41 research outputs found
Considering the future university education: Expectations and challenges of the Education of Integration of Arts and Sciences Proceedings of the 47th R.I.H.E. Annual Study Meeting (Nov.26, 2019)
This report is a summary of the 47th Research Institute for Higher Education Annual Study Meeting, held at the Higashi-Hiroshima campus of Hiroshima University in 2019. The theme of the year was “Considering the future of university education: Expectations and challenges of the integration of arts and sciences education”. The meeting was opened by two keynote addresses. Sayama Oki, Professor of Nagoya University, gave a keynote address entitled “Possibilities for the Integration of Arts and Sciences Education: Why are Arts and Sciences Separated?” Yamada Toshihiro, Professor of Hiroshima University, gave a second keynote address entitled “A Wonderful Recipe to integrate the Arts and Sciences”. Subsequently, three speakers made presentations, followed by comments from the audience and discussion.
In recent years, new human resources are in demand in the context of "Society 5.0", and education reforms to meet this demand are being pushed forward. Particularly, independent learner development is being increasingly supported through ICT education and active learning. In addition, in universities, programs featuring integrated Arts and Sciences components have been developed to support the formation of new human resources. At this meeting, the expectations and problems of the integration of Arts and Sciences education were examined based on philosophical and practical reports of the integration process.はしがき… 大膳 司 i
研究員集会の趣旨… iii
文理連携の可能性 : 文系と理系はなぜ分かれたのか… 隠岐 さや香 1
文理を融合するすてきなレシピ… 山田 俊弘 15
セッション1 -基調講演-の司会を担当して… 杉谷 祐美子 31
研究員集会の感想-エッセイ… 村澤 昌崇 35
文理融合の新しいプログラムの動向 : 米国,シンガポール,日本の事例を中心に… 山田 礼子 39
文理融合型学士課程教育の理念・実践・課題 : 九州大学共創学部を事例として… 岡本 正宏 51
文理融合型学士課程教育の理念・実践・課題 : 滋賀大学データサイエンス学部を事例として… 竹村 彰通 63
第47回研究員集会セッション2 : 論点提起を司会して… 吉田 香奈 73
セッション2を司会してのコメント… 黄 福涛 77
パネルディスカッションを司会して… 松繁 寿和・大膳 司 79
研究員集会の概要… 8
Enrichment of Education and Research at Hiroshima University through the Top Global University Initiative: EBPM and Quality Assurance
Hiroshima University named its Super (Top) Global University Initiative the “Hiroshima University Global Campus Expansion and Innovation Initiative”. The Initiative is implemented as a university-wide project in which all faculties and departments are implicated in the pursuit of its goals. In this process, Hiroshima University collected extensive information on the educational, research and social contributions of the university, and made policy decisions on the basis of this objective data. In addition, Hiroshima University developed a system to monitor the achievements of the top 100 universities by developing its own KPIs, and a system that optimally allocates education and research resources. In this book, we review various aspects of Hiroshima University’s Super (Top) Global University Initiative. Part 1 focuses on its unique approaches related to IR and EBPM. In Part 2, we examine various education programmes and consider the implementation of the Initiative.はしがき… 西谷 元 i
第一部 教育・研究基盤の分析・目標設定・改革
第1章 広島大学の目標達成型重要業績指標AKPI®と教員エフォート指標BKPI®… 相田 美砂子 1
第2章 国際的な教育質保証に向けた取り組み(続編)… 渡邉 聡・村澤 昌崇・安部 保海・梅下 健一郎・中尾 走 11
第3章 BEVI を用いた留学効果の客観的測定 -客観的データに基づく留学プログラムの質保証-… 西谷 元 39
第4章 EBPM に基づく学生の英語運用能力の向上 -エビデンスに基づく教育プログラムの改革・実施・成果-… 西谷 元 53
第二部 国際標準の教育の提供
第5章 広島大学森戸国際高等教育学院とその新たな取組み… 荒見 泰史 67
第6章 三階層ティーチング・アシスタント制度「Hirodai TA」の展開 -多様性を保証するグローバル・バリアフリー・キャンパス構想に向けた成果と課題-… 丸山 恭司・佐藤 万知・河本 尚枝・島津 礼子・小澤 郁美・Simona Zollet 87
第7章 グローバル・キャンパスで学ぶ ―総合科学部国際共創学科の取組みと課題… 柴田 美紀・フンク カロリン 105
第8章 Global Peace Leadership Program… 小澤 孝一郎 12
Leadership, Management, and University Governance: Proceedings of the 44th R.I.H.E. Annual Study Meeting (Oct.27, 2016)
This report is a summary of the 44th Annual Study Meeting of Research Institute for Higher Education held at Higashi-Hiroshima campus of Hiroshima University in 2016. The theme of the year was “Leadership, Management, and University Governance” which was supposed to be a key modus operandi to implement university reform in each institution. An inaugural speech was “Leadership from economics and business administration points of view” by Dr. Kikuzawa from Keio University. After the speech, four speakers made presentations: summary of arguments of leadership; leadership in private institute; leadership in public university. The comments and discussions follow after those.はしがき 丸山文裕…i
高等教育におけるリーダーシップ : 経済学・経営学の立場から-リーダーの「不条理」とその解決 : 取引コスト,ダイナミック・ケイパビリティ,そして価値判断- 菊澤研宗…1
高等教育におけるリーダーシップ : 経済学・経営学との接触反応がもたらすもの 羽田貴史…17
セッション1の司会を担当して 藤村正司…23
大学ガバナンスとリーダーシップ-改革と研究の動向- 大場淳…27
大学におけるリーダーシップと環境・戦略・組織特性そして成果-全国学部長アンケート調査に依拠して- 村澤昌崇…43
大学におけるリーダーシップ:私学の事例から 大森昭生…65
大学におけるリーダーシップ 村山詩帆…79
第44 回研究員集会セッション2-論点提起-を司会して 立石慎治…89
「セッション2-論点提起-」を司会をして 大膳司…93
大学のガバナンスとリーダーシップについて 太田肇…97
リーダーシップ論の課題設定を巡って-セッション3の報告- 阿曽沼明裕…103
Self-image and Missions of Universities: An Empirical Analysis of Japanese University Executives
As universities in Japan gain institutional autonomy in managing internal organizations, independent of governmental control as a result of deregulation and decentralizing reforms, it is becoming increasingly important that the executives and administrators of each institution demonstrate clear and strategic vision and ideas to external stakeholders, in order to maintain financially robust operations and attractiveness of their institutions. This paper considers whether and how the self-image, mission, and vision of universities are perceived and internalized by the management of Japanese universities and empirically examines the determinants of shaping such individual perceptions. The result of our descriptive analysis indicates that the recent government policy to internationalize domestic universities has not shown much progress in the view of university executives in Japan. An increasing emphasis on the roles of serving local needs in research and teaching is rather pursued by these universities. Individual perceptions among Japanese university executives with regard to the missions and functional roles to be played by their institutions are influenced by managerial rank as well as the field of their academic training. A multiple regression analysis reveals that the economy of scale brought out by an expanded undergraduate student enrollment gradually slows down and decelerate executive perceptions, with regard to establishing a globally recognized status in research and teaching. Moreover, Japanese universities with a small proportion of graduate student enrollment, likely opted out from competitions for gaining a greater respect in the global community of higher education between 2005 and 2012. Finally, the management in universities granted with the same amount of external research funds in both studied years responded more passively in 2012 than did in 2005 on the self-assessment of whether having established a status as a global knowledge base
Review of Higher Education Evaluation in Japan <Article> <Special Issue : Retrospect and Prospect of Higher Education Studies>
This paper looks retroactively at higher education evaluation, quality control, and assurance policy in Japan and clarifies the trends of evaluation and quality assurance from the 1990’s to the 2000’s. After that, the challenges involved with current evaluation and the quality assurance context itself are explained.
After World War II, Japanese higher education policy introduced the higher education quality control system based on the “charter”, setting up minimum standards for colleges and universities. Under this new system, the number of colleges and universities rapidly increased and entered into the era of “Massification” in the early 1990’s. Japanese colleges and universities have stratified and diversified in any direction in this context, having difficulties to classify as “college” or “university” in an integrated fashion. With the neo-liberalism policy, self-evaluation system, external evaluation, certified evaluation, and accreditation and third-party evaluation system were installed in rapid succession without sufficient stock of academic research for the evaluation in the Japanese context. As is commonly known, Japanese evaluation and quality assurance are also characterized by outcome-based, the tool for accountability, market-oriented and global point of view.
Higher education evaluation and quality assurance in Japan, however, have many challenges:
First, evaluation policy under the neo-liberalism which aims to attain mainly efficiency and excellence dose not necessarily fit to the public sector like education which also aims to achieve equality, fairness and justice as same as efficiency and excellence. Second, faculties may be controlled by the present evaluation policy. Actually, the Japanese government and the leaders of institutions try to link between the results of evaluation and salary/research fund especially in the research universities from 2013. This may facilitate the quantification of research outcome (for example, counting the number of refereed journals…) and devastate the quality of research. Third performance-based or outcome-based evaluation may not raise the incentive of the faculties and officers in higher education continuously. Fourth, the present evaluation activities have forced us to endlessly prepare huge evidence-based materials for a long term. This probably lead us to “evaluation-related fatigue”, and consuming time, money and human resources for preparing evaluation might be paradoxical to the request of the efficiency policy based on neo-liberalism. And fifth, especially in the context of quality assurance, the ideal of “global-standard” is accepted uncritically. Seldom in Japan is much careful thought given to the impact of the “global-standard” based quality assurance like Bologna process, Tuning and spell out name (AHELO).本稿は村澤(2010)および村澤(2012)をもとに,加筆修正・再構成をおこなったものである