10 research outputs found

    Regional integration as a factor of increasing national competitive ability

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    The author formulated a concept of a regional competitive ability - national economies integration influences regional competitive ability positively, that provides additional competitive advantages. It was found out that there are tendencies of Russian and Ukrainian cooperation strengthening in the CIS and regional integration can provide a long - term competitive ability on the basis of neighborhood effect with an optimal combination of all regional factors


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    The author analyzes development of «production ties» term and defines its meaning in modern economy, she also emphasizes main factors influencing production ties. Production cooperation is the most wide - spread and effective way of production ties of enterprises, it consolidates economic interests of economic entities of all levels. The author analyses main directions of Russian production ties development and defines production cooperation of Russia with other countries in the conditions of regional integration

    Socio-Ecological-Economic System in the Sustainable Development Megapolis

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    Article explores the concept of sustainable development metropolis, its constituent elements and defining indicators. Describes the approach and direction of socio-ecological-economic systems in the world. The structural scheme of sustainable megacity, defined the importance of treatment of municipal waste as its component, and also identified factors that influence it

    Strategic choice of housing and utilities companies

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    The article touches upon ways by which housing and utilities companies can reach their strategic competitiveness parting from their real recourse and organizational potential. A matrix of strategic choice for such companies' competitive ability is offered. It integrates their economic and organizational activity with various services in the market due to different stages of the life cycle. The matrix allows to define the main ways of making the work of such companies better. It's done at the expense of equipment renewal, technological processes optimization and increasing of service quality that influences consumer demand and competitive ability

    Dynamics and special features of Russian-Ukrainian integration investment cooperation

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    The authors analyze main factors influencing the choice of Russian — Ukrainian economic integration direction and prove the necessity of closer Russian — Ukrainian investment cooperation in a modern changing geoeconomic space. Specific causes of Russian -Ukrainian capital flows are characterized. The trends of mutual investment relations were brought to light. The economic sectors with most investments were emphasized. The authors trace future development of Russian — Ukrainian economic and investment relations in the system of the world integration processes


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    The new trends of regional integration are discussed through the context of post-globalization. Marked out the most significant changes in its direction and forms of manifestation. Noted the contradictory nature of the existing integration processes: expansion of existing and emergence of new large-scale integration blocks along with this clustered localization of the participants within existing regional entities and the increase in the number of bilateral agreements; the openness of regional entities for new participants and at the same time the exclusive formation of closed structures. Highlighted the formation of especially large transcontinental trade and investment agreements, which can become a new form of post-global regionalism

    Post-Socialist Countries Labor Market

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    Labor market reflects the economic situation in every country and especially its bottle-necks. Before 90th of the previous century the existing socialist countries didn't face social problems such as unemployment, enterprise bankruptcy, etc., which were part and parcel of the opposite social system. Having made their choice towards market economy these former socials countries found themselves in the same social and economic situation the way out of which also might be similar. In order to adjust labor market s they should start with modeling and forecasting of the unemployment level

    Waste treatment in metropolis - economic-ecological world experience

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    The article is devoted to the world problems of environmental pollution (municipal wastes). The authors analyze the ways of their management in various countries, compare the methods of their recycling and describe ecological-economic approach to this problem. The authors found out factors providing advanced recycling technologies development and minimizing environmental pollution

    cological-economic basis applications of separate SDW gathering

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    Optimisation of SDW gathering process by decreasing expenses, sorting of waste with simultaneous improvement of an environmental state, is one of conditions of effective waste management system. The author offers the universal model allowing to use different variants of initial and limiting parametres of separate SDW gathering in the conditions of the modern market

    Ecological-economic Assessment of SDW Gathering Organization in Modern Cities

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    In the article the authors analyze the problem of SDW gathering in cities. This problem has several aspects, including social, economic and ecological ones. The authors research different ways of SDW management to make the process of gathering better. To assess competitive ability the authors offer the results of research in this field and universal methods of ecological-economic effectiveness estimation of a new industrial good, European container for SDW gathering, using (European standard EN-840) in Cheryomushky district of Moscow. The authors demonstrate a complex assessment of ecological-economic effectiveness of the offered industrial good