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    Stunting is a growth failure due to the accumulation of nutritional insufficiency that lasts a long time from pregnancy to 24 months of age and has become a global nutrition problem, especially in poor and developing countries. Indonesia is ranked fifth in the world for the incidence of stunting. The prevalence of children under five with stunting in Kediri Regency is 26.1%. Stunting contributes to infant and toddler morbidity.  The purpose of this study was to find the relationship between LBW history and the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-59 months in the village of Sukorejo.  The study design used correlational analytic with a retrospective cohort approach. In this study, the independent variable was the history of LBW and the dependent variable was the incidence of stunting. The entire population of children aged 24-59 was 106 with a simple random sampling technique.  A sample size of 52 respondents, held on 28-30 July 2020 in Sukorejo Village. The instrument used was secondary data from community reports, and analyzed by using the chi square test. The results showed that a number of 45 (84.6%) had a history of LBW, 6 respondents had a history of LBW stunting. Analysis with the Chi Square test shows that ρvalue = 0.042 <α 0.05, there is a relationship between LBW history and the incidence of stunting in children aged 24-59 months in Sukorejo Village, Gurah District, Kediri Regency. Stunting is a growth failure due to the accumulation of nutritional insufficiency that lasts a long time from pregnancy to 24 months of age. LBW is the dominant factor associated with stunting. Interventions aimed at enhancing the growth and development of children during the early years should consider the factors that trigger LBW

    Prenatal Gentle Yoga untuk Mengurangi Intensitas Nyeri Punggung pada Ibu Hamil

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    Back pain was a problem complained by more than 50% of pregnant women. The complaint caused various effects ranging from mild discomfort to disturbance of pregnant women activities, affecting on the quality of life. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of prenatal gentle yoga in reducing the intensity of back pain in pregnant women. The research design was quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group. The population was all third trimester pregnant women who experienced back pain at Denik and Dotyk Independent Midwife Practice. The sample size was 40 respondents who were selected by allocation random technique. The respondents were divided into 2 groups, namely 20 respondents in the intervention group and 20 respondents in the control group. The pain measurement used numerical rating scale (NRC). The data analysis used Mann Whitney statistical test. The result of data analysis showed that there was a significance; thus, the researchers concluded that prenatal gentle yoga could reduce back pain intensity of pregnant women (p1=0.005; p2=0.000; p3=0.027; p4=0.000). Prenatal gentle yoga is a movement that targets stiff, weak and untrained body parts to increase mobility, strength and posture impacting on reducing pain.Nyeri punggung adalah masalah yang dikeluhkan oleh lebih dari 50% ibu hamil.&nbsp; Keluhan nyeri menimbulkan efek beragam mulai dari ketidaknyamanan ringan bahkan sampai mengganggu aktivitas ibu hamil sehingga mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas prenatal gentle yoga dalam menurunkan intensitas nyeri punggung ibu hamil.&nbsp; Desain penelitian berupa kuasi eksperimen dengan desain non-equivalent control group.&nbsp; Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil trimester tiga yang mengalami nyeri punggung di Praktik Bidan Mandiri (PMB) Denik dan Dotyk.&nbsp; Sampel penelitian berjumlah 40 responden dipilih dengan teknik random alokasi. Responden dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok, yaitu 20 orang di kelompok intervensi dan 20 orang di kelompok kontrol. Pengukuran nyeri menggunakan numeric rating scale (NRS). Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Mann Whitney. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan ada perbedaan sehingga secara statistik dapat disimpulkan bahwa prenatal gentle yoga dapat mengurangi intensitas nyeri punggung pada ibu hamil (p1=0,208; p2=0,000; p3=0.027; p4=0.000). Prenatal gentle yoga merupakan gerakan yang mempunyai target bagian tubuh yang kaku, lemah dan tidak terlatih sehingga terjadi peningkatan mobilitas, kekuatan dan postur tubuh yang berdampak pada pengurangan rasa sakit