16 research outputs found

    Моделирование процесса нанесения покрытия на микросферы

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the process of coating microspheres with Kollicoat MAE 100P film. In this study the influence of the main technological parameters of the coating process on the properties of coated microspheres was investigated. A mathematical model was developed using statistical methods of processing experimental data. This model allows calculating quantitatively the properties of coated microspheres on the basis of coating process parameters.Работа посвящена исследованию процесса нанесения пленочного покрытия Kollicoat MAE 100P на микросферы. В ходе данной работы исследовано влияние основных технологических параметров проведения процесса на характеристики покрытых микросфер. С помощью статистических методов обработки экспериментальных данных была получена математическая модель, позволяющая количественно определить свойства микросфер, исходя из технологических параметров процесса нанесения покрытия

    Исследование двухстадийной инкапсуляции липофильных функциональных компонентов

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    Two-stage encapsulation of lipophilic functional components was investigated. It consists of emulsion preparation stage and spray drying. Influence of 10 factors on quality parameters (encapsulation efficiency, output capacity and residual moisture content) was estimated. The major factors were identified and recommended for design of the technology.Исследован процесс двухстадийной инкапсуляции липофильных функциональных компонентов, включающий стадии получения водно-масляной эмульсии и распылительной сушки. Проведена оценка степени влияния десяти факторов на такие ключевые характеристики, как: эффективность инкапсуляции, производительность по целевому продукту и остаточное влаго-содержание. Выявлены наиболее значимые и даны рекомендации для проведения промышленного эксперимента

    Исследование и оптимизация процесса инкапсулирования лекарственного вещества в полимерную оболочку в аппарате псевдоожиженного слоя

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    The drug encapsulation by enteric film fluid-bed coating has been investigated. Influence of each operation parameter on product quality has been estimated and optimal conditions included film thickness have been determined. The model drug release kinetics of encapsulation product has been studied.Исследован процесс инкапсулирования модельного лекарственного вещества в кишечнорастворимую полимерную оболочку в аппарате с псевдоожиженным слоем. Выявлен вклад каждого из параметров процесса в качество получаемого продукта, определены оптимальные условия для нанесения пленки, исследована кинетика высвобождения инкапсулированного препарата

    Разработка и моделирование технологии непрерывной распылительной сушки пробиотиков.

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    Spray drying has been offered as an alternative method for dry B.bifidum biomass obtaining for production of solid dosage forms. The complex of experimental and analytical researches has been carried out. On the basis of experimental data and modeling results, the recommendations have been given for the industrial process organizationПредложен альтернативный метод получения сухой биомассы бифидобактерий - распылительная сушка. Проведен комплекс экспериментальных и аналитических исследований. На основании экспериментальных данных и результатов моделирования выданы рекомендации по организации промышленного процесса

    Экспериментальные и аналитические исследования тонкодисперсных порошков, полученных методом сублимационной сушки в условиях активной гидродинамики

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    Results of experimental and analytical research of spray freeze-dried powders of dextran, mannitol and a drug based on phospholipids are presented. The results include data on drying kinetics, SEM, porosity analysis, and the phospholipids' size distribution.В работе представлены результаты экспериментальных и аналитических исследований, полученных методом распылительной сублимационной сушки при атмосферном давлении порошков маннитола, декстрана, а также препарата на основе фосфолипидов

    Получение микрочастиц из биодеградируемых природных и синтетических полимеров для применения их в области регенеративной медицины

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    We have studied methods for preparing biodegradable microparticles for regenerative medicine based on chitosan, polylactic acid, collagen and gelatin. The main methods of forming particles become emulsification, coacervation and gelation. These methods can achieve the necessary parameters of the product such as size, porosity and shape by varying process parameters such as temperature, stirring speed and the concentration of solutions. For drying the microparticles vacuum freeze drying was used, which allows to maintain the spherical shape of the particles after drying. The resulting microparticles were examined and photographed using a scanning electron microscope. To determine the cytotoxicity of the microparticles their cell growth and attachment were studied in vitro.Исследованы способы получения биодеградируемых микрочастиц на основе хитозана, полимолочной кислоты и желатина. Дополнительно были получены образцы микрочастиц желатина и полимолочной кислоты, покрытые коллагеном. Для сушки микрочастиц была использована лиофильная сушилка. Полученные микрочастицы были исследованы in vitro на прикрепление и рост клеток

    Information system for selection of conditions and equipment for the cultivation of mammalian cells

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    The use of mammals cells and their products wide application, so the actual problem is a creation of an information system in the field of their cultivation for the organizing and structuring of information on process experimental data. This work is devoted the analysis of mammalian cell cultivation. The main technologies of cell cultivation, necessary equipment and matrices are considered. The main stages of database design and information system is described. The justification of software products are provided and the results of the database and information system implementation are done. The detailed description of all modules of the system, as well as a comparative analysis of the results of the search are in the system to verify correct operation of the system. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the effective tool for presenting knowledge and data for search by specific parameters is required. The convenience of the system is that it is not necessary to address in various data sources to get and conditions of cultivation of mammalian cells, it has already been collected and structured according to parameters. With help of the system, it is possible to select conditions for the cultivation of mammalian cells at the stage of scientific researches that will significantly reduce the time and cost of work, also to rank of recommended technological and hardware solutions. The system has a functional completeness, i.e. in a specific subject area, it ensures the fulfillment of user's requirements, and allows to accumulate and process information

    Investigation of two-stage encapsulation of lipophilic functional components

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    Two-stage encapsulation of lipophilic functional components was investigated. It consists of emulsion preparation stage and spray drying. Influence of 10 factors on quality parameters (encapsulation efficiency, output capacity and residual moisture content) was estimated. The major factors were identified and recommended for design of the technology

    Modeling of microspheres coating process

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the process of coating microspheres with Kollicoat MAE 100P film. In this study the influence of the main technological parameters of the coating process on the properties of coated microspheres was investigated. A mathematical model was developed using statistical methods of processing experimental data. This model allows calculating quantitatively the properties of coated microspheres on the basis of coating process parameters

    Investigation and optimization of drug encapsulation by fluid-bed coating

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    The drug encapsulation by enteric film fluid-bed coating has been investigated. Influence of each operation parameter on product quality has been estimated and optimal conditions included film thickness have been determined. The model drug release kinetics of encapsulation product has been studied