antropoloÅ”kog statusa vježbaČica pod utjecajem tretmana suvremene aerobike (primjerice, Kravitz i sur., 1993). Međutim, promjene u motoričkim sposobnostima rijetko su se istraživale. Ovaj rad pokuÅ”ao je ukazati na potencijalne diferencijalne učinke programa step (N = 24) i hi-lo aerobike (N = 23), ali i analizirati promjene u morfoloÅ”kim (varijable za procjenu voluminoznosti i debljine kožnih nabora) i motoričkim mjerama (koordinacija, fleksibilnost, frekvencija pokreta) u sudionica programa. Metode Ukupan tretman sastojao se od 25 pojedinačnih treninga aerobike (3 puta tjedno). Svaki pojedini trening uključivao je: cardio sekciju koja je sadržavala eksperimentalne programe aerobike (35 minuta), vježbe snage (15 minuta) i vježbe istezanja (10 minuta). Za obradu rezultata koriÅ”tena je diskriminacijska analiza, kojom je utvrđena značajnost razlika između skupina u motoričkom i morfoloÅ”kom prostoru u inicijalnom i finalnom mjerenju. Analizom varijance utvrđene su razlike između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja za svaku pojedinu skupinu. Rezultati, rasprava i zaključak Diskriminacijskom nalizom nije utvrđena značajnost razlika u motoričkom prostoru u inicijalnom mjerenju (Wilks lambda = 0.45; p > 0.05) ni u finalnom mjerenju (Wilks lambda = 0.42; p > 0.05). Razlike među skupinama nisu uočene ni u morfoloÅ”kom prostoru, ni u inicijalnom (Wilks lambda = 0.64; p > 0.05) ni u finalnom mjerenju (Wilks lambda = 0.76; p > 0.05). Analiza varijance ukazala je na značajne promjene u morfoloÅ”kim varfijablama i to u pogledu smanjenja kožnih nabora, ali su izostale značajne promjene u mjerama opsega tjelesnih regija. Iste su promjene uočene i u eksperimentalnoj skupini koja je provodila program step aerobike, kao i u eksperimentalnoj skupini koja je provodila program hi-lo aerobike. U motoričkim su varijablama značajna poboljÅ”anja rezultata uočena u mjerama fleksibilnosti donjih ekstremiteta (u obje grupe), ali ne i u mjerama fleksibilnosti ramenog pojasa. Te se promjene mogu pripisati učincima vježba istezanja koje su se izvodile na kraju svake trenažne jedinice. Nadalje, u mjerama frekvencije pokreta također je doÅ”lo do značajnih poboljÅ”anje rezultata, Å”to se vjerojatno može pripisati utjecaju smanjenja potkožnog masnog tkiva na motoričke manifestacije koje se izvode u testiranju frekvencije pokreta. U mjerama koordinacije, a naročito u mjerama koordinacije u ritmu također su uočena značajna poboljÅ”anja rezultata koja su, prema miÅ”ljenju autora, nastala zbog interakcijskog djelovanja slijedećih faktora: ā— utjecaja promjena morfoloÅ”ke strukture ispitanica na promjene u motorickim manifestacijama koordinacije u ritmu; ā— stvarnog napretka u koordinaciji u ritmu. Naime, vrlo je vjerojatno da su promjene u navedenim motoričkim sposobnostima dijelom uvjetovane prvim, a dijelom drugim faktorom. U ovom trenutku ne može se utvrditi koliko je koji faktor doprinio utvrđenim razlikama između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja, tim viÅ”e Å”to je diferencijalnost utjecaja i u ovom pogledu izostala. Odgovore na ova pitanja mogla bi dati daljnja istraživanja koja bi se provela na manje selekcioniranim uzorcima ispitanica. U tom slučaju moguće je da bi veći inicijalni varijabilitet rezultata u pojedinim mjerama omogucio definiranje određenog diferencijalnog utjecaja. U tom bi slučaju bilo moguće, u određenoj mjeri, eliminirati utjecaj morfoloÅ”kih promjena na promjene motoričkih sposobnosti i time objektivnije definirati promjene u motoričkom prostoru, nastale pod utjecajem različitih programa aerobike.In vielen bisherigen Forschungen wiesen die Autoren auf positive im modernen Aerobic-Training entstandenen VerƤnderungen einzelner Abmessungen im anthropologischen Status der Aerobic-TƤnzerinnen hin, wobei die VerƤnderungen in motorischen Eigenschaften dagegen selten untersucht wurden. In dieser Arbeit ist man bemĆ¼ht, die potentiell unterschiedlichen Auswirkungen von Step- (N=4) und HI-LO-Aerobicprogrammen (N=23) festzustellen, aber auch die VerƤnderungen in morphologischen Eigenschaften (Variablen zur Feststellung von HƶrperumfƤngen und von Dicke der Hautfalten) und motorischen FƤhigkeiten (Hoordination, Gelenkigkeit, Bewegungsfrequenz) bei den Programmteilnehmerinnen, die 18 ā€“ 21 Jahren alt waren, zu untersuchen. Das Gesamtprogramm bestand aus 25 Trainingseinheiten (3mal wƶchentlich je 60 Minuten die Dauer). Jede Trainingseinheit schloss das Cardio-Training ein, das aus experimentalen Aerobic- Tanz-Programmen (35 Minuten), HraftĆ¼bungen (15 Minuten) und DehnungsĆ¼bungen (10 Minuten) bestand. Die mittels der Varianz- und Diskriminanzanalyse erhaltenen Resultate weisen darauf hin, dass beide Programme sowohl zur Abnahme von MaƟzahlen der Hautfalten als auch zur Verbesserung in der Gelenkigkeit und Rhythmus-Hoordination fĆ¼hren aber die Bewegungsfrequenzen nur gering beeinflussen. Heine differenzier- baren EinflĆ¼sse zwischen den beiden Aerobic-Tanz-Programmen wurden festgestellt

    Non Linear Anthropometric Predictors in Swimming

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    In this paper we have tried to identify the significance and character of the linear and non-linear relations between simple anthropometric predictors: body height (BH), body weight (BW), and body mass index, and swimming performance: freestyle swimming 50 (FS50) and 400 meters (FS400), in a sample of young (15 years old on average) male (N=40) and female (N=28) swimmers. Linear (general model: y=a+bx) and nonlinear regression (general model: y= a+bx+cx2) were calculated simultaneously. Morphological variables are a significantly better predictor of the FS50 in males (BH mostly), and FS400 in females (BW mostly). This study emphasized some of the main advantages in the nonlinear regression calculation (including an interpretation of the relationships at a more superior level), and consequently allowed a precise anthropometric modeling in swimming using simple and easily measurable variables. For example, the best results in FS400 can be expected for the subjects that are average in BW (which guarantees solid muscle mass ā€“ the generator of force), but above average in BH (because of the physical law of lever). In conclusion, nonlinear regressions allow one to define the real nature of the relationships between variables, but only if compared with the linear ones. Additionally, this study emphasized one of the most important factors in defining possible specification-equation (e.g. structure of the influence of the different dimensions on the sport achievement) in different sports. In short, it underlines the importance of sampling the appropriate sample of the subject ā€“ highly skilled athletes exclusively

    Non Linear Relationships between Anthropometric and Motor-Endurance Variables

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    Nonlinear regressions are rare in anthropology. In this paper we have tried to identify the significance and the character of the linear and non-linear relations between some anthropometric measures and the motor-endurance status. All subjects (300 moderately physically active males, mean aged 24_3.4 years) were measured for body weight, body height, body mass index, push-ups, sit ups, standing high jump, 50 meters swimming, and 1500 meters running. Linear (general model: y=a+bx) and nonlinear regression (general model: y=a+bx+cx2) was calculated simultaneously. According to the presented results the non linear-square relation between variables can be expected: a) if there is evident cause why two absolutely different sub-groups of subjects should reach equal results in the criterion, b) if a non-linear- square basis for the established relationship can be found. In conclusion, simple linear and non linear regression procedures are to be used for the identification of linear and nonlinear predictors in nonlinear multiple regressions

    Differential Analysis of the Doping Behaviour Templates in Three Types of Sports

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    Conducted researches recognize various risk factors, as well as protective factors against doping behaviour in different sports i.e. sports disciplines or activities. The main goal of this research was to identify the correlation between selected socio-demographic, health-related, and sports-related predictors with doping factors in three different types of sports, which are (1) highly energetic demanding sports (weightlifting), (2) highly technical demanding sports (racquet sports), and (3) highly tactical demanding sports (sailing). The research consisted of three separate studies, each one of them researching one of the sports. The sample of subjects included altogether 293 athletes, senior level competitors (older than 18 years of age). In total, the sample comprised three homogenous sub-samples, as follows: athletes in highly energetic demanding sports (weightlifters and power lifters; N=27), athletes in highly technical demanding sports (table tennis, tennis and badminton players; N=188), and athletes in highly tactical demanding sports (sailing; N=78). The first study involved weightlifters where we should point out the existence of high doping behaviour. In this study, religiousness was interpreted as the most significant protective factor against doping behaviour, while sports factors are not found to be significantly related to doping. The study involving racquet sport athletes suggests a high risk of doping behaviour among those athletes who observe doping behaviour in their sport.We noticed low levels of athletesā€™ trust in their coachesā€™ and physiciansā€™ opinions on doping issues. This is an issue which should be researched in the future, because the underlying cause has not been studied as yet. Briefly, it seems that either the athletes are not convinced of their coachesā€™/physiciansā€™ expertise regarding doping issues, and/or they do not believe in their good intentions. It is particularly important, as the previous research has shown that with the increased trust in coaches and physicians, the chance that an athlete will use doping decreases. As expected, it is characteristic for sailing that it has a low likelihood of potential doping behaviour, although the consumption of dietary supplements is high. Substance abuse in sports spreads beyond those that enhance athletic performance. All of these issues should be studied in more detail in the future and, if appropriately validated, incorporated into anti-doping intervention programs

    Anthropometric Influence on Physical Fitness among Preschool Children: Gender-Specific Linear and Curvilinear Regression Models

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    There is evident lack of studies which investigated morphological influence on physical fitness (PF) among preschool children. The aim of this study was to (1) calculate and interpret linear and nonlinear relationships between simple anthropometric predictors and PF criteria among preschoolers of both genders, and (2) to find critical values of the anthropometric predictors which should be recognized as the breakpoint of the negative influence on the PF. The sample of subjects consisted of 413 preschoolers aged 4 to 6 (mean age, 5.08 years; 176 girls and 237 boys), from Rijeka, Croatia. The anthropometric variables included body height (BH), body weight (BW), sum of triceps and subscapular skinfold (SUMSF), and calculated BMI (BMI = BW (kg) / BH (m) 2 ). The PF was screened throughout testing of flexibility, repeti- tive strength, explosive strength, and agility. Linear and nonlinear (general quadratic model y=a+bx+cx 2 ) regressions were calculated and interpreted simultaneously. BH and BW are far better predictors of the physical fitness status than BMI and SUMSF. In all calculated regressions excluding flexibility criterion, linear and nonlinear prediction of the PF throughout BH and BW reached statistical significance, indicating influence of the advancement in maturity status on PF variables Differences between linear and nonlinear regressions are smaller in males than in females. There are some indices that the age of 4 to 6 years is a critical period in the prevention of obesity, mostly because the extensively studied and proven negative influence of overweight and adiposity on PF tests is not yet evident. In some cases we have found evident regression breakpoints (approximately 25 kg in boys), which should be interpreted as critical values of the anthro pometric measures for the studied sample of subjects

    Epidemiology of children's swimming competence and water safety

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    IntroductionThe main purpose of this study was to investigate children's swimming competence in primary schools of districts in Vojvodina, Serbia.MethodsIncluded subjects were primary school students from first to eighth grade (N = 2,778; male = 1,454, female = 1,324; age = 10.73 Ā± 2.1 years). We used Swimming Competence Questionnaire to acquire and analyze their swimming experience, non-fatal aquatic events, and demographics. For the statistical analysis, logistic regression and hierarchical multiple regression were used to evaluate if the factors and SC and NFAE were associated. The analyses were carried out by using SPSSĀ® software version 24.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA).ResultsFamilies with more income and education generally have children with more swimming competence, experience, knowledge, and skills related to water safety. First step in analysis revealed that gender (Ī² = 0.05, p < 0.01), education level (Ī² = 0.06, p < 0.01) age (Ī² = 0.171, p < 0.01), and family income (Ī² = 0.04, p < 0.01) were significant swimming competence (SC) predictors (R2 = 0.04). Age (OR = 1.15, p < 0.01) was the only significant predictor in Step 1 predicting non-fatal aquatic events (NFAE). In Step 2, variables associated with SC were swimming location (Ī”R2 = 0.06, p < 0.01), swimming experience (Ī”R2 = 0.16, p < 0.01), swimming accessibility (Ī”R2 = 0.05, p < 0.01), and learning experience (Ī”R2 = 0.03, p < 0.01) (total R2 = 0.26 to 0.47, p < 0.01). Only a minority of participants reported that they could not swim further than 5 meters using general stroke (37.15%).ConclusionNational education trainers programs must be prioritized with the primary strategy of transferring knowledge to swimming and water safety. Families with lower income must be included without exceptions. This is perhaps a key factor in preventing NFAE, increasing SC, and increasing water safety

    Pulmonary Function in Prepubescent Boys: The Influence of Passive Smoking and Sports Training

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    In this paper, we studied prepubescent boys (N = 75; 11.3 years Ā± 2 months) divided into three groups: two experimental groups and age-paired, non-systematically physically engaged controls (N = 25). The experimental groups consisted of 27 basketball players, and of 23 dinghy sailors. The pulmonary function was established measuring the large airway variables (inspiratory-vital-capacity, forced-vital-capacity, one-second-forced-expiratory-volume) and small airway variables (peak-expiratory-flow, and maximal-expiratory-flow after 50% and 75% exhalation). All variables were measured in absolute values and then presented and compared in relative values - predicted for age and stature. Using the simple originally constructed questionnaire, passive smoking status was observed, and the subjects were additionally sub-sampled as passive smokers, or non-exposed to passive smoking. The multivariate- analysis-of-the-variance (MANOVA) showed significant dominance (p < 0.05) of the experimental groups in the large airways variables and small airways variables, for the NS exclusively. No significant MANOVA differences were found between the basketball players and sailors, and between the non-exposed to passive smoking and passive smoking in any of the studied groups. The results of the present study indicate a positive influence of the systematic physical exercising on the pulmonary function, with no differential effects of the two-year basketball and dinghy sailing sports training on the pulmonary function