32 research outputs found
The inviolability of the right to holiday: a case study of ajudgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union onJune 21st, 2012 (C-78/11)
[Resumo] Comentario da recente Sentenza do Tribunal de Xustiza da Unión Europea do 21 de xuño de2012, que vén estender o dereito a gozar das vacacións perdidas cando xorde unha incapacidade temporal unha vez iniciadas estas e non só cando se produce antes de comezalas.[Abstract] A comment is made on a recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union, issuedon June 21st, 2012, which aims to extend the right to enjoy the missed holidays when the temporary disability arises once initiated these and not only when it occurs before them
The deposit in appeals for reversal
[Resumo] Neste artigo preténdese dar unha visión xeral sobre o depósito, que é un dos requisitos indispensables para tramitar o recurso de suplicación, sobre todo agora que os graduados sociais poden interpolo.[Abstract] This article aims to provide an overview of the deposit, which is one of the prerequisites for appeals for reversal; especially now that this can be lodged by graduates in Industrial Relations
La participación de asesores externos en la negociación de una medida colectiva laboral. A propósito de una sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Galicia de 10 de diciembre de 2013
[Resumen] Este comentario se hace sobre una reciente Sentencia del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Galicia, dictada el 10 de diciembre de 2013, en el Asunto número 47/2013, se analiza –al hilo de una modificación sustancial de las condiciones de trabajo de carácter colectiva- la posibilidad de que el empresario pueda limitar el acceso a asesores externos (pertenecientes a un Sindicato) durante las sesiones negociadoras que tienen lugar por exigencias del artÃculo 41 y la posible existencia de asesores internos[Abstract] This comment is made about a recent judgment of the High Court of Justice of Galicia, on December 10th, 2013, in the issue number 47/2013, analyses –during a substantial modification of the working conditions of collective character- the possibility that employer can limit the access to external advisor (belonging to a Trade Union) during the negotiating sessions that take place due to requirements of article 41, and the possible existence of internal advisor
Discrimination in the Work-Life Balance. On the Subject of a Judgement of the European Court of Human Rights on February 19th, 2013 [Case law GarcÃa Mateos versus Spain]
[Resumo] Este comentario faise sobre unha recente sentenza do Tribunal Europeo de Dereitos Humanos, ditada o 19 de febreiro de 2013, que vén cualificar de discriminatorio por razón de sexo o devir xudicial dunha muller, nai dun neno menor de seis anos, que solicitara unha redución da xornada laboral ao abeiro do disposto no artigo 37 do Estatuto dos traballadores. Deuse a circunstancia de se ditaren dúas sentenzas por parte do Tribunal Constitucional que amparaban o seu dereito fundamental a non ser discriminada por razón de sexo, mais que resultaron ineficaces porque durante a tramitación procesual o fillo superara a idade lÃmite de seis anos.[Abstract] This comment is made about a recent judgement of the European Court of Human Rights, on February 19th, 2013, which comes to qualify as discriminatory on grounds of sex, the judicial fate of a woman, mother of one child under six years old and who had requested the reduction of working hours, in accordance with the provisions of article 37 of the Workers’ Statute. In fact, the Constitutional Court delivered two judgements protecting her fundamental right not to be discriminated against on grounds of sex, but which were ineffective, because during the procedure her child exceeded the age limit (six years)