1 research outputs found

    Scope of Energy Consumption & Energy Conservation in Indian auto part manufacturing Industry

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    Energy is crucial to human sustenance and development. Due to the increase in the Demand of energy and deficiency in power generation, day by day the gap between demand and supply of electric energy is widening. Bridging this gap from the supply side is very difficult and expensive proposition. Also limited energy resources, scarcity of capital and high interest costs for the addition of new generation capacity is leading to the increased cost of electrical energy in India.  The only viable way to handle this crisis, apart from capacity addition, is the efficient use of available energy, which is possible only by continuously monitoring and controlling the use of electrical energy. Hence energy management program is a systematic and scientific process to identify the potential for improvements in energy efficiency, to recommend the ways with or without financial investment, to achieve estimated saving energy and energy cost. It is estimated that Industrial energy use in developing countries constitutes about 45-50 % of the total commercial energy consumption. Much of this energy is converted from imported oil, the price of which has increased tremendously so much so that most of developing countries spent more than 50 % of their foreign exchange earnings. Not with standing these fiscal constraints, developing countries need to expand its industrial base like us if it has to generate the resources to improve the quality of life of its people. The expansion of industrial base does require additional energy inputs which become more & more difficult in the present scenario. In this competitive world, cost competitiveness is very essential for survival of every individual have to save the energy so is equal to the generate energy. To establish any work / motive or task, energy in one or other form is an essential component. Thus the need to conserve energy, particularly in industry and commerce is strongly felt as the energy cost takes up substantial share in the overall cost structure of the operation. Hence it calls MANAGEMENT OF ENERGY or in other words MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES or ENERGY CONSERVATION