7 research outputs found


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    In commission testing vigisox showed 100 % efficacy against gastrointestinal strongylatosis at the dose of 60 mg/kg bw in cattle. Efficacy of vigisox against tri- chocephalosis of cattle was 98,32 %. In field experiments vigisox showed 100 % efficacy against Nematodirus spp., 99,2 % against gastrointestinal strongylatosis of cattle.При комиссионном испытании установлена 100%- ная эффективность вигисокса в дозе 60 мг/кг при стронгилятозах пищеварительного тракта крупного рогатого скота. Эффективность вигисокса при трихоцефалезе молодняка крупного рогатого скота состави- ла 98,32 %. При производственных испытаниях вигисокса при нематодозах молодняка крупного рогатого скота была установлена высокая эффективность ви- гисокса и хорошая переносимость животными. Получена 100%-ная эффективность вигисокса в дозе 60 мг/кг при нематодирозе и 99,2%-ная - при других желудочно-кишечных стронгилятозах телок

    Антиоксидантный статус сельдерея (Apium graveolens L.)

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    Relevance. Medicinal properties of celery (Apium graveolens L.) are connected to the most extent to high antioxidant status of plants.Material, methods and results. Comparative evaluation of polyphenols, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and photosynthetic pygments by leafy, stalk and root celery types, grown in similar conditions on experimental fields of Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Production revealed several peculiarities, typical to each form. Antioxidant activity (AOA) of seeds, leaves and petioles composed a ratio: 2.7:1.74:1 for leafy form, 2.88:1.99:1 for stalk form, while root celery AOA of seeds, leaves, roots and petioles was characterized by a ratio 3.66:2.78:1.42:1. With practically no differences in leaves ascorbic acid content between different celery forms leaves:petioles ratio for ascorbic acid reached (5.31-5.57):1 for leafy and stalk forms whereas vitamin C distribution between leaves, roots and petioles of root celery was characterized by a ratio 8.1:1.1:1. Phenolics seeds:leaves:roots:petioles accumulation ratio for root celery was equal to 1.77: 1.77: 1.33:1, whereas leaves/petioles distribution of phenolicss in stalk andleafy forms reached 1.86:1 and 1.64:1 accordingly. Polyphenols content in seeds of leafy celery was 1.4-1.5 times lower than in leaves, contrary to stalk and root celery with equal concentrations of phenolics in seeds and leaves. Leaves/petioles ratio of flavonoids was the highest for Elixir (2.87) and Atlant culivars (2.41). Root and leafy celery Samuray cv demonstrated 1.54-1.71 appropriate values. The highest chlorophyll a and b content was typical for root celery. Celery antioxidant system was characterized by positive correlations between ascorbic acid, flavonoids, phenolics, zinc and total AOA and also between the AOA ratio seeds/petioles and leaves/petioles (r=+0.99; P<0.001) and a negative correlation between chlorophyll and phenolics and flavonoids accumulation levels. High nutritional significance of root celery leaves was estimated.Актуальность. Лекарственные свойства сельдерея (Apium graveolens L.) в значительной степени связаны с высоким антиоксидантным статусом растений.Методы и результаты. Сравнительная оценка накопления полифенолов, аскорбиновой кислоты, флавоноидов и фотосинтетических пигментов листовыми, черешковыми и корневыми разновидностями  сельдерея, выращенными в одинаковых условиях на экспериментальных полях ФГБНУ ФНЦО, позволила выявить ряд закономерностей, характерных для каждой разновидности. Показано, что антиоксидантная активность семян, листьев, черешков составляет соотношение 2,7:1,74:1 – у листовой, 2.88:1.99:1 – у черешковой разновидностей, а у корневого сельдерея антиоксидантная активность семян, листьев, корнеплодов, черешков определяется соотношением 3,66:2,78:1,42:1. При практически одинаковом содержании аскорбиновой кислоты в листьях независимо от разновидности сельдерея концентрация витамина С в листьях и черешках составляет в соотношении (5,31-5,57):1 – для листовой и черешковой разновидностей, в то время как для корневой уровни витамина С в листьях, корнеплодах, черешках характеризуются соотношением 8,1:1,1:1. Распределение полифенолов в системе семена: листья: корнеплоды: черешки у корневого сельдерея соответствует соотношению 1,77:1,77:1,33:1, в то время как длячерешкового сельдерея соотношение уровней полифенолов листья/черешки достигает 1,86:1, а для листового – 1,64:1. У листового сельдерея уровень полифенолов в семенах в 1,4-1,5 раз ниже, чем в листьях, в отличие от черешковой и корневой форм сельдерея с одинаковыми уровнями полифенолов в семенах и листьях. Соотношение содержания флавоноидов листья/черешки максимально у сорта Эликсир (2,87) и у сорта Атлант (2,41). У корневой разновидности и листового сельдерея сорта Самурай этот показатель находится в пределах 1,54-1,71. Максимальный уровень хлорофиллов a и b наблюдается у корневого сельдерея. Антиоксидантная  система сельдерея характеризовалась положительными взаимосвязями между уровнями накопления аскорбиновой кислоты, флавоноидов, полифенолов, цинка и общей антиоксидантной активностью, а также между соотношением антиоксидантной активности семян/черешков и листьев/черешков (r=+0,99; P<0,001) и отрицательной корреляцией между содержанием хлорофилла в листьях и уровнем накопления полифенолов и флавоноидов. Выявлена высокая пищевая ценность листьев корневого сельдерея


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    Objective of research: Development of methods for the determination of fenbendazole and its metabolites in milk by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry.Materials and methods: Fenbendazole was administered orally to five cows. Samples of milk were taken on 1, 3, 5 and 10 days of drug application. The research method includes a description of reagents, plates and equipment; mass-spectrometric conditions for analysis of fenbendazole and its metabolites; preparation of the equipment to operation; preparation of eluent solution; preparation of the chromatograph to analysis; determination of chromatographic parameters of standard drug samples; preparation of milk samples to analysis; establishment of parameters of extracts’ chromatography; procedure of calibration of fenbendazole and its metabolites in eluent.Results and discussion: When studying the pharmacokinetics of fenbendazole and its metabolites (sulfone and sulfoxide) in milk, it was found that the maximal concentrations were determined 24 h after drug administration and were 22,6 ng/ml for fenbendazole sulfone, 34,0 ng/ml for fenbendazole sulfoxide and 19,7 ng/ml for fenbendazole. 10 days after treatment, the concentrations of fenbendazole and its metabolites in milk did not exceed permitted values.Цель исследования — разработка методики определения фенбендазола и его метаболитов в молоке коров методом жидкостной хроматографии высокого давления с последующим масс-спектрометрическим детектированием.Материалы и методы. Фенбендазол назначали 5 коровам в дозе 4,8 мг/кг перорально. Пробы молока отбирали через 1, 3, 5 и 10 суток после введения препарата. Методика работы включает описание реактивов, посуды и оборудования, масс-спектрометрические условия анализа фенбендазола и его производных, подготовку оборудования к работе, приготовление раствора элюента, подготовку хроматографа к анализу, определение хроматографических параметров стандартных образцов препарата, подготовку проб молока к анализу, определение параметров хроматографирования экстрактов, процедуру калибровки фенбендазола и метаболитов в элюенте.Результаты и обсуждение. При изучении фармакокинетики фенбендазола и его метаболитов (сульфона и сульфоксида) в молоке кров установлено, что максимальные концентрации обнаружены через 24 ч после введения препарата и составили 22,6 нг/мл для фенбендазол сульфона, 34,0 нг/мл для фенбендазол сульфоксида и 19,7 нг/мл для фенбендазола. Спустя 10 суток после введения препарата содержание фенбендазола и его метаболитов в молоке коров не превышало максимально допустимых значений

    Efficacy of vigisox against main nematodosis at commission and field testing in cattle

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    In commission testing vigisox showed 100 % efficacy against gastrointestinal strongylatosis at the dose of 60 mg/kg bw in cattle. Efficacy of vigisox against tri- chocephalosis of cattle was 98,32 %. In field experiments vigisox showed 100 % efficacy against Nematodirus spp., 99,2 % against gastrointestinal strongylatosis of cattle

    Antioxidant status of celery (Apium graveolens L.)

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    Relevance. Medicinal properties of celery (Apium graveolens L.) are connected to the most extent to high antioxidant status of plants.Material, methods and results. Comparative evaluation of polyphenols, ascorbic acid, flavonoids and photosynthetic pygments by leafy, stalk and root celery types, grown in similar conditions on experimental fields of Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Production revealed several peculiarities, typical to each form. Antioxidant activity (AOA) of seeds, leaves and petioles composed a ratio: 2.7:1.74:1 for leafy form, 2.88:1.99:1 for stalk form, while root celery AOA of seeds, leaves, roots and petioles was characterized by a ratio 3.66:2.78:1.42:1. With practically no differences in leaves ascorbic acid content between different celery forms leaves:petioles ratio for ascorbic acid reached (5.31-5.57):1 for leafy and stalk forms whereas vitamin C distribution between leaves, roots and petioles of root celery was characterized by a ratio 8.1:1.1:1. Phenolics seeds:leaves:roots:petioles accumulation ratio for root celery was equal to 1.77: 1.77: 1.33:1, whereas leaves/petioles distribution of phenolicss in stalk andleafy forms reached 1.86:1 and 1.64:1 accordingly. Polyphenols content in seeds of leafy celery was 1.4-1.5 times lower than in leaves, contrary to stalk and root celery with equal concentrations of phenolics in seeds and leaves. Leaves/petioles ratio of flavonoids was the highest for Elixir (2.87) and Atlant culivars (2.41). Root and leafy celery Samuray cv demonstrated 1.54-1.71 appropriate values. The highest chlorophyll a and b content was typical for root celery. Celery antioxidant system was characterized by positive correlations between ascorbic acid, flavonoids, phenolics, zinc and total AOA and also between the AOA ratio seeds/petioles and leaves/petioles (r=+0.99; P<0.001) and a negative correlation between chlorophyll and phenolics and flavonoids accumulation levels. High nutritional significance of root celery leaves was estimated


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    Objective of research: Development of methods for the determination of fenbendazole and its metabolites in milk by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry.Materials and methods: Fenbendazole was administered orally to five cows. Samples of milk were taken on 1, 3, 5 and 10 days of drug application. The research method includes a description of reagents, plates and equipment; mass-spectrometric conditions for analysis of fenbendazole and its metabolites; preparation of the equipment to operation; preparation of eluent solution; preparation of the chromatograph to analysis; determination of chromatographic parameters of standard drug samples; preparation of milk samples to analysis; establishment of parameters of extracts’ chromatography; procedure of calibration of fenbendazole and its metabolites in eluent.Results and discussion: When studying the pharmacokinetics of fenbendazole and its metabolites (sulfone and sulfoxide) in milk, it was found that the maximal concentrations were determined 24 h after drug administration and were 22,6 ng/ml for fenbendazole sulfone, 34,0 ng/ml for fenbendazole sulfoxide and 19,7 ng/ml for fenbendazole. 10 days after treatment, the concentrations of fenbendazole and its metabolites in milk did not exceed permitted values

    Effect of spaceflight on tomato seed quality and biochemical characteristics of mature plants

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    Intensive space exploration includes profound investigations on the effect of weightlessness and cosmic radiation on plant growth and development. Tomato seeds are often used in such experiments though up to date the results have given rather vague information about biochemical changes in mature plants grown from seeds subjected to spaceflight. The effect of half a year of storage in the International Space Station (ISS) on tomato seeds (cultivar Podmoskovny ranny) was studied by analyzing the biochemical characteristics and mineral content of mature plants grown from these seeds both in greenhouse and field conditions. A significant increase was recorded in ascorbic acid, polyphenol and carotenoid contents, and total antioxidant activity (AOA), with higher changes in the field conditions compared to greenhouse. Contrary to control plants, the ones derived from space-stored seeds demonstrated a significant decrease in root AOA. The latter plants also showed a higher yield, but lower content of fruit dry matter, sugars, total dissolved solids and organic acids. The fruits of plants derived from space-stored seeds demonstrated decreased levels of Fe, Cu and taste index. The described results reflect the existence of oxidative stress in mature tomato plants as a long-term consequence of the effect of spaceflight on seed quality, whereas the higher yield may be attributed to genetic modifications