728 research outputs found

    Strong Bounds on Sum of Neutrino Masses in a 12 Parameter Extended Scenario with Non-Phantom Dynamical Dark Energy (w(z)≥−1w(z)\geq -1)

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    We obtained constraints on a 12 parameter extended cosmological scenario including non-phantom dynamical dark energy (NPDDE) with CPL parametrization. We also include the six Λ\LambdaCDM parameters, number of relativistic neutrino species (NeffN_{\textrm{eff}}) and sum over active neutrino masses (∑mν\sum m_{\nu}), tensor-to-scalar ratio (r0.05r_{0.05}), and running of the spectral index (nrunn_{run}). We use CMB Data from Planck 2015; BAO Measurements from SDSS BOSS DR12, MGS, and 6dFS; SNe Ia Luminosity Distance measurements from the Pantheon Sample; CMB B-mode polarization data from BICEP2/Keck collaboration (BK14); Planck lensing data; and a prior on Hubble constant (73.24±1.7473.24\pm1.74 km/sec/Mpc) from local measurements (HST). We have found strong bounds on the sum of the active neutrino masses. For instance, a strong bound of ∑mν<\sum m_{\nu} < 0.123 eV (95\% C.L.) comes from Planck+BK14+BAO. Although we are in such an extended parameter space, this bound is stronger than a bound of ∑mν<\sum m_{\nu} < 0.158 eV (95\% C.L.) obtained in ΛCDM+∑mν\Lambda \textrm{CDM}+\sum m_{\nu} with Planck+BAO. Varying AlensA_{\textrm{lens}} instead of r0.05r_{0.05} however leads to weaker bounds on ∑mν\sum m_{\nu}. Inclusion of the HST leads to the standard value of Neff=3.045N_{\textrm{eff}} = 3.045 being discarded at more than 68\% C.L., which increases to 95\% C.L. when we vary AlensA_{\textrm{lens}} instead of r0.05r_{0.05}, implying a small preference for dark radiation, driven by the H0H_0 tension.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, matches the published versio

    Enhanced tensor non-Gaussianities in presence of a source

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    We address the possibility of having an enhanced signal for tensor non-Gaussianities in presence of a source, as a signature of Primordial Gravitational Waves. We employ a nearly model-independent framework based on Effective Field Theory of inflation and compute tensor non-Gaussianities therefrom sourced by particle production during (p)reheating to arrive at an enhanced signal strength. We obtain the model-independent non-linearity parameters and also find that squeezed limit bispectra are more enhanced than equilateral limit.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Typos corrected, Minor modification

    Generic 3-point Statistics with Tensor Modes in Light of Swampland and TCC

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    Recently proposed Swampland Criteria (SC) and Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture (TCC) together put stringent theoretical constraints on slow roll inflation, raising a question on future prospects of detection of Primordial Gravitational Waves (PGW). As it appears, the only option to relax the constraints is by considering Non Bunch Davies (NBD) initial states, that in turn brings back the observational relevance of PGW via its 2-point function. In this article we develop consistent 3-point statistics with tensor modes for all possible correlators (auto and mixed) for NBD initial states in the light of SC and TCC in a generic, model independent framework of Effective Field Theory of inflation. We also construct the templates of the corresponding nonlinearity parameters fNLf_{NL} for different shapes of relevance and investigate if any of the 3-point correlators could be of interest for future CMB missions. Our analysis reveals that the prospects of detecting the tensor auto correlator are almost nil whereas the mixed correlators might be relevant for future CMB missions.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Effective field theory of magnetogenesis: Identifying the necessary and sufficient conditions

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    At all Universe scales, there is a detectable amount of magnetic field. There are several probable origins for this observed magnetic field, including the possibility of its origin in the early Universe. There are several models for primordial magnetogenesis, and if the inflationary background is taken into account, breaking conformal symmetry is required to generate a sufficient amount of magnetic field. The conformal symmetry breaking is introduced either by new couplings between electromagnetic field and inflaton field or including higher derivative terms to the theory. To unify these different approaches in the literature, we propose an Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach, where EFT parameters describe the magnetogenesis scenario in the early Universe, and different choices of parameters correspond to different models. We show that the vector perturbations do not have temporal evolution; hence, only the gauge field is the relevant gauge-invariant variable for the EFT. We explicitly show that the generation of primordial magnetic fields requires two necessary conditions -- conformal invariance breaking and causal propagation. Hence, conformal invariance breaking is only a necessary condition, \emph{not} a sufficient condition. We confirm this by considering a specific model of primordial magnetogenesis.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Growth of curvature perturbations for PBH formation & detectable GWs in non-minimal curvaton revisited

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    We revisit the growth of curvature perturbations in non-minimal curvaton scenario with a non-trivial field metric λ(ϕ)\lambda(\phi) where ϕ\phi is an inflaton field, and incorporate the effect from the non-uniform onset of curvaton's oscillation in terms of an axion-like potential. The field metric λ(ϕ)\lambda(\phi) plays a central role in the enhancement of curvaton field perturbation δχ\delta\chi, serving as an effective friction term which can be either positive or negative, depending on the shape of λ(ϕ)\lambda(\phi), namely the first derivative λ,ϕ\lambda_{,\phi}. Our analysis reveals that δχ\delta\chi undergoes the superhorizon growth when the condition ηeff≡−22ϵMPlλ,ϕλ<−3\eta_\text{eff} \equiv - 2 \sqrt{2\epsilon} M_\text{Pl} { \lambda_{,\phi} \over \lambda} < -3 is satisfied. This is analogous to the mechanism responsible for the amplification of curvature perturbations in the context of ultra-slow-roll inflation, namely the growing modes dominate curvature perturbations. As a case study, we examine the impact of a Gaussian dip in λ(ϕ)\lambda(\phi) and conduct a thorough investigation of both the analytical and numerical aspects of the inflationary dynamics.Our findings indicate that the behavior of the curvaton perturbation during inflation is not solely determined by the depth of the dip in λ(ϕ)\lambda(\phi). Rather, the shape of the dip also plays a significant role, a feature that has not been previously highlighted in the literature.Utilizing the δN\delta \mathcal{N} formalism, we derive analytical expressions for both the final curvature power spectrum and the non-linear parameter fNLf_\text{NL} in terms of an axion-like curvaton's potential leading to the non-uniform curvaton's oscillation.Additionally, the resulting primordial black hole abundance and scalar-induced gravitational waves are calculated, which provide observational windows for PBHs.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure
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