44 research outputs found

    The reciprocal organization of constructive activity in drug addiction

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    © 2016 Akhmetzyanova et al.The urgency of the problem stated in the article is caused by the fact that modern scientific studies show that sustainable neuro-associative connections with the object of addiction arise at chemical addiction. The aim of this study is to examine the features of the reciprocal organization of constructive activities in drug addiction. Study of the constructive activity of patients with drug addiction in comparison with the group in norm was carried out by using the experimental method. The study found a decrease of constructive activity in drug addiction by the characteristics of performance pace and accuracy, regulated by reciprocal and auditory-motor coordination, which, in turn, are also significantly reduced. Reciprocal organization in drug addiction is characterized by impaired proprioceptive kinesthetic afferentation of motor act at safety of outer space organization of movements, lack of differentiation and low handling of movements, movement program disorders, as well as the replacement of the right movements by motor patterns and stereotypes. The obtained results are experimental psychological argument for the need to introduce neuropsychological block in the system of psychotherapeutic impact, which includes the tasks aimed at increasing reciprocal organizations to improve the general level of constructive activity in order to create alternative to the stereotyped models of mental activity and patterns of behavior

    Zymography: developing of the enzyme soil activity visualization method

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    The enzymes produced by the soil biota are a key link in the regulation of biochemical processes. The soil enzyme activity can be visualized with zymography, a method based on using fluorescent substrates and obtaining two-dimensional images (zymograms). A variant of a zymographic measuring system has been proposed. Characteristics of lighting, photographic equipment and shooting modes, reagents preparation and calibration are presented. Preparing and analyzing soil samples of different texture (sand and clay loam) and processing the study results have been described. The ways of introducing the substrate are considered in this study, namely pipetting, short-time dipping, and saturation. An analysis of the kinetics of incubation of samples was carried out. The possibilities and disadvantages of the method were also considered and options for solving possible methodological problems during the analysis were proposed. The zymography is a promising method that allows comparing data with the results of other methods. The use of neural network technologies makes it possible to obtain the volumetric distribution of soil enzymes with high reliability. The soil zymography requires qualitative preparatory work and extreme accuracy during the analysis. It is necessary to ensure maximum contact between the substrate and the soil, as this is one of the key factors determining the quality of the results. The most optimal way to introduce the substrate is to saturate the membranes with substrate solution for 60 minutes. At this stage of the development of the method, it is not possible to establish a universal sample incubation time, since this depends on characteristics of both the studied soils and the experiment conditions. Also, it is necessary to document the conditions in detail for discussion the study results


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    Objective of the study was to determine allelic variants of HLA II class haplotypes in persons living in the Republic of Kalmykia in the territory of Pre-Caspian sandy natural focus of the plague, immunized for epidemic reasons with live plague vaccine and search for associations of HLA class II haplotypes with peculiarities of post-vaccinal immunity development.Materials and methods. 20 individuals took part in the study. HLA typing was performed applying multiplex PCR. Production of immune-regulatory cytokines and antibody titers to fraction 1 of the plague microbe was determined using enzyme immunoassay. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using standard programs.Results and conclusions. Allelic variants of haplotypes HLA-DQA1, HLA-DQB1 and HLA-DRB1 class II of the main histocompatibility complex of 20 persons residing in Lagansky and Chernozemelsky districts of the Republic of Kalmykia have been identified. Determined have been the differences in the ratio of allelic variants of HLA-DQA1 and cytokine production INF-γ, TNF-α, IL-4 and IL-10 by the areas of residence. Association of the HLA-DRB1*01 allele with a high level of spontaneous and induced IL-10 cytokine production has been revealed at various times after booster vaccination. Further study of genes that regulate the development of immunity, along with immunological methods will make it possible to personalize the use of the existing vaccine against plague, and predict the immunogenicity and effectiveness of preventive drugs under development

    Comparative Study of Some Physical-Chemical and Immunochemical Properties of Plague Microbe Lipopolysaccharide Preparations Obtained with the Help of Different Techniques

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    , and degraded polysaccharide (PS) are easily soluble in water and in 0,9 % NaCl solution. They are homogenous and characterized by an adequate degree of purity. Aside from that, it is demonstrated that potentially PS is the most productive molecule fragment of LPS for the construction of plague immunodiagnostic preparation, since despite its decreased cytotoxocity PS retains identity of chemical composition and immunechemical specificity of endotoxin

    Egg retention and dispersal activity in the parasitoid wasp, Trichogramma principium

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    Effects of egg retention on movement and dispersal activity of Trichogramma principium (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) females were investigated under laboratory conditions. Individual females were observed during one minute in the absence of hosts. Movement activity and dispersal rate were estimated by the length of the track and by the distance from the start point, respectively. Before the test, all wasps during 2 – 4 days were presented with a possibility to parasitize a factitious laboratory host, Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Wasps that had parasitized before the test show significant reduction of spontaneous walking activity and dispersal rate when compared with females that refused to parasitize the non-preferred host (i.e. manifested egg retention). This effect cannot be considered as a direct arrestment reaction to the host because during the test period, no hosts were provided. Thus, egg retention results not only in temporal spread, but also in more intensive spatial dispersal of a group of simultaneously emerged females

    Evaluation of Immunobiological Properties of Cholera Vibrio O1 and O139 Antigens

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    Evaluated are immunobiological properties of experimental preparation on the basis of Vibrio cholerae O-antigen, O1 and O139 serogroups on the mouse model: determination of toxicity, analysis of morphological changes in organs, and flow-cytometric monitoring of cell cycle of leukocytes, splenocytes and bone marrow cells. It is demonstrated that O-antigen 100 µg dose per mouse does not initiate either significant changes in parenchymatous organs, or imbalance of apoptosis and proliferation of immune-competent cells. Comprehensive assessment of immunobiological properties of the preparations allows to get an insight about their effect on macroorganism, possibility for further studies and their application as chemical vaccine components

    Deep learning-based video stream reconstruction in mass-production diffractive optical systems

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    Возможность существенно снизить массу и стоимость систем технического зрения привела к появлению большого числа работ, посвященных разработке новых оптических схем на основе дифракционной оптики и новых подходов к реконструкции получаемых изображений. Получаемые системы демонстрируют достаточное для прикладных систем технического зрения качество изображений. Однако при создании таких прикладных систем возможны источники дополнительных потерь качества получаемого видеопотока. В настоящей работе исследовано влияние на итоговое качество реконструируемого видеопотока таких факторов, как ограничения технологии массового производства дифракционной оптики, артефактов сжатия видеопотока с потерями, а также особенностей нейросетевого подхода к реконструкции. Предложена сквозная нейросетевая технология реконструкции изображений, позволяющая компенсировать дополнительные факторы потери качества и получить итоговый видеопоток с качеством, достаточным для решения прикладных задач технического зрения. Many recent studies have focused on developing image reconstruction algorithms in optical systems based on flat optics. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of applying a combination of flat optics and the reconstruction algorithms in real vision systems. However, additional causes of quality loss have been encountered in the development of such systems. This study investigates the influence on the reconstructed image quality of such factors as limitations of mass production technology for diffractive optics, lossy video stream compression artifacts, and specificities of a neural network approach to image reconstruction. The paper offers an end-to-end deep learning-based image reconstruction framework to compensate for the additional factors of quality losing. It provides the image reconstruction quality sufficient for applied vision systems.Теоретическая часть работы и разработка нейросетевых моделей выполнена при поддержке гранта РНФ 20-69-47110, экспериментальная часть выполнена при поддержке грантов РФФИ № 18-07-01390-А, а также в рамках государственного задания ИСОИ РАН – филиала Федерального научно-исследовательского центра «Кристаллография и фотоника» РАН (соглашение № 007-ГЗ/Ч3363/26)

    Формирование хранилища и анализ больших данных передвижений в городе

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    В статье рассмотрена концепция построения хранилища данных путей передвижения для интеллектуальной транспортной системы города. Приведен математический аппарат формализованного описания транспортной системы на основе гиперсети, дуги которой являются путями передвижения. Рассмотрен рекурсивный алгоритм получения данных о путях передвижения, а также механизм использования матриц смежности по маршрутным связям. Исследования проводятся в рамках проекта АР05133699 «Исследование и разработка инновационно-телекоммуникационных технологий с использованием современных кибертехнических средств для интеллектуальной транспортной системы города». The article discusses the concept of constructing a repository of data on travel routes for the intellectual transport system of the city. The mathematical apparatus of a formalized description of a transport system based on a hypernet, whose arcs are paths of movement, is given. A recursive algorithm for obtaining data on paths of movement, as well as a mechanism for using adjacency matrices for route connections, is considered. Research is carried out as part of the project AR05133699 “Research and development of innovative telecommunication technologies using modern cyber-technical means for the intellectual transport system of the city”


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    The paper presents a testing technique for structures of layered reinforced concrete with corrosion damage and shear cracks for strength and crack resistance study, which is aimed at determination of experimental parameters of shear between concrete layers, unequal deforma- tion of concrete and reinforcement and effect of discontinuity of concrete and displacement increments at the moment of shear crack formatio


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    Introducing the hypothesis of colmatation conversion of concrete structure with corro- sion damage with stabilization at any ultimate depth of damage, the authors have built a strength criterion of the concrete under complex stress state. In the coordinate system of the principal normal stresses, this criterion describes the surface of the ellipsoid, the characteristic dimensions of which are primarily dependent on the kinetics of corrosion processes in time and depth of neutralization. The presented criterion can be used for solution of problems of the survivability of reinforced concrete structural systems under conditions of simultaneous mani- festation of power and environmental impacts