45 research outputs found

    Examining immune arms in mice immunized with site-specific influenza virus mutants

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    Site-specific mutants as candidates for live influenza vaccines were resulted from directly introducing into the genome of the pathogenic influenza virus A/WSN/33 (H1N1) strain ts mutations derived from the genes encoding the polymerase complex proteins from some cold-adapted strains serving as attenuation donor. Here we present the data of a comparative study examining immune system arms in mice immunized intranasally with influenza virus mutants and classical cold-adapted reassortant obtained by crossing cold-adapted strain Donor A/Krasnodar/101/35/59 (H2N2) with strain A/WSN/33 (H1N1) bearing surface antigens (hemagglutinin and neuraminidase) similar to mutants. Immunophenotyping mononuclear leukocytes from immunized mice indicated at moderate suppressive effect after using site-specific mutant and the HA reassortant viruses on some immune cell subsets. All viruses in immunized mice resulted in activation of certain lymphocyte subsets including MHC II-positive cells, CD45+/CD19+ B lymphocytes and natural killer cells (CD16/32+/CD3–). Timescale and magnitude of activation markedly differed for each cell subsets. Mice immunized with mutants M26 and U2 peaked with count of CD16/32+/CD3– expressing cells on day 2 after the second immunization compared with control (p < 0.05) that may suggest about an important role for NK cells in activating immune response. In contrast, no significant changes were observed during the study in percentage of CD4+/CD25+/Fox P3 regulatory T cells, CD4+ T helpers and CD8+ cytotoxic cells, except for a sharply decreased count of activated CD4+/CD25+ cells (4-fold) on day 7 after immunization with mutant virus M26. Moreover, mutants U2 and M26 more moderately increased percentage of TLR2- and TLR4-positive cells. The viruses studied ambiguously affected count of TLR9-expressing cells in immunized animals. All viruses increased phagocytic activity in monocytes, but not neutrophils. Despite the moderate activation of innate and adaptive immunity arms, site-specific mutants more profoundly affected humoral reactions inducing increased antibody titers, so that immunogenicity of mutant viruses was higher than that of the cold-adapted reassortant. Thus, the findings hold a promise of using site-specific mutants as live influenza vaccines

    ATP-sensitive potassium transport in rat brain mitochondria is highly sensitive to mK(ATP) channels openers: a light scattering study

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    The aspects of ATP-sensitive K+ transport regulation by mitochondrial K+,ATP-sensitive (mKATP) channels openers are important for understanding the properties of these channels. The effect of KATP channels openers (KCOs) diazoxide and pinacidil on ATP-sensitive K+ transport in isolated brain mitochondria was studied in the absence and the presence of MgATP using light scattering technique. Without MgATP we observed high sensitivity of ATP-sensitive K+ transport to both drugs with full activation at ≤ 0.5 µM. ATP-sensitive K+ transport was specifically blocked by ATP in the presence of Mg2+. Neither Mg2+ nor ATP affected Vmax of ATP-sensitive K+ transport activated by KCOs, but MgATP shifted the activation curve to micromolar scale. The blockage of ATP-sensitive K+ transport by KATP channels blockers glibenclamide and 5-hydroxydecanoate in the absence and the presence of MgATP proved the sensitivity of ATP-sensitive K+ transport to the blockers of mKATP channel. Full activation of mKATP channel by diazoxide and pinacidil on sub-micromolar scale in the absence of MgATP was shown. The sensitivity of ATP-sensitive K+ transport to the known modulators of mKATP channel (diazoxide, pinacidil, glibenclamide, 5-HD and MgATP) proved the identity of ATP-sensitive K+ transport with mKATP channel activity. Based on our studies, we hypothesized that mKATP channel might comprise high affinity sites for KCOs binding screened by MgATP. The results of this work reveal novel not described earlier aspects of the regulation of ATP-sensitive K+ transport by mKATP channels openers, important for understanding of mKATP channel properties

    Linear Energy Transfer (LET) spectra of cosmic radiation in low Earth orbit

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    Integral linear energy transfer (LET) spectra of cosmic radiation (CR) particles were measured on five Cosmos series spacecraft in low Earth orbit (LEO). Particular emphasis is placed on results of the Cosmos 1887 biosatellite which carried a set of joint U.S.S.R.-U.S.A. radiation experiments involving passive detectors that included thermoluminescent detectors (TLD's), plastic nuclear track detectors (PNTD's), fission foils, nuclear photo-emulsions, etc. which were located both inside and outside the spacecraft. Measured LET spectra are compared with those theoretically calculated. Results show that there is some dependence of LET spectra on orbital parameters. The results are used to estimate the CR quality factor (QF) for the COSMOS 1887 mission


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    The purpose. The purpose of the investigation is an assessment of the peculiarities of forming and registration of the collective doses of patients and the population of the Tatarsatan Republic (RT) from medical exposure and the development of measures for optimization of this radiation factor.Materials and methods. The analysis is based on the forms of the Federal statistical observation № 3-DOZ «Data on the exposure doses to patients obtained during medical radiological examination» (form № 3-DOZ) and radiation-hygienic passports of RT for the period from 2006 to 2013.The results. Annually in RT there is an increase of the number of performed X-ray procedures, which reached the value of 6279696 (1.64 procedures per resident per year) in 2013. During the reporting period (from 2006 to 2013) the structure of the performed X-ray procedures has also changed. It is observed that the percentage of fluorography procedures in the overall structure decreased from 41.3% to 31.3% at the same time the level of absolute value of annually performed fluorography procedures is stable. There is an increase in the absolute number of radiographic procedures performed during the period from 2578754 to 4072810 X-rays per year, that is 1.58 times higher. Absolute and relative values related to X-ray fluoroscopy examinations decreased from 1.1% to 0.7%. In contrast, the absolute number of annually performed X-ray computed tomography examinations (CT) has increased over the period by 3.3 times and percentage of CT in overall structure of X-ray procedure is 2.7%. The number of special investigations has increased in 2.1 times, but the relative value remained at average level of 0.4% on general background of the increasing of X-ray activity in the region. This fact influenced the change in the radiation-hygienic indexes of medical radiation exposure of the population of RT. According to №3-DOZ forms and radiation-hygienic passports of the territories, the levels of the annual collective effective dose from medical exposure to the patients and population increases in the period from 2006 to 2012. The structure of the medical exposure has been significantly changed. If the dominant role in the formation of the annual collective effective dose in 2006 performed the fluorography procedures (609.17 person-Sv; 34.03% in the structure of the total collective dose from medical exposure), then the primary importance passed to СТ in 2013 (748.18 person-Sv; 50.04%). The article considers the peculiarities of the formation and recording of exposure doses to patients when performing various types of x-ray procedures.Conclusion. The widespread use of the digital technologies of producing and processing of the X-ray images, an adjust instrumental control and registration of patient exposure doses, routine control of operational parameters of the equipment used for the fluorographic, X-ray and fluoroscopic procedures allowed to objectify and reduce correspondent indicators of the collective effective exposure doses to patients and population. There exists the reserve for organizational, technical measures for the further reduction of patient exposure doses during the performance of the routine X-ray procedures, namely the standardization of the performed examinations, further transition to the digital X-ray technologies of the image obtaining. The use of calculation methods of the patient dose registration continues to provide the significant influence on the statistical reporting when the performing of CT and special examinations. Taking into account the fact that CT provides the greatest contribution to the annual collective effective dose in the region in recent years (more than 50%, the first place in the structure of medical exposure), and special examinations of a high clinical efficient, are also accompanied by a significant radiation exposure it is necessary to apply the measures fore the objectification of the exposure doses for these types of examinations in order to develop scientifically justified measures to reduce adverse effects on the exposed population categories.Цель. Установление особенностей формирования и учета коллективных доз облучения пациентов и населения Республики Татарстан (РТ) от медицинского облучения и разработка мероприятий по оптимизации данного радиационного фактора.Материалы и методы. Для анализа использованы формы федерального государственного статистического наблюдения № 3-ДОЗ «Сведения о дозах облучения пациентов при проведении медицинских рентгенорадиологических исследований» (формы № 3-ДОЗ) и радиационно-гигиенические паспорта территории РТ за период с 2006 по2013 г.Результаты. Ежегодно в РТ наблюдается увеличение количества выполняемых рентгенологических процедур, которое в2013 г. достигло значения 6 279 696 (1,64 процедуры на жителя в год). За рассматриваемый период времени (с 2006 по2013 г.) изменилась также и структура выполняемых рентгено-диагностических процедур. Отмечается относительное снижение доли флюорографических процедур в общей структуре с 41,3% до 31,3% при сохранении стабильного уровня абсолютных значений выполняемых ежегодно флюорограмм. Наблюдается увеличение абсолютного количества выполняемых рентгенографических процедур за рассматриваемый период с 2 578 754 до 4 072 810 рентгенографий в год, то есть в 1,58 раза. Абсолютные и относительные значения, относящиеся к рентгеноскопическим исследованиям, уменьшились с 1,1% до 0,7%. Напротив, абсолютное количество выполняемых ежегодно рентгеновских компьютерно-томографических исследований (РКТ) возросло за рассматриваемый период в 3,3 раза и в общей структуре РКТ уже составляет 2,7%. Количество специальных исследований возросло в 2,1 раза, но на общем фоне увеличения рентгенодиагностической работы в регионе относительное значение сохранилось на среднемноголетнем уровне и составило 0,4%. Это не могло не повлиять на изменение радиационно-гигиенических показателей медицинского облучения населения РТ. Согласно формам № 3-ДОЗ и радиационно-гигиеническим паспортам территорий, за период с 2006 по2012 г. отмечался рост уровней годовых коллективных эффективных доз медицинского облучения пациентов и населения. Значительно изменилась структура медицинского облучения. Если в2006 г. доминирующее значение в формировании годовой коллективной эффективной дозы представляли флюорографические процедуры (609,17 чел.-Зв; 34,03% в общей структуре коллективной дозы медицинского облучения), то в2013 г. первостепенное значение стала занимать РКТ (748,18 чел.-Зв; 50,04%). В статье рассматриваются особенности формирования и учета доз облучения пациентов при выполнении различных видов рентгенологических процедур.Заключение. Широкое использование цифровых технологий получения и обработки рентгенологических изображений, налаженный инструментальный контроль и учет доз облучения пациентов, рутинный контроль эксплуатационных параметров используемого оборудования для флюорографических, рентгенографических и рентгеноскопических процедур позволили объективизировать и снизить соответствующие показатели коллективных эффективных доз облучения пациентов и населения. Существует резерв организационных, технических мероприятий по дальнейшему снижению доз облучения пациентов при выполнении рутинных рентгенографических процедур, а именно: стандартизация выполняемых исследований, дальнейший переход на цифровые технологии получения изображения. Существенное влияние на статистическую отчетность продолжает оказывать использование расчетных методов учета доз облучения пациентов при выполнении РКТ и специальных исследований. Учитывая то, что РКТ в последние годы обеспечивает наибольший вклад в годовую коллективную эффективную дозу облучения региона (более 50%, первое место в структуре медицинского облучения), а специальные исследования, обладающие высокой клинической эффективностью, также сопровождаются значительной лучевой нагрузкой, необходимы меры по объективизации доз облучения при данных видах исследований в целях разработки научно обоснованных мероприятий по снижению неблагоприятного воздействия на облучаемые категории населения


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    The article represents the data about individual effective radiation doses adult patients in x-ray odontology procedures in medical organisations of Ryazan region. On the ground of the results collected in radiation induced characteristics of the x-ray odontology units calculate avarage level individual effective radiation dose corresponding groups teeth: upper and lover jours are calculated

    Mechanochemical Transformations of Polysaccharides: A Systematic Review

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    Taking into consideration the items of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), this study reviews application of mechanochemical approaches to the modification of polysaccharides. The ability to avoid toxic solvents, initiators, or catalysts during processes is an important characteristic of the considered approach and is in line with current trends in the world. The mechanisms of chemical transformations in solid reactive systems during mechanical activation, the structure and physicochemical properties of the obtained products, their ability to dissolve and swell in different media, to form films and fibers, to self-organize in solution and stabilize nanodispersed inorganic particles and biologically active substances are considered using a number of polysaccharides and their derivatives as examples


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    A short sketch of history of radiation hygiene formation as a scientific discipline is presented, its conventional directions are outlined, and the perspectives of development are pointed out. Examples of co-operation of scientists and specialists in health protection practice in the field of radiation hygiene are presented


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    Natural sources of ionizing radiation are the major contributors to population irradiation. Evaluation risk created by the natural sources of ionizing radiation has a priority in radiation safety. Normative documents do not reflect all essential aspects of measurement and data processing. Integrated detector is a common tool for the population risk evaluation in many countries. Introdaction of full time monitoring of radon concentration is an urgent task for the Centre of Hygiene and Epidmiologie

    Formation of remote education as a means of restoration of Russian recessive regions’ economy

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to substantiate the perspectives of using remote education as a means of restoring Russian recessing regions’ economy and develop framework recommendations for this. Design/methodology/approach: The set goal is achieved by finding the dependence of the values of indicators of socio-economic development on the level of development of education in Russian regions. The methods of regression and correlation analysis are used for that. Findings: The findings showed a moderate direct connection between the development of education and socio-economic position of the region if found. Qualitative analysis allowed substantiating large perspectives of using remote education as a means of restoring Russian recessing regions’ economy, which have two manifestations. The first one is related to the increase of accessibility of educational services in Russian regions. Due to this, the potential of development of region’s human potential is better realized. Being one of the key resources in the conditions of knowledge economy, human resources stimulate the activation of entrepreneurial activities, growth of labor efficiency and innovational activity of region’s companies. The second manifestation envisages the formation of entrepreneurship in the sphere of remote education as a growth vector and source of competitive advantages of recessing region’s economy. This opens possibilities for the formation of knowledge economy in region and supporting its high competitiveness. Low capital intensity of entrepreneurship in the sphere of remote education makes it accessible for development even in recessing regions, stimulating the growth of the volume of tax revenues into the regional state budget and formation of its positive balance. Originality/value: For the practical implementation of the determined large perspectives of using remote education as a means of restoring Russian recessing regions’ economy, authors’ framework recommendations are offered, which are aimed at the improvement of normative and legal conditions for the conduct of entrepreneurial activities in the sphere of remote education, information support for this entrepreneurship and its marketing support and promotion as a basis of region’s economy’s competitiveness. © 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited