8,835 research outputs found

    Note on islands in path-length sequences of binary trees

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    An earlier characterization of topologically ordered (lexicographic) path-length sequences of binary trees is reformulated in terms of an integrality condition on a scaled Kraft sum of certain subsequences (full segments, or islands). The scaled Kraft sum is seen to count the set of ancestors at a certain level of a set of topologically consecutive leaves is a binary tree.Comment: 4 page

    Part Detector Discovery in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Current fine-grained classification approaches often rely on a robust localization of object parts to extract localized feature representations suitable for discrimination. However, part localization is a challenging task due to the large variation of appearance and pose. In this paper, we show how pre-trained convolutional neural networks can be used for robust and efficient object part discovery and localization without the necessity to actually train the network on the current dataset. Our approach called "part detector discovery" (PDD) is based on analyzing the gradient maps of the network outputs and finding activation centers spatially related to annotated semantic parts or bounding boxes. This allows us not just to obtain excellent performance on the CUB200-2011 dataset, but in contrast to previous approaches also to perform detection and bird classification jointly without requiring a given bounding box annotation during testing and ground-truth parts during training. The code is available at http://www.inf-cv.uni-jena.de/part_discovery and https://github.com/cvjena/PartDetectorDisovery.Comment: Accepted for publication on Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 201

    Fish-based groups for ecological assessment in rivers: the importance of environmental drivers on taxonomic and functional traits of fish Assemblages

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    The use of river-types is of practical value, serving as groups for which assessment procedures can be developed and applied. An abiotic typology was set by the Portuguese Water Agency, mainly based on 6 major morphoclimatic regions. However, to be biologically meaningful, this typology should fit the distribution patterns of the biological quality elements communities proposed in Water Framework Directive under the lowest possible human pressure. This study aimed to identify and characterize fish-based geographical groups for continental Portugal and their environmental and geographical discriptors, using taxonomic and functional traits. Sampling took place between 2004 and 2006 during Spring. Fish fauna from 155 reference sites was analysed using a multivariate approach. Cluster Analysis on fish composition identified 10 fish-groups, expressing a clear correspondence to the river basin level, due to the restrict basin distribution of many species. Groups showed a wider aggregation in 4 regions with a larger geographical correspondence, statistically supported by Similarity Analysis, both on fish composition and mostly on fish metrics/guilds. Principal Components Analysis revealed major environmental drivers associated to fish-groups and fish-regions. Fish-groups were hierarchically grouped over major and local regions, expressing a large-scale response to a North-South environmental gradient defined by temperature, precipitation, mineralization and altitude, and a regional scale response mainly to drainage area and flow discharge. From North to South, fish-regions were related to the morphoclimatic regions. Results contributed to reduce redundance in abiotic river-types and set the final typology for Portuguese rivers, constituting a fundamental tool for planning and managing water resources

    Differential Effects of Fatigue on Movement Variability

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    When individuals perform purposeful actions to fatigue, there is typically a general decline in their movement performance. This study was designed to investigate the effects exercise-induced fatigue has on lower limb kinetics and kinematics during a side-step cutting task. In particular, it was of interest to determine what changes could be seen in mean amplitude and all metrics of signal variability with fatigue. The results of the study revealed that post-fatigue there was an overall decrease in absolute force production as reflected by a decline in mean amplitude and variability (SD) of the ground reaction forces (GRFV and GRFML). A decrease in mean and SD of the knee moments were also observed post-exercise. Interestingly, this trend was not mirrored by similar changes in time-dependent properties of these signals. Instead, there was an increase in the SampEn values (reflecting a more variable, irregular signal) for GRF force profiles, knee kinematics and moments following the exercise-induced fatigue. These results illustrate that fatigue can have differential effects on movement variability, resulting in a both an increase and decrease in movement variability, depending on the variable selected. Thus, the impact of fatigue is not simply restricted to a decline in force producing capacity of the system but more importantly it demonstrates that the ability of the person to perform a smooth and controlled action is limited due to fatigue

    Hot Core, Outflows and Magnetic Fields in W43-MM1 (G30.79 FIR 10)

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    We present submillimeter spectral line and dust continuum polarization observations of a remarkable hot core and multiple outflows in the high-mass star-forming region W43-MM1 (G30.79 FIR 10), obtained using the Submillimeter Array (SMA). A temperature of ∼\sim 400 K is estimated for the hot-core using CH3_3CN (J=19-18) lines, with detections of 11 K-ladder components. The high temperature and the mass estimates for the outflows indicate high-mass star-formation. The continuum polarization pattern shows an ordered distribution, and its orientation over the main outflow appears aligned to the outflow. The derived magnetic field indicates slightly super-critical conditions. While the magnetic and outflow energies are comparable, the B-field orientation appears to have changed from parsec scales to ∼\sim 0.1 pc scales during the core/star-formation process.Comment: accepted, ApJ Letter

    A new method for one-stage hepatectomy for dogs

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    A method is described for one-stage complete hepatectomy in dogs with preservation of the inferior vena cava. The method can be done rapidly with minimal blood loss and has a low operative mortality. The maximum survival time compares favorably with other methods of hepatectomy. © 1959

    Instantons in the Double-Tensor Multiplet

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    The double-tensor multiplet naturally appears in type IIB superstring compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds, and is dual to the universal hypermultiplet. We revisit the calculation of instanton corrections to the low-energy effective action, in the supergravity approximation. We derive a Bogomolny'i bound for the double-tensor multiplet and find new instanton solutions saturating the bound. They are characterized by the topological charges and the asymptotic values of the scalar fields in the double-tensor multiplet.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX2e with amsmath.sty; v2: minor change


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    There should be a minimal level of individual variation presented by athletes in high level competitions, reflecting a high degree of consistency in the form of execution. By registering and subsequently analysing kinematic and kinetic data, obtained during athletic exercises, it is possible to verify such differences. The objective of this work was to collect kinematic data in order to quantify and verify these differences. Parameters such as amplitude, frequency, velocity, inter-segmental angles and kinetic energy were quantified, in order to understand the variations found in the different parameters. One should assume that an athlete that presents major variations from the above-mentioned parameters is not at his or her best form. We analysed 16 exercises of 3 athletes in the Portugal Indoor Championship in the year of the Sydney Olympic Games. This analysis enabled trainers to gain access to information on stability of technique in the exercise of each jump
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