31 research outputs found

    Pendidikan pengurusan antarabangsa: Cabaran pengajaran pengurusan sumber manusia di Republik Rakyat China

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    Kertas ini membincangkan beberapa cabaran di dalam pengajaran matapelajaran pengurusan sumber manusia di Republik Rakyat China khususnya di Beijing. Di antara isu-isu yang diutarakan adalah berkenaaan dengan penggunaan kajian kes, masalah penggunaan bahan serta buku rujukan yang diimpot, pengadaptasian serta penyesuaian konsep pengurusan sumber manusia, budaya pembelajaran pelajar di China serta pembangunan bahan pengajaran mengikut acuan tempatan. Kertas ini merupakan kupasan pengalaman penulis yang pernah mengajar pengurusan sumber manusia bagi satu program universiti British di Beijing serta beberapa siri perbincangan yang diadakan dengan para sarjana, pengurus, pelajar Cina serta perbincangan dengan para sarjana, pengurus, pelajar barat terutamanya dari Britain, Amerika Syarikat serta Australia. Kertas ini juga akan memberi tunjuk ajar berkenaan dengan kaedah berkesan pengajaran matapelajaran pengurusan sumber manusia di Republik Rakyat China

    Transformational leadership from the Bhagavad-Gita and the significance for human capital development

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    The significance of transformational leadership has received great deal of attention in the leadership literature during the last two decade as the current business environment requires organizational leaders to be transformational. This is also due to several studies, which have been done in this area, leading to a wider recognition that transformational leadership style is extremely essential for organizational growth and development as it is the quality of the leaders and their leadership determines the quality of the organizations. In this paper, an attempt has been made by the authors to explore transformational leadership from an ancient Indian Vedic philosophy and provide the significance to human capital development. A review of literature in transformational leadership shows that there are thousands of articles which have been written by several academics on this subject from numerous perspectives, but limited articles have been written from the philosophical perspectives. As a result, this paper not only fills the gap in the literature of transformational leadership, but also provides some significance and insights on human capital development from the ancient Indian Vedic philosophical perspective. For this purpose, the authors have selected the Bhagavad-Gita, which provides the essence of the Indian Vedic thought to explore transformational leadership concepts for human capital development. This paper is based on hermeneutics, a qualitative research methodology which involves study, understanding and interpretation of ancient or classical text. The Bhagavad-Gita is more than 5,000 years old and is written in Sanskrit language. In a nutshell, the Bhagavad-Gita provides an inside-out approach to leadership and human capital development which is the self leadership first before leadership of every other thing. The organizational leaders are advised to firstly conquer the enemies within such as desires, anger, greed,arrogance, infatuation, envy, pride or ego and foolhardiness as it is often said that a leader who conquers the enemies within will be able to conquer his self and also others. The prospects of analysis of the Bhagavad-Gita in other areas of organizational leadership such as strategic management, organizational behavior, human resource management and employment relations can be considered for future research

    The effects on cognitive behavioural therapy and yoga on stress

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    This study compares a stress management program based on cognitive behavioural therapy principles with yoga-based stress management program. A study sample of 30 student. The subject were divided into 3 equal groups

    Concerns in HRM: Probationers’ rights and status in the context of Malaysian employment relations

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    This paper analyses the rights and the status of probationers in the context of Malaysian employment relations. A probationer is someone who is on trial to give proof of certain qualifications for a place or status in employment. The term “probation” however, is not found in any of the employment legislation in Malaysia. This means a probationer is an employee in the context of Employment Act 1955 (EA 1955) and a workman in the context of Industrial Relations Act 1955 (IRA 1967). In the employment relations, the probationary period is also an opportunity for both employer and employee to decide whether they are suited for each other. The Industrial Court and the superior courts in Malaysia have over the years ruled that an employee (also refers to workman) on probation enjoys the same rights as a permanent employee. As a result the services of a probationer cannot be terminated without just cause or excuse (Section 20, IRA 1967). Although an employer retains the right to confirm or not to confirm an employee on probation, this prerogative must be exercised in a bona fide manner not arbitrarily or capriciously and there must also be grounds for the decision. In this paper, the authors analyses some of key issues on the rights and status of probationers which also include the employers right to confirm, extend or terminate the services of a probationer. The methodology employed in this paper is the analysis of industrial case laws on probation using criterion based sampling of Industrial Court and superior court awards. Findings from the analysis reveals that many termination awards on probation were made against the employers as the employers have failed or violated the principles of natural justice in the termination of probationers. The basic principle of industrial jurisprudence in Malaysia is that it is the employer who must prove the employee (probationer) guilty, and not the employee (probationer) who must prove himself (herself) not guilty. As such, the burden of prove is on the employer and not on the employee (probationer) for termination cases referred to the Industrial Court. In this paper the authors also provide some recommendation in the management probationers besides other guidelines to improve and create a harmonious employment relationship

    Occupational burnout in a sample of geriatric social care professionals in Malaysia

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    This study examined the relationship between occupational burnout and various socio-demographic variables, workload and job clarity in a sample of geriatric social care workers in Malaysia. Maslach’s Burnout Inventory was used to categorise occupational burnout into three categories: state of emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and reduced personal accomplishment.The results showed significant gender and marital status differences in depersonalisation. In addition, the results showed that participants with poor job clarity and those who perceived they had a heavy workload were more emotionally exhausted. These results are discussed in terms of the job stresses faced by welfare workers in Malaysia

    Exploring the extent of transformational leadership in the context of Miri entrepreneurs

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    In this century entrepreneurs (leaders) are faced with significant challenges that require extraordinary leadership. The business environments are changing at a very fast pace with immense competition, changing needs of customers, increasingly global economy and the rapid changes in the technology. This paper investigates the transactional and transformational leadership styles among the Miri entrepreneurs by employing the approach based on the Bass’s Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). Miri was chosen as the area of study as it will be a resort city by the year 2005 and, hence, Miri needs entrepreneurs who demonstrate effective leadership styles to cope with the increasing dynamic and complex business environment. Moreover, the entrepreneurs must meet the increasing preference for transformational leadership styles among employees found in many studies in order to improve satisfaction and commitment of the workforce. The findings were mapped with various literatures with the intention to enhance understanding of the leadership styles of Miri entrepreneurs and to further promote effective leadership styles amongst them. This research identified the leadership style of Miri entrepreneurs as transformational rather than transactional. This finding is consistent with the findings of transformational and transactional leadership styles in the Malaysian context undertaken by Sheh (2002) and Ng et al. (2002)

    Lessons in corporate governance from Kautilya's Arthashastra

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    This paper explores the lessons in corporate governance from Kautilya's Arthashastra, highlighting the contribution made by Kautilya in ancient India (4th Century BC). The lessons from Kautilya's Arthashastra are relevant even today and can be integrated into the modern context of corporate management towards achieving the ultimate aim of corporate governance, which is to provide value to shareholders and stakeholders. Chinmayananda (2003) states that from time to time there is a need to look and re-look at some of the ancient works and provide an intelligent interpretation and re-interpretation to apply effectively in the context of modern corporate management. The prospects of analysis of Kautilya's Arthashastra in other areas of corporate management such as strategic management, financial management and human resource management can be considered for future research

    Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Perspectives on Organizational Management

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    Spam detection approaches with case study implementation on spam corpora

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    Email has been considered as one of the most efficient and convenient ways of communication since the users of the Internet has increased rapidly. E-mail spam, known as junk e-mail, UBE (unsolicited bulk e-mail) or UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail), is the act of sending unwanted e-mail messages to e-mail users. Spam is becoming a huge problem to most users since it clutter their mailboxes and waste their time to delete all the spam before reading the legitimate ones. They also cost the user money with dial up connections, waste network bandwidth and disk space and make available harmful and offensive materials. In this chapter, initially we would like to discuss on existing spam technologies and later focus on a case study. Though many anti-spam solutions have been implemented, the Bayesian spam detection approach looks quite promising. A case study for spam detection algorithm is presented and its implementation using Java is discussed, along with its performance test results on two independent spam corpuses – Ling-spam and Enron-spam. We use the Bayesian calculation for single keyword sets and multiple keywords sets, along with its keyword contexts to improve the spam detection and thus to get good accuracy. The use of porter stemmer algorithm is also discussed to stem keywords which can improve spam detection efficiency by reducing keyword searches

    Exploring human resource management

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