20 research outputs found

    An Experience-Connected e-Learning System with a Personalization Mechanism for Learners’ Situations and Preferences

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    This paper presents an “experience-connected” e- Learning system that facilitates users to learn practical skills of foreign language by associating knowledge and daily-life experiences. “Experience-Connected” means that the users of this system receive personalized and situation-dependent learning materials automatically. Knowledge associated to users’ daily-life has the following advantages: 1) provides opportunities to learn frequently, and 2) provides clear and practical context information about foreign language usage. The unique feature of this system is a dynamic relevance computation mechanism that retrieves learning materials according to both preference relevance and spatiotemporal relevance. Users of this system obtain appropriate learning materials, without manual and time-consuming search processes. This paper proves the feasibility of the system by showing the actual system implementation that automatically broadcasts the media-data of foreign language learning materials to smart-phones

    A Geo-Location Context-Aware Mobile Learning System with Adaptive Correlation Computing Methods

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    AbstractThis paper proposes a context-aware mobile learning system with adaptive correlation computing methods. This system enables users to enhance their knowledge by correlating it with daily experiences. The proposed system contains a hybrid metric vector space to define the correlation between heterogeneous metadata vectors of the user context and learning material. The system integrates heterogeneous metric vector spaces with definitions of the semantic relations between the vector spaces. The significant feature of this system is a hybrid adaptation mechanism for the calculation of correlation. The adaptation mechanism has multidirectional adaptation functions for various learning materials, situations, and learners. We propose a revise-localize-personalize (RLP) adaptation model. In the adaptation mechanism, users only have to improve the metadata or the relations just in their relevant field. The advantage of the system is that the system reduces the time-intensive efforts required for describing direct relations between user contexts and learning materials. This paper presents the feasibility of the context-aware heterogeneous information provision with the hybrid metric vector space, by implementing an actual mobile application system and examining real-world experiments on data provision

    Comparison of Learning Effectiveness on Academic Presentation with and without Face-to-Face Teaching by Checklist

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    広島大学では,学部新入生必修科目「大学教育入門」を開講している.2019年度まで,全15回のうち1回「アカデミック・プレゼンテーション」の授業を反転授業として実施していた.コロナ禍の影響もあり2020年度と2021年度はオンライン授業のみとなり、対面授業は行わなかった.課題として学生が提出したスライドのデザインをチェックリストに基づいて採点し,反転授業とオンライン授業の結果を比較検討した.動画の視聴をしたグループのほうがしなかったグループより採点結果が良かった.また,対面授業を行なった2019年度よりも対面授業を行なっていない2021年度の方が採点結果が良かった.”Introduction to University Education” is a compulsory course for fresh undergraduate students at Hiroshima University. Until the 2019 academic year, one of the 15 classes, ”Academic Presentation,” was offered as a flipped classroom. Due to the Corona disaster, only online classes were offered in FY2020 and FY2021, and no face-to-face classes were held. In this study, slide designs submitted by students as assignments were graded based on a checklist, and the results of the flipped class and the online class were compared. The group that watched the video scored better than the group that did not. And, the score result was better in fiscal 2021 in fiscal 2019 and fiscal 2021

    Practice of Flipped Classroom in "Introduction to University Education": An Analysis of Access Log for Lecture Videos and Online Tests

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    広島大学では,学部新入生向け「大学教育入門」という必修の科目がある.オムニバス形式で回ごとに内容が違う科目だが,その第9章「アカデミック・プレゼンテーション」の回で反転授業をおこなった.本研究では,講義動画の視聴行動および視聴行動と成績との関係を分析した.大学ICT推進協議会 2018年度 年次大会 発表番号 : MB1-

    Comparison of "With-Face" and "No-Face" in lecture videos for flipped classroom

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    広島大学では,学部新入生必修科目「大学教育入門」を開講している.その全15回のうち1回の「アカデミック・プレゼンテーション」の章で,反転授業をおこなっている.本研究では,事前学習動画で人物が映っていて説明しているものと,スライド映像に音声をつけているだけのもの2種類を用意し,新入生を約半分に分けて提供した.その視聴行動や小テストの得点にどういう影響を与えたかを比較した."Introduction to University Education” is provided as a compulsory course for the freshmen in Hiroshima university. In the course one of the chapters \Academic Presentation” is given as a flipped classroom. We have prepared two types of the online lecture; the one is with the lecturer on screen and the other without it. In this paper we study how the lecturer on screen affects the watching behavior of the lecture video and the grade of the small test


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    We have derived the quasi-classical Green's function in the triple layer system including semi-infinite superconductor by extending the AAHN formulation for double layer system in the clean limit and have studied some superconducting proximity contact systems. Following AAHN, we first constructed a solution of the Green's function for the superconducting finite triple layer system in a form including the spatial evolution operator within the quasi-classical approximation. Taking the limit of both the layer sizes LL, and LR to infinity ( keeping the center layer size L finite ), we have obtained the solution of the quasi-classical Green's function for the semi-infinite triple layer system. The present formulation has a great advantage in computing the self-consistent pair potential. In the conventional quasi-classical Green's function method, one has to solve the Eilenberger equation under the restriction of the normalization condition as well as of the boundary condition[23]. In numerical calculations according to that program, one needs sophisticated techniques to find converging solutions at infinities. In the present formulation, we have obtained an explicit form of the Green's function which already satisfies the boundary condition and is written by quantities converging at infinities. This reduces the numerical efforts very much. One of the applications of the present formulation is a study of the point contact experiment. Taking account of the reflection coefficients at the point contact and at the normal-superconducting interface, we have calculated the Andreev reflection. It is found that the Andreev reflection, which is closely related to the differential conductance, can have double peak structure as a function of the incident energy below the bulk energy gap 06 ΔSbulk. This happens because of a finiteness of the normal layer and finite interfacial reflection coefficients. It was found that the differential conductance also can has double peak structure as a function of the bias voltage. Next, we have obtained the density of states of the N region for the superconducting-normal-superconducting proximity contact system. It is found that the density of states has a structure below the bulk energy gap ΔSbulk, in a similar manner to the Andreev reflection in the N'-N'-S system. This structure comes from time de Gennes- Saint-James bound state which is originated by the Andreev reflection at time N-S interface. Also we have calculated the total density of states. This total density of states can be detected by scanning tunneling spectroscopy. The spatial variation of the density of states, which was detected in a STM experiment, has been realized by taking account, of the pairing interaction of the N region. We have also studied the s-wave superconductor and the d-wave superconductor junction. The self-consistent calculation of the pair potential can be achieved by use of the present quasi-classical formulation. The pair potential near the interface are suppressed due to the proximity effect. When the supercurrent flows through time junction, it has been found from the numerical results, that time spatial variation of the phase φz of the pair potential in the s-wave vs d-wave junction is different from that in the s-wave vs s-wave junction near the interface. A sign of the spatial derivative of the phase near the interface is opposite to that of the bulk region. Also, even if time reflection coefficient is zero, the phase shows a jump at the interface. To interpret these unordinary behavior, we have tried to analyze this junction by use of the G-L expansion devised for the S-S junction. It was, however, found that an obtained boundary condition is not consistent. Time anomalous behavior of the pair potential is remarkable at lower temperature. It indicates that such behaviors may not be reproduced by the G-L expansion. This problem is still to be examined in future study. We have studied some systems in the clean limit and in equilibrium. All actual systems, however, are not in the clean limit and not in equilibrium. It is important to take account of the impurity effect and extend the formulation to the non-equilibrium system.Contents 1 Introduction / p1 2 The quasi-classical Green's function / p8  2.1 The Bogoliubov-de Genncs equation and the Andreev equation / p8  2.2 The quasi-classical Green's function for a finite triple layer system1G / p16  2.3 The quasi-classical Green's function of a semi-infinite triple layer system. / p22  2.4 The Green's function and physical quantities / p25  2.5 The self-consistent pair potential / p29 3 Andreev reflection in the normal-normal-superconducting triple layer system / p35  3.1 Andreev reflection in the normal-superconducting double infinite system / p37  3.2 Normal-normal-superconducting proximity contact system / p46 4 The local density of states of the superconducting-normal-superconducting triple layer system / p59  4.1 The de Gennes-Saint-James bound state / p59  4.2 The superconducting-normal-superconducting semi-infinite triple layer sys-tem / p63 5 The infinite double layer system with s-wave and d-wave superconductor / p73 6 Summary / p94 7 Acknowledgment / p97広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(学術)Sciencedoctora