2 research outputs found
Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Post Stroke Hemiparese Dextra DI RST. DR. Soedjono Magelang
Background : Stroke is a disease with acute functional disorders, focal and global, which is a result of the interruption of blood flow to the brain is disrupted due to bleeding or obstruction with symptoms and signs the appropriate part of the brain that is affected, which can recover completely, cured with a disability, or can also result in death. In post stroke patients are usually encountered several problems such as abnormalities tone ( placid and spastic ), coordination and balance, loss of normal postural reflex mechanism and abnormalities sensomotoris due to complications. Objective : To determine the benefits of Infra red modalities , therapeutic exercise , and walking exercise in reducing spasticity, increase muscle strength , improve improve range of motion, and improve functional ability. Method : Physiotherapy methods used in the case that the infra red modalities, exercise therapy using the PNF and evaluation with spasticity measurement methods (Asworth Scale), measurement of functional activity (Indeks Barthel) and measurement of motion (Goneometer). Results : After 6 times the therapeutic results obtained on the limb spasticity assessment of shoulder dextra T1: 1 to T6: 0 , elbow T1: 2 to T6: 1+ , ankle T1: 2 to T6: 1 and increased functional activity of scores T1: 87 ie moderate dependence, be balanced T6: 94 ie mild dependence and improved gait. Conclusion : Giving Infra red but used as a reduction of pain can also be used for warming up before exercise provision in order to get maximum results, exercise therapy with PNF method can reduce the value of spasticity and maximize functional activity post stroke patients , practice walking with Gait control can restore the pattern street post stroke patients due to train coordination and balance that could worsen during the stroke
Pengaruh Pemberian Senam Aerobic Intensitas Sedang Dan Tinggi Terhadap Penurunan Berat Badan
Background:Overweight is a medical condition such as excess body fat that accumulates in a way that adversely affect health. Overweight is a problem that is experienced by various circles, especially in adult women. Eating fast food with high calories, less exercise and are accustomed to living leisurely make weight gain more and more uncontrollable. To overcome the problem of excess weight one can do aerobics.
Objective: To determine the effect of different aerobic exercise of moderate intensity and height to weight loss.
Methods: Quasi-Experimental Research uses methods to design research Pre and Post Two Group Design by comparing the two treatments, ie, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise and high intensity aerobic exercise performed for 4 weeks with 10 respondents. Data analysis techniques in this study to test the effect of using Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney test for different test influence.
Result: the effect of moderate intensity aerobic exercise and high for weight loss using the Wilcoxon test that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise with the results mean p = 0.034 p <0.05 can be concluded no significant effect on weight loss and high intensity aerobic exercise the results mean p = 0.038 p <0.05 it can be concluded there is a significant impact on weight loss. To test the difference between the 2 treatment effect using the Mann Whitney test results mean p = 0.006 p <0.05 it can be concluded there is a significant difference between moderate-intensity aerobic exercise san height to weight loss.
Conclusions: There is a significant difference between aerobic exercise of moderate intensity and height to weight loss.
Keywords: Aerobic Gymnastics, Aerobics Intensity Medium, High Intensity Aerobic, Weigh