120 research outputs found
An Equilibrium for Frustrated Quantum Spin Systems in the Stochastic State Selection Method
We develop a new method to calculate eigenvalues in frustrated quantum spin
models. It is based on the stochastic state selection (SSS) method, which is an
unconventional Monte Carlo technique we have investigated in recent years. We
observe that a kind of equilibrium is realized under some conditions when we
repeatedly operate a Hamiltonian and a random choice operator, which is defined
by stochastic variables in the SSS method, to a trial state. In this
equilibrium, which we call the SSS equilibrium, we can evaluate the lowest
eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian using the statistical average of the
normalization factor of the generated state.
The SSS equilibrium itself has been already observed in un-frustrated models.
Our study in this paper shows that we can also see the equilibrium in
frustrated models, with some restriction on values of a parameter introduced in
the SSS method. As a concrete example, we employ the spin-1/2 frustrated J1-J2
Heisenberg model on the square lattice. We present numerical results on the
20-, 32-, 36-site systems, which demonstrate that statistical averages of the
normalization factors reproduce the known exact eigenvalue in good precision.
Finally we apply the method to the 40-site system. Then we obtain the value
of the lowest energy eigenvalue with an error less than 0.2%.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure
A constrained stochastic state selection method applied to quantum spin systems
We describe a further development of the stochastic state selection method,
which is a kind of Monte Carlo method we have proposed in order to numerically
study large quantum spin systems. In the stochastic state selection method we
make a sampling which is simultaneous for many states. This feature enables us
to modify the method so that a number of given constraints are satisfied in
each sampling. In this paper we discuss this modified stochastic state
selection method that will be called the constrained stochastic state selection
method in distinction from the previously proposed one (the conventional
stochastic state selection method) in this paper. We argue that in virtue of
the constrained sampling some quantities obtained in each sampling become more
reliable, i.e. their statistical fluctuations are less than those from the
conventional stochastic state selection method. In numerical calculations of
the spin-1/2 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a 36-site triangular lattice
we explicitly show that data errors in our estimation of the ground state
energy are reduced. Then we successfully evaluate several low-lying energy
eigenvalues of the model on a 48-site lattice. Our results support that this
system can be described by the theory based on the spontaneous symmetry
breaking in the semiclassical Neel ordered antiferromagnet.Comment: 15 pgaes, 5 figure
The Stochastic State Selection Method Combined with the Lanczos Approach to Eigenvalues in Quantum Spin Systems
We describe a further development of the stochastic state selection method, a
new Monte Carlo method we have proposed recently to make numerical calculations
in large quantum spin systems. Making recursive use of the stochastic state
selection technique in the Lanczos approach, we estimate the ground state
energy of the spin-1/2 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a 48-site
triangular lattice. Our result for the upper bound of the ground state energy
is -0.1833 +/- 0.0003 per bond. This value, being compatible with values from
other work, indicates that our method is efficient in calculating energy
eigenvalues of frustrated quantum spin systems on large lattices.Comment: 11 page
An Attempt to Calculate Energy Eigenvalues in Quantum Systems of Large Sizes
We report an attempt to calculate energy eigenvalues of large quantum systems
by the diagonalization of an effectively truncated Hamiltonian matrix. For this
purpose we employ a specific way to systematically make a set of orthogonal
states from a trial wavefunction and the Hamiltonian. In comparison with the
Lanczos method, which is quite powerful if the size of the system is within the
memory capacity of computers, our method requires much less memory resources at
the cost of the extreme accuracy.
In this paper we demonstrate that our method works well in the systems of
one-dimensional frustrated spins up to 48 sites, of bosons on a chain up to 32
sites and of fermions on a ladder up to 28 sites. We will see this method
enables us to study eigenvalues of these quantum systems within reasonable
accuracy.Comment: 17pages, 4figures(eps-files
A Recursive Method of the Stochastic State Selection for Quantum Spin Systems
In this paper we propose the recursive stochastic state selection method, an
extension of the recently developed stochastic state selection method in Monte
Carlo calculations for quantum spin systems. In this recursive method we use
intermediate states to define probability functions for stochastic state
selections. Then we can diminish variances of samplings when we calculate
expectation values of the powers of the Hamiltonian. In order to show the
improvement we perform numerical calculations of the spin-1/2
anti-ferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice. Examining
results on the ground state of the 21-site system we confide this method in its
effectiveness. We also calculate the lowest and the excited energy eigenvalues
as well as the static structure factor for the 36-site system. The maximum
number of basis states kept in a computer memory for this system is about 3.6 x
10**7. Employing a translationally invariant initial trial state, we evaluate
the lowest energy eigenvalue within 0.5 % of the statistical errors.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur
Numerical Study of Excited States in the Shastry-Sutherland Model
We investigate excited states of the Shastry-Sutherland model using a kind of
variational method. Starting from various trial states which include one or two
triplet dimers, we numerically pursue the best evaluation of the energy for
each set of quantum numbers. We present the energy difference as a function of
either the coupling ratio or the momentum and compare them with the
perturbative calculations. Our data suggest that the helical order phase exists
between the singlet dimer phase and the magnetically ordered phase. In
comparison with the experimental data we can estimate the intra-dimer coupling
J and the inter-dimer coupling J' for
SrCu2(BO3)2 : J'/J =0.65 and J = 87K.Comment: 15pages, 5figures to be published in JPS
A QED Shower Including the Next-to-leading Logarithm Correction in e+e- Annihilation
We develop an event generator, NLL-QEDPS, based on the QED shower including
the next-to-leading logarithm correction in the e^+e^- annihilation. The shower
model is the Monte Carlo technique to solve the renormalization group equation
so that they can calculate contributions of alpha^m log^n(S/m_e^2) for any m
and n systematically. Here alpha is the QED coupling, m_e is the mass of
electron and S is the square of the total energy in the e^+e^- system. While
the previous QEDPS is limited to the leading logarithm approximation which
includes only contributions of (alpha log(S/m_e^2))^n, the model developed here
contains terms of alpha(alpha log(S/m_e^2))^n, the the next-to-leading
logarithm correction.
The shower model is formulated for the initial radiation in the e^+e^-
annihilation. The generator based on it gives us events with q^2, which is a
virtual mass squared of the virtual photon and/or Z-boson, in accuracy of
0.04%, except for small q^2/S.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure(eps-file
Test of QEDPS: A Monte Carlo for the hard photon distributions in e+ e- annihilation proecss
The validity of a photon shower generator QEDPS has been examined in detail.
This is formulated based on the leading-logarithmic renormalization equation
for the electron structure function and it provides a photon shower along the
initial e+-. The main interest in the present work is to test the reliability
of the generator to describe a process accompanying hard photons which are
detected. For this purpose, by taking the HZ production as the basic reaction,
the total cross section and some distributions of the hard photons are compared
between two cases that these photons come from either those generated by QEDPS
or the hard process e+e- -> H Z gamma gamma. The comparison performed for the
single and the double hard photon has shown a satisfactory agreement which
demonstrated that the model is self-consistent.Comment: 22 pages, 4 Postscript figures, LaTeX, uses epsf.te
The Stochastic State Selection Method for Energy Eigenvalues in the Shastry-Sutherland Model
We apply a recently developed stochastic method to the Shastry-Sutherland
model on 4x4 and 8x8 lattices. This method, which we call the Stochastic State
Selection Method here, enables us to evaluate expectation values of powers of
the Hamiltonian with very limited number of states. In this paper we first
apply it to the 4x4 Shastry-Sutherland system, where one can easily obtain the
exact ground state, in order to demonstrate that the method works well for this
frustrated system. We numerically show that errors of the evaluations depend
much on representations of the states and that the restructured representation
is better than the normal one for this model. Then we study the 8x8 system to
estimate energy eigenvalues of the lowest S=1 state as well as of the lowest
excited S=0 state, where S denotes the total spin of the system. The results,
which are in good accordance with our previous data obtained by the Operator
Variational method, support that an intermediate spin-gap phase exists between
the singlet dimer phase and the magnetically ordered phase. Estimates of the
critical coupling and of the spin gap for the transition from the dimer phase
to the intermediate phase are also presented.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure
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