1 research outputs found

    Multilocational Evaluation of Some Selected Chickpea Nodulation Variants in India

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    High- (HN) and low-nodulating (LN) selections from each of the two cultivars ICC 4948 and ZCC 5003 developed at ZCRISAT Asia Center, were evaluated in seven experiments in five diffaent agroecological pones in India, The objectives of this multilouzrional experiment were to validate nodulation uzpacities of the selections in difftent environments, and to determine if the high-nodulating seleaions were indeed high yielding. Two nonnodulczting selections were included as refweaces to assess N, fixed by the different selections wing the N difference method. Relative differences for nodule number and nodule mass between the HN and LN selections within a cultivcrr were consistent across Locations and years. The HN selections genendly yielded higher (range 4-41 % in ICC 5003 HN and 4-1 06% in ZCC 4948 HN) than the LN versions of the same cultiuar, but the differences wme significant (P < 0.05) only in two of the seven experiment