7 research outputs found

    Effects of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai over Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin in broccoli, in EscagĂŒey, municipality of Rangel, MĂ©rida State

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    The effectiveness of Trichoderma harzianum in suppressing clubroot of brassicas, which is caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, was tested on broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica Plenck), in field conditions, in EscagĂŒey, municipality of Rangel, Merida State, Venezuela. The experiment showed that the applications of a biopesticide based on this antagonist had a significant effect on the percentage of health plants and the crop yields, in dependence of the dose used. In addition, the relation benefits/cost was also favorable. These results showed that, for these particular conditions, P. brassicae is an adequate biological alternative to control the clubroot of brassicas, no aggressive to environment and human beings, useful for the transition phase toward a sustainable agriculture, without chemical pesticides

    Effects of Trichoderma harzianum Rifai over Plasmodiophora brassicae Woronin in broccoli, in EscagĂŒey, municipality of Rangel, MĂ©rida state

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    The effectiveness of Trichoderma harzianum in suppressing clubroot of brassicas, which is caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, was tested on broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica Plenck), in field conditions, in EscagĂŒey, municipality of Rangel, Merida State, Venezuela. The experiment showed that the applications of a biopesticide based on this antagonist had a significant effect on the percentage of health plants and the crop yields, in dependence of the dose used. In addition, the relation benefits/cost was also favorable. These results showed that, for these particular conditions, P. brassicae is an adequate biological alternative to control the clubroot of brassicas, no aggressive to environment and human beings, useful for the transition phase toward a sustainable agriculture, without chemical pesticides

    Barreras FĂ­sicas y BiolĂłgicas Como Alternativa de Control de Mosca Blanca ( Bemisia spp.) en Berenjena ( Solanum Melongena L.) en el Valle de CuliacĂĄn, Sinaloa, MĂ©xico

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    Physical and biological barriers were established in a Solanum melongena (L.) crop to study the effect against Bemisia spp. The barriers were: Tagetes-sorghum, Tagetes, yellow traps and sorghum. The study was conducted in the San Nicos farm located in km 10, road 20 at the Culiacan Valley, Sinaloa, Mexico during the agricultural cycle 2001-2002. A randomized complete block design with subsampling and five replications was used. Populations of adults, nymphs and eggs were evaluated. Analysis of variance and tests for mean comparisons were used. Data in the field and laboratory were taken during five weeks on March 25, and April, 1, 8, 15 and 22.In the adult stage, the barrier Tagetes-sorghum was the best treatment during the five dates, the next best treatment was the yellow treatment and Tagetes and the last treatment was sorghum. In the nymph stage, the best treatment was Tagetes-sorghum, while in second place were the yellow traps which were not significantly different from Tagetes and sorghum. In the egg stage, the first place was Tagetes-sorghum, in second place yellow traps, followed by Tagetes and sorghum. The biological barrier Tagetes-sorghum was the best and helped to reduce the withefly populations, therefore it can be used successfully as an alternative in pest integrated management.Se establecieron barreras biolĂłgicas y fĂ­sicas en Solanum melongena L. para estudiar el efecto contra Bemisia spp. Las barreras fueron: Tagetes-sorgo, Tagetes, trampa amarilla, y sorgo. El trabajo se realizĂł en la agrĂ­cola San Nicos Ubicado en el km 10, carretera la 20 en el valle de CuliacĂĄn, Sinaloa, MĂ©xico en el ciclo 2001-2002, se utilizĂł un diseño de bloques completos al azar con submuestras con cinco repeticiones y se evaluaron las variables de poblaciĂłn de adultos, ninfas y huevecillos a travĂ©s del anĂĄlisis de varianza convencional y pruebas de comparaciĂłn de medias por el mĂ©todo de Tukey. Se tomaron los datos de campo y laboratorio durante cinco semanas en las fechas, 25 de Marzo, 01, 08, 15 y 22 de Abril del 2002. En los adultos fue mejor la barrera de Tagetes-sorgo en las cinco fechas, despuĂ©s la trampa amarilla y Tagetes y en Ășltimo lugar el sorgo. En las ninfas, el primer lugar lo ocupĂł Tagetes-sorgo, en segundo lugar la trampa amarilla que no difieren con Tagetes y sorgo. En huevecillos, el primer lugar lo ocupĂł Tagetes-sorgo, el segundo lugar la trampa amarilla, Tagetes y sorgo. La barrera biolĂłgica, Tagetes-sorgo fue la mejor. La barrera Tagetes-sorgo, ayuda a bajar las poblaciones de mosca blanca y puede utilizarse exitosamente como una alternativa de control dentro del manejo integrado de plagas

    Extractos Vegetales y Aceites Minerales Como Alternativa de Control de Mosca Blanca ( Bemisia spp.) en Berenjena ( Solanum Melongena L.) en el Valle de CuliacĂĄn, Sinaloa, MĂ©xico

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    Plant extracts (BiogarlicÂź, ExtranaturalÂź, NeemÂź) and mineral oils (Saf-T-SideÂź, Nu-FilmÂź) were evaluated to control whiteflies ( Bemisia spp) in eggplant ( Solanum melongena L.). The experiment was established at the San Nicos farm located in CuliacĂĄn, Sinaloa, Mex., during the agricultural cycle 2001-2002. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design. Each treatment was repeated 4 times. Adult, nymphs and eggs of whiteflies were evaluated using ANOVA analysis. Treatment means were compared using DMS. Plant extracts and mineral oils were sprayed twice per week. Field and laboratory data were taken on March 10, 17, and 24. The analysis of adult populations showed that Extranatural and Saf-T-Side were similar. Nu-Film and Neem did not show statistical differences. In nymph number analysis, Extranatural, Saf-T-Side and Nu-Film were similar, however, Nu-Film was also similar to Neem. In the egg stage, Extranatural and Saf-T-Side were similar and Nu-Film, Neem, and Biogarlic did not show statistical differences. ANOVA showed significant differences between treatments when numbers of adults, nymphs and eggs were analyzed. Results from this experiment showed that all treatments were significantly different from the control treatment. It was concluded that mineral oils and plant extracts such as Extranatural and Safe-T-Side are products that reduced the whitefly populations and can be used as an alternative in integrated pest management.Se evaluaron los productos de extractos vegetales (BiogarlicÂź, ExtranaturalÂź y NeemÂź) y los aceites minerales (Saf-T-SideÂź, Nu-FilmÂź) con un testigo absoluto, para controlar Bemisia spp. en Solanum melongena L., en la agrĂ­cola San Nicos ubicada en el kilĂłmetro 10 de la carretera 20 en el valle de CuliacĂĄn Sinaloa, MĂ©xico, en el ciclo 2001-2002. Se utilizĂł un diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones, evaluando las variables de poblaciones de adultos, ninfas y huevecillos de Bemisia spp. a travĂ©s del anĂĄlisis de varianza y pruebas de comparaciĂłn de medias (DMS). Los productos se aplicaron dos veces por semana y se tomaron los datos de campo y laboratorio en las fechas 10, 17 y 24 de marzo del 2002. En adultos se observĂł que, Extranatural y Saf-T-Side no difirieron entre ellos, tambiĂ©n se observĂł que el Nu-Film y el Neem no difirieron, despuĂ©s aparece Biogarlic. En ninfas se observĂł que Extranatural, Saf-T-Side y Nu-Film no difirieron entre ellos; sin embargo Nu-Film no difiere de Neem, despuĂ©s aparece Biogarlic. En la etapa de huevecillo se observĂł estadĂ­sticamente que Extranatural y Saf-T-Side no difirieron, sin embargo Nu-Film, Neem y Biogarlic no difieren entre ellos. El anĂĄlisis de varianza mostrĂł diferencia altamente significativa entre los tratamientos para el nĂșmero adultos, ninfas y huevecillos de mosca blanca por hoja. Los resultados de este ensayo demuestran que todos los tratamientos difirieron estadĂ­sticamente del testigo. Los productos de extractos vegetales y aceites minerales como Extranatural and Safe-T-Side son productos que reducen las poblaciones de mosca blanca y pueden utilizarse exitosamente como alternativa de manejo integrado

    Effect of extracts from three plant species on nematode Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood

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    Nematodes of Meloidogyne genus are a serious problem for tomato production in the province of Loja, Ecuador. Because of the negative side effects of chemical nematicides, to solve this problem it is necessary look for alternatives. This work aimed to study the effect of ethanolic extracts from Lonchocarpus nicou (Aubl.),Piscidia carthagenensis Jacq. and Thevetia peruviana (Pers.) K. Schum., in Meloidogyne incognita control, “invitro ” and glasshouse conditions, on tomato plants. The extracts induced a significant mortality, “ in vitro”, on juveniles. This effect was related with the source and concentrations of the extracts. In tomato growing in glasshouse, it was observed an appreciable reduction in the root gall index and in the nematode populations in soil, related with the plant species and the concentration used, too

    Efectividad de hongos nematĂłfagos sobre Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid y White) Chitwood en tomate en condiciones de campo, Loja, Ecuador

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto de varios aislamientos autĂłctonos de los hongos Pochonia chlamydosporia (Goddard) Zare y Gams (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) y  Purpureocillium lilacinum Luansa-ard et al. (Hypocreales:  Ophiocordycipitaceae) en el control de Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid y White) Chitwood, en tomate, en condiciones de campo. Se utilizaron seis aislamientos fĂșngicos y un control sin aplicaciĂłn, distribuidos segĂșn un diseño de bloques al azar con cuatro rĂ©plicas. Las aplicaciones de los hongos lograron reducir el Ă­ndice de agallamiento por M. incognita, asĂ­ como las poblaciones de juveniles infestivos (J2) en el suelo y en las raĂ­ces del cultivo, a la vez que se observĂł un estĂ­mulo en las variables agronĂłmicas nĂșmero de frutos, masa de los frutos y rendimiento agrĂ­cola. Estos resultados constituyen una contribuciĂłn a la soluciĂłn del problema de los nematodos formadores de agalla, en el cultivo del tomate en  las condiciones de Loja, Ecuador, con recursos locales, no agresivos al medio ambiente.Palabras clave: hongos nematĂłfagos, Meloidogyne incognita, Pochonia chlamydosporia, Purpureocillium lilacinum, tomate.EFFECTIVENESS OF NEMATOPHAGOUS FUNGI ON MELOIDOGYNE INCOGNITA (KOFOID AND WHITE) CHITWOOD ON TOMATO IN FIELD CONDITIONS IN LOJA, ECUADORABSTRACT: This work was aimed to evaluate the effect of isolates of the fungi Pochonia chlamydosporia (Goddard) Zare and Gams (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) and Purpureocillium lilacinum Luansa-ard et al. (Hypocreales: Ophiocordycipitaceae) in the Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood control in tomato in field conditions. The assay comprised six fungic isolates and a control without fungi, in a ramdomized block design. In treated plants the gall index and the nematode population in roots and in the soil were reduced in comparison with the untreated plots. The number of fruits, the weight of fruits and yields were enhanced in the plots treated with the fungi. These results are a contribution to the solution of the root-knot nematode problem in the conditions of Loja, Ecuador, with local resources and no harmful to the environment.Key words: nematophagous fungi, Meloidogyne incognita, Pochonia chlamydosporia, Purpureocillium lilacinum,tomato