14 research outputs found

    セイジン カンゴ ガクシュウ ニオケル インシデント ノ ジッタイ ト キョウイクジョウ ノ カダイ

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     本研究の目的は,成人看護学実習において看護学生が体験したインシデントの実態を明らかにし,本学の成人看護教育の中で医療安全についての教育方法を考察することである.本学の成人看護学実習において学生より提出されたインシデント・アクシデント報告書を集計し,項目別に「発生時間」「実習開始日数」「発生場所」「事例レベル」「対象者の概要」「発生状況」「原因分類」に沿って内容分析を行った.学生には同意書および口頭で研究参加への説明をおこない,同意書により承諾が得られた者のインシデント・アクシデント報告書のみ集計した.結果,インシデント・アクシデントレポートの総計は21 件であり,そのうち研究参加の同意を得ることができたのは18 件であった.インシデント・アクシデントの内容では,転倒・転落が10 件と圧倒的に多く,次いで薬剤,チューブ抜去,報告,その他が各2件であった.学生のインシデント・アクシデントの結果から成人看護学実習における指導方法として,学生と患者の安全確保のために教員と臨床指導者が常に学生が行動レベルにおいて見守ること,安全な看護技術を思考し実践できるようかかわる必要性が示唆された.This study aims at understanding the reality of incidents that nursing students experience in adult nursing practice and at examining methods for medical safety education and training in adult nursing education at our university. Reports on incidents and accidents that nursing students experienced in their adult nursing practice were collected for analysis. These incidents and accidents were analyzed according to the time of the day when each took place, the numberof days elapsed from the start of the nursing practice to the day of the incident/accident, the place of the incident/accident, the severity of the incident/accident, the people affected by the incident/accident, the circumstances of the incident/accident, and the cause of the  incident/accident. Nursing students were given an oral and written explanation of this study to obtain their informed consent, and reports from those who gave consent in writing to their participation in the study were used for analysis. Of the 21 reports on incidents and accidents, 18 reports were available for this study with the consent of students who prepared these reports. The majority of the reported incidents/accidents were falls (10 cases) followed by 2 cases each of incidents/accidents related to medication, extubation, reporting, and other. The results suggestthat it is necessary for teachers and clinical instructors to watch out for the safety of patients and students while students are engaging with patients, and to help students to think about and put into practice safe nursing skills

    セイジン カンゴガク ジッシュウ ゼンゴ ノ ガクセイ ノ ヘンカ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : フアン カンゴ カテイ テンカイ コンピテンシー オ チュウシン ニ

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     効果的な臨地実習指導を検討することを目的として、新設看護系大学の3 年生78 名を対象に臨地実習(以下実習)における「不安」、「看護過程展開」および「コンピテンシー」の自己評価に基づくアンケート調査を行ったところ、学生は実習前よりも実習後に不安や実習中の記録物への負担を感じており、対象の理解が不足しているために看護計画の立案に困難さを感じていることが分かった。また、実習を通して、誠実さや批判的能力、言語的能力、リーダーシップ、自分とは異なる考えを理解し受容する力量、リーダーシップ、書き言葉によるコミュニケーションを獲得する必要があることに気づいていることが分かった。実習に携わる教員は、学生が新たな知識や学習の必要性に気づけるように関わる必要がある。 With the aim of studying effective on-site laboratory work, a self-evaluation-based questionnairesurvey on “anxiety,” “development of the nursing process,” and “competency” during practical laboratory training (practical training, below) was conducted on 78 third year students at a new nursing university. Compared with before training, the students experienced increased anxiety after practical training; moreover, they experienced stress with regard to the maintenance of records during training. We discovered that difficulty was experienced in drawing up a nursing care plan because of insufficient subject understanding. Furthermore, throughout practical training, we noticed a need to improve written communication, reliability and critical skills,linguistic skills, ability to understand and accept ideas different from one’s own, and leadership. The teaching staff participating in practical training needs to be aware of students’ need for new knowledge and training

    セイジン カンゴガク リンチ ジッシュウ ニ オイテ シュウトク サレタ コンピテンシー ノ ジコ ヒョウカ

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     成人看護学臨地実習を行う事で学生がどのように変化しているかを明らかとするため,実習前 の目標達成度とコンピテンシーの自己評価を調査・検討した.対象者として,A 大学3 年生170 名(回答138 名,有効回答率81%)に対し,まず実習前説明時に集合調査を行い,ついで,実習後調査を成人看護学実習(6 週間)終了毎に逐次実施した.調査内容は,成人看護学実習目標の20 項目について各々4 段階評価とし,コンピテンシー項目では吉本(2001)らが開発した調査用紙を参考として看護師向けに作成した37 項目に対し,獲得能力と職業上必要な能力について各々5 段階の自己評価を行った. その結果,実習目標達成度における学生の自己評価は,実習後に上昇しており有意差も認められた.ところが,コンピテンシーの37 項目では獲得能力はすべて低下を示していた.しかしながら,職務上の必要能力においては「外国語の使用」以外のすべての項目が有意に上昇していた. すなわち,臨地実習では,成人看護学実習目標こそ達成してはいたものの,コンピテンシーの獲得能力に関する全37 項目が低下していた.この結果から推測されることとして,学生は机上学習のみの時点では自己評価が高まり、あたかも全てができるように感じていたのであろうが.いざ実際に臨地実習を行った際には,不十分なレベルの看護実践しか行えず、いわゆる第一段階のリアリティショックを感じていたのではなかろうか.これらのことを臨地実習指導者は十分に理解したうえで,指導において,学生自身が自己の現時点での能力をしっかりと見据えながらも、看護者として働く自己の姿を客観的に見つめる機会をも与えるような教育姿勢が必要であろう.To clarify how nursing students have changed through adult nursing practice training, self-assessment exercises regarding practice training goals and their competencies before and after training were conducted and analyzed. These were undertaken with 138 nursing students of A University before and after six week training (81% response rate). The self-assessment chart consists of 20-item scale representing adult nursing practice training goals with a four-point scale and 37-item scale of competencies featuring acquired abilities and required professional abilities that were modified from competency frameworks that Keiichi Yoshimoto and others haddeveloped with a five-point scale. Results; the self-assessed scores on practice training goals indicated higher levels after training and showed significant differences. In 37-item scale of competencies, averaged scores on acquired abilities didn\u27t show any improvement. However, all required professional abilities except communication in foreign languages were improved through practice training. After the theoretical learning, nursing students might feel as if they could take all required abilities on the job for adult nursing due to their better self-assessment. However, students seem to have experienced a kind of reality shock through practice training. Therefore, nursing practice training has to be taken on this respect as well

    カンゴケイ ダイガクセイ ニオケル ジソン カンジョウ ノ ジッタイ : SOBA SET オ モチイテ

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     本研究の目的は,看護系大学に入学した学生の自尊感情の実態を調査し,看護を担う社会人としての責務を理解し成長するための学習支援を提言することである.研究方法は自尊感情測定尺度(以下SOBA SET:18 項目を4 段階評定)を用いた調査研究.看護大学生にSOBA SET 用紙を配布,回収した. SOBA SET 配布総数は388 部で174 名の回答を得た(有効回答率44.8%).分析対象内訳は,1 年生74 名(42.5%),2 年生24 名(13.8%),3 年生26 名(14.9%),4 年生50 名(28.7%)であった.SBタイプは4 年生が43.0%,2・3 年生は60%台,1 年生は70.3%であった.失敗や叱咤の体験があっても,自らの力で立ち直ると推察される.Sb タイプは,2 年生が8.3%を呈した.周囲に「この学生なら大丈夫」と捉えさせてしまい,学生が「孤独感」に苛まされていることを見落とす可能性がある. 今後は自尊感情の発達・成長を縦断的に追跡し,教育方法の検討をしていく必要性が示唆された.The objective of this study is to investigate issues related to self-esteem among nursing collegestudents, and contribute to understanding what support arrangements would be of help for students to develop and understand the responsibilities they are expected to fulfill as members of society who are in charge of nursing. The study design is a questionnaire survey using a social and basic self-esteem test (SOBA-SET), which rates 18 items on four scales. The SOBA-SET questionnaire forms were distributed to and collected directly from the nursing college students. In total, we distributed 388 forms and collected 174 responses (44.8 %). The analysis was conducted with 74 first year( 42.5 %), 24 second year( 13.8 %), 26 third year( 14.9 %), and 50 fourth year (28.7 %) students. The responses were classified into SB and Sb types, and 70.3% of the first year, about 60% of second and third years and 43.0 % of fourth year students were included in the SB type. This suggests that students can overcome difficulties by themselves even if they make mistakes and are scolded. However, a total of 8.3 % of the second year students were evaluated as the Sb type. This suggests that teachers may be overlooking distress arising from“ feelings of isolation” felt by these students by assuming that“ there is no need to worry about these students”. The findings suggest the necessity to follow up the development and growth of the selfesteem of these students and also to examine educational methods

    Polymer electrolyte membrane based on polyacrylate with phosphonic acid via long alkyl side chains

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    A series of novel phosphonated polymers with phosphonic acid groups via different lengths of flexible pendant side chains was synthesized. The radical polymerization of the corresponding diethyl esters of acrylate monomers, followed by hydrolysis with trimethylsilyl bromide produced the expected polyacrylates. Among the three polymers, the cross-linked poly[6-(acryloyloxy)hexylphosphonic acid] (PAHPA) membrane prepared by the recombination of polymer radicals with benzoyl peroxide as a radical initiator showed excellent proton conductivity comparable to that of the Nafion 117 membrane in the range of 30-80% relative humidity (RH) at 80 degrees C, regardless of the significant low water uptake behavior. Furthermore, well-defined phase separation between the hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains was clearly observed by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and synchrotron X-ray scattering measurements. To the best of our knowledge, the cross-linked PAHPA membrane shows the best proton conductivity performance among phosphonated polymers already reported.X111010sciescopu