26 research outputs found


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    Natural focal tick-borne infections are widespread in the world and are characterized by a great etiologic diversity. Human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis (HGA), also transmitted by the bite of ticks became relevant in the last century of detection not only in animals but also in humans. The review provides an overview of the incidence of HGA in Russia and in the world, the prevalence of the habitat of mites, the diversity of reservoirs and sources of infection, mechanisms and pathways of transmission of the pathogen Anaplasma phagocytophilum and its biological features. The links and stages of the disease pathogenesis are considered in detail. Scientific data on the clinical course of the disease, the frequency and diversity of various symptoms of the disease, the issues of laboratory and differential diagnosis of anaplasmosis and its place in the nosological structure in patients with fever of unknown origin are discussed. At the same time, choosing a method of laboratory diagnostics it is necessary to take into account that molecular-genetic method (polymerase chain reaction PCR-diagnosis) allows to confirm the diagnosis quickly, while serological methods of research in a greater degree - to put a retrospective diagnosis. The article presents current data on the treatment of disease and methods of HGA prevention and also presents the results of the authorsā€™ own observations based on the survey of 63 patients. The analysis of Moscow residents treatment about sucking mites is carried out and summarized the incidence of infections transmitted by ixode mites. For the diagnosis of HGA and other tick-borne fever used a technique called polymerase chain reaction. It has been revealed that in Moscow, lime borreliosis occupies a leading place among mites associated with infections 60%, and the share of granulocytic anaplasmosis of a person is only 5% of patients. However, the study of ticks for the presence of HGA pathogens and other natural focal tick infections is carried out in insufficient volume (less than 30%), which should be considered in clinical and laboratory differential diagnosis, as well as preventive measures

    Results of the Test-Run of the Computer Software Model Support System for Managerial Decision Making

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    Considered is the experience of development of the decision support system (DSS) in the sphere of biological safety provision. Described are the objectives, functions, and architecture of DSS. Represented are the results of operational program-testing in the model territory (the Astrakhan region). Indicated is the effectiveness of DSS for information support of the control activity over internal and external biosafety hazards. Determined are the directions for further development of DSS

    Experience of Using a Complex Antigenic Preparation of the Plague Microbe to Assess the Severity of a Specific Anti-Plague Response

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    Background. Improving the methodology of immunological monitoring in natural foci of plague in the Russian Federation and adjacent territories to increase the effectiveness of epidemiological surveillance of plague is an urgent line of research. The lack of correlation between the production of specific antibodies to the capsular antigen (F1) ofthe plague microbe with other indicators of the state of cellular defense reactivity indicates the need to search for new informative and accessible markers for assessing anti-plague immunity.Objective: to evaluate possibility of using the complex preparation (F1 and cell membranes) evaluate the possibilities of using an artificial antigenic complex based on F1 and cell membranes (CM) of the plague microbe in antigen-specific tests in vitro in people vaccinated against plague.resu. The study involved 153 volunteers living in the territory enzootic for plague (the village of Khandagayty ofthe Ovyur kozhuun of the Tyva Republic and the village of Kosh-Agach of the Kosh-Agach district of the Altai Republic). The study included the determination of spontaneous and mitogen-induced production of cytokines (IFN-Ī³, IL-4, TNF-Ī±) by blood cells, titers of specific IgG antibodies to the capsular antigen F1 of the plague microbe and concentrations ofthe main classes of immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG, IgA and IgE) in blood serum, as well as immunophenotyping of blood lymphocytes (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD19).Results. Comparative assessment of the level of cytokines (TNF-Ī±, IFN-Ī³ and IL-4) in spontaneous/induced F1+CM Y. pestis tests revealed a statistically significant increase in the production of cytokines TNF-Ī± and IFN-Ī³ in the antigeninduced tests compared with spontaneous (p < 0.01).Conclusion. Thus, the effectiveness of the use of artificial antigenic complex based on F1 and cell membranes ofthe plague microbe has been shown to assess the production of cytokines in antigen-specific cell tests in vitro, which justifies the need for further research

    Electroseparation of sintered periclase powders

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    Modern approaches to administration of enterosorbatesfor treatment of acute intestinal diseases

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    The condition and modern possibilities of enterosorbates's administration of various groups in complex therapy of acute bacterial and virus diarrheal disease are presented. Noted that efficacy of treatment depends on early administration of medications and the selection based on their impact on pathogenic mechanisms of disease

    Blastocystis spp infections in clinical practice

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    Pathogenic properties of Blastocystis spp. - widespread of this protozoan organism remains debatable. Data on clinical observations demonstrating that the manifest forms of invasive Blastocystis spp . can occur from mild diarrhea, dysentery-like, to severe ulcer-necrotizing bowel perforation with complications and poor prognosis. However, one should not exaggerate the pathogenic properties of these protozoa because most infected people are asymptomatic carriers, or have symptoms of diarrhea syndrome of varying severity and duration