67 research outputs found
Synthesis And Characterization Of Low Bandgap Nanocrystalline T-Zirconia
Serbuk nanohablur t-ZrO2 disintesis melalui kaedah kimia untuk mencari
kemungkinan jika dop elektronik akan meningkatkan konduktiviti elektronik oksida. Y3+
ditambah sebagai penstabil untuk mengekalkan fasa t-ZrO2 manakala Nb5+
dimasukkan untuk dop elektronik.
Nanocrystal t-ZrO2 powders were synthesized through a chemical route to seek
a possibility if electronic doping would improve the electronics conductivity of the oxide.
Y3+ was added as a stabilizer to retain tetragonal phase ZrO2 whereas Nb5+ was added
for electronics doping
Synthesis And Characterization Of Low Bandgap Nanocrystalline T-Zirconia [TA418.9.N35 N692 2007 f rb].
Serbuk nanohablur t-ZrO2 disintesis melalui kaedah kimia untuk mencari kemungkinan jika dop elektronik akan meningkatkan konduktiviti elektronik oksida. Y3+
ditambah sebagai penstabil untuk mengekalkan fasa t-ZrO2 manakala Nb5+ dimasukkan untuk dop elektronik.
Nanocrystal t-ZrO2 powders were synthesized through a chemical route to seek a possibility if electronic doping would improve the electronics conductivity of the oxide.
Y3+ was added as a stabilizer to retain tetragonal phase ZrO2 whereas Nb5+ was added for electronics doping
Holistic Approach for Creating Environmentally Friendly Campus
To achieve an environmentally friendly campus, UMN operates gas engine generator with co-generation system. Waste heat from generator powers absorption chiller for air conditioning. UMN benefits clean energy sources, reduced pollution, and energy saving. The next phases rely on energy consumption reduction by applying passive design. Two towers were designed with double-skin facade. The perforated aluminum panel reduces solar heat gain on the building wall while still allows sunlight into the room for natural lighting. Lower room temperature will reduce cooling load, which will save energy. Combined with energyefficient appliances and natural air ventilation for corridors and open space, this concept saves more than half of energy consumption. Both towers were awarded the first and second winners of ASEAN Energy Award in 2014 and 2019. Various trees have been planted and produce oxygen to supply fresh air to create comfortable studying environment without air conditioning. To reduce carbon footprint, UMN provides shuttle bus and bike-sharing service. A holistic approach is implemented by recycling and conserving water with sewage water treatment and infiltration wells surrounding the campus. As part of the sustainability program, UMN has also utilized solar energy
Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat pelatihan skill penunjang revolusi industri 4.0:smart factory dan cloud-big data track secara umum bertujuan untuk meningkatkan SDMdi kota Tangerang dan secara khusus bertujuan untuk membekali peserta pelatihan akan pengetahuan teori dan teknis mengenai industri 4.0. Peserta dibagi menjadi 2 track yangberbeda yakni smart factory dan big-data. Track smart factory membahas mengenaimanajemen dan perangkat penunjang industri cerdas, sedangkan track cloud-big datamembahas mengenai pemanfaatan cloud beserta pengolahan data yang besar. Pelatihan iniberlangsung per-minggu selama 7 minggu dimulai tanggal 6 Maret 2022 hingga 8 April2022 dengan pengantar Bahasa Indonesia. Total 30 peserta dari latar keilmuan berbedamengikuti pelatihan ini. Pada artikel ini akan dibahas pada salah satu topik atau kelas padatrack cloud-big data yakni mengenai komputasi awan Amazon Web Service (AWS). Materiutama yang diajarkan pada topik ini mengenai servis-servis server-based dan serverlessbaseddi dalam AWS. Penilaian akhir dari kelas AWS yakni peserta diminta membuatarsitektur AWS untuk deployment halaman portfolio peserta
IoT-Based Automatic Transfer Switch System Design on Solar Home System
The challenge hybrid system power sources face is switching from one source to another. This transfer is required to anticipate the depletion of energy sources in the battery owing to unfavorable weather, such that the solar panels do not receive sufficient sunlight. An automatic switching process with minimal time lag is required to maintain the continuity of the electrical energy flow. In addition, there is a growing need to analyze the energy consumption in certain areas and periods. This project designed and built an Internet of Things (IoT) based Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) system. The ATS prototype uses the Arduino MEGA 2560 microcontroller to switch the power source and the ESP32 DevKit V1 microcontroller to send the data logger to the IoThingsHub cloud platform for monitoring systems that are useful for sustainable ecosystems. The sensor exhibited accuracies of 99.8% for voltage and 96.5% for current readings. The ATS prototype could switch between power sources with an average time lag of 47 ms. The results of the field trials show that the ATS prototype design utilized solar photovoltaic for approximately 26% of the usage, with a 100 Ah 12V battery system and three 100 Wp solar panels in sunny/partly cloudy conditions for 50 W lamp loads
Ultraviolet – C Dose Spread Simulation based on the Fixed-Lamp System in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Since Corona Virus Disease (COVID) – 19 is considered a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), governments, and communities, worldwide trying to prevent transmission and reduce the number of deaths caused by the virus. One method of preventing transmission is spraying disinfectants using certain chemical compounds. However, chemicals can also hurt the environment and humans themselves if the doses used are not by existing standards. An alternative disinfectant method that does not use chemicals and is environmentally friendly, namely by using the UV (Ultraviolet)-decontamination method, UV-C rays. This research aims to find out the results of UV irradiation from UV-C lamps in theory and measurement. Then, the optimal placement of a fixed - UV lamp system to obtain an effective disinfectant dose and the length of time it takes to reach the target dose prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. The methods include theoretical calculations and data measurements to see the results of UV radiation irradiation on UV-C lamps and look for correlations between the two to find the conversion value. Moreover, with the help of DIALux Evo 9.2 software to find out the radiation value from the conversion equation, see the optimum UV dose spread, and reach the desired dose target time. The result is that there are differences in the results of UV irradiation on UV-C lamps with the efficiency of lamps and ballasts as well as on the measurement method that affects UV-C radiation, but according to field conditions and does not affect the actual application. The number of lamp placements and the dimensions of the room affects the dose spread. Moreover, the minimum time to achieve the target dose in the case study is 29 minutes using six placements of UV-C lamps with two lamps each at the six placement points
Pengaruh Molar Rasio Tetracalcium Phosphate Dan Dicalcium Phosphate Dan Penambahan Chitosan Sebagai Gelling Agent Dalam Sintesis Pasta Calcium Phosphate Cement
Bone cement berbasis calcium phosaphate banyak digunakan dalam aplikasi kedokteran karena memiliki in-situ-setting ability, osteoconductivity, dan bone-replacement capability yang baik. Akan tetapi, calcium phosphate cement memiliki keterbatasan yaitu setting time yang lama, mudah washout, dan memiliki strength yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, pada studi ini penulis mencoba memodifikasi sifat dari calcium phospate cement tersebut dengan memodifikasi molar rasio tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP) dan dicalcium phosphate (DCPA), dan menambahkan chitosan sebagai gelling agent. Modifikasi molar rasio bertujuan untuk menurunkan setting time, sedangkan penambahan chitosan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan washout resistance, mempercepat pertumbuhan apatit dan mempercepat setting time. Modifikasi molar rasio tetracalcium phosphate (TTCP) dan dicalcium phosphate (DCPA) dari 1:1 menjadi 1:2 menunjukan penurunan setting time yang signifikan dari 30 menit menjadi 12 menit untuk sampel tanpa penambahan chitosan, dan untuk sampel dengan penambahan chitosan terjadi penurunan setting time dari 28 menit menjadi 8 menit. Penambahan chitosan terbukti efektif mempercepat setting time sekitar 2-4 menit, mempercepat pertumbuhan apatit dan dapat meningkatkan washout resistance semua sampel
Aluminum alloys has been widely used in most of engineering applications, such as marine industries and aerospace, due to its light weight and durability properties. In the aggressive environment, aluminum alloy becomes chemically reactive and losses its corrosion resistance that can significantly limit to its applications. One of the approaches that have been studied in this research is to improve the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy by adding zirconium oxide (ZrO2) film coating. In the experimental procedure, aluminum alloy was dipcoated into the solution containing zirconium butoxide (as a precursor) in a specific solvent (consisting of acetone, ethanol, and nitric acid). Dipping process was conducted at different dipping-numbers, which are 3, 5, and 7 dipping number. After dip-coating process, the coated aluminum was annealed at 350°C for 3 hours. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the coating film consists of tetragonal ZrO2. Then, increases in dipping number improved the surface quality of the coating layer, where number of cracks and black spots reduced continuously with higher dipping number. This condition gave positive impacts on the corrosion performance of the aluminum, where higher dipping number brings better corrosion protection in NaCl solution
Aluminum alloy AA2024 coated with ZrO2 using a sol-gel-assisted dip-coating technique and its corrosion performance
Aluminum alloys has been widely used in most of engineering applications, such as marine industries and aerospace, due to its light weight and durability properties. In the aggressive environment, aluminum alloy becomes chemically reactive and losses its corrosion resistance that can significantly limit to its applications. One of the approaches that have been studied in this research is to improve the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloy by adding zirconium oxide (ZrO2) film coating. In the experimental procedure, aluminum alloy was dipcoated into the solution containing zirconium butoxide (as a precursor) in a specific solvent (consisting of acetone, ethanol, and nitric acid). Dipping process was conducted at different dipping-numbers, which are 3, 5, and 7 dipping number. After dip-coating process, the coated aluminum was annealed at 350°C for 3 hours. X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the coating film consists of tetragonal ZrO2. Then, increases in dipping number improved the surface quality of the coating layer, where number of cracks and black spots reduced continuously with higher dipping number. This condition gave positive impacts on the corrosion performance of the aluminum, where higher dipping number brings better corrosion protection in NaCl solution
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