199 research outputs found

    Introduzione. Riviste e multidisciplinaritĂ . Tra teoria e prassi

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    Il fascicolo 2/2015 del Semestrale di Studi e Ricerche di Geografia è il primo concepito per intero con il vigente status di rivista scientifica di Classe A, attribuito, come reso noto attraverso i consueti canali d’informazione della comunità dei geografi, dall’ANVUR nel maggio 2015, al termine di un generale processo di revisione dell’accreditamento delle riviste scientifiche, nell’ambito del quale il periodico della Sapienza aveva avanzato richiesta di upgrading. Così come messo volutamente in evidenza nella scelta del titolo del fascicolo, la connotazione è stata fortemente e volutamente trasversale, non solo in senso disciplinare, ma anche per genere (se avessero partecipato solo autori maschi sarebbe stato sicuramente notato, quindi perché tacere del fatto che non sia così) e per anagrafe1

    Agoraphilia o claustrofobia? A partire da una breve introduzione a “All’inizio di un viaggio dantesco” di Giulio Ferroni

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    Starting from the geographic tale of Ferroni along Dante’s journey in Italy, it is possible to underline a lack of representations in this Issue, although the Spatial Turn is the main subject. Author puts this feature in relation to a waek will of Italian geography in order to define itself, that generates several problems especially concerning university and professional geographic education

    Cibo, memoria e territorio

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    Il presente contributo mira a mettere in evidenza il ruolo che si può assegnare al cibo, tanto nella sua dimensione materiale quanto in quella immateriale, nei processi di valorizzazione del territorio basati su prassi e percorsi di patrimonializzazione del rapporto originale di una determinata comunità con il proprio contesto geografico di riferimento

    Le rapppresentazioni "sincere" . Un'opportunitĂ  per la geografia o una nuova forma di rivoluzionismo?

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    The increasing production of multiple and informal representations generated by large amount of available data and from several new kind of sources, it is the occasion to argue the relationships between the construction process of legitimacy and shared memory. It is underlined the role of geographical knowledge (both from cultural and neurological point of view) and the importance of geographer in order to distinguish different importance of individual representations from shared and common ones

    Geography’s preeminence: Italian Commission for the Knowledge and Study of Geography at School

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    Since on 30 March 2022, by Decree of the Minister Prof. Patrizio Bianchi, the “Commission for the knowledge and study of geography at school” in Italy was established at the Ministry for Education, with an act which owing to its institutional importance not only boasts very few precedents in the history of the relations between Geography (understood as a community of scholars and teachers) and the Institutions called upon to foster and guarantee its teaching, but having the clear political meaning for the goals of such provision and for the moment in time in which it is implemented

    Ecosystem Services Valuation for the Sustainable Land Use Management by Nature-Based Solution (NbS) in the Common Agricultural Policy Actions: A Case Study on the Foglia River Basin (Marche Region, Italy).

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    Agricultural land is a very important ecosystem that provides a range of services like food, maintenance of soil structure, and hydrological services with high ecological value to human wellbeing Ecosystem Services (ESs). Understanding the contribution of different agricultural practices to supply ESs would help inform choices about the most beneficial land use management. Naturebased Solutions (NbS) are defined by IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) as actions to protect, sustainably manage and restore natural or modified ecosystems, which address societal challenges (e.g., climate change, food and water security, or natural disasters) effectively and adaptively, while simultaneously providing human wellbeing and biodiversity benefits. Some actions farmers can implement in the new Rural Development Programs (RDP 2021–2022 and 2023–2027) can be considered as NbS and could affect the quantity, quality, and time of some ESs related to water regulation and supply, N adsorption and erosion protection. This study aims to evaluate these ESs in different scenarios in the upper Foglia river basin (Italy) and at a local scale (farming), and to highlight the issue to compensate farmers for the production of public goods which benefit the whole society (ESs) by the implementation of RDP’s actions. These scenarios highlight how actions have positive effects on ecosystem services and their economic value related to land use management, on maintaining agricultural practices by integrating Water Frame Directive (2000/60/EC), Directive 2007/60/EC on the management of flood risks and highlighting the potential role of farmers in a high diversity landscape. This study highlights a new way to evaluate the processes of natural capital in the production of public goods, which benefits the whole society (ESs), by emphasizing the economic and environmental role of farmers in producing them and putting on the table data to trigger a PES (Payment for Ecosystem Services) mechanism. To facilitate decision making, robust decision support tools are needed, underpinned by comprehensive cost-benefit analyses and spatially modeling in which agriculture can be a strategic sector to optimize food production and environmental protection in harmony with the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy

    I luoghi della collettivitĂ . Tiburtino III tra residenti e city users

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    Il presente contributo prende le mosse dai risultati di una lunga ricerca sul campo (circa 7 anni, dal 2005 al 2013) relativa alla borgata di Tiburtino III (Maggioli, Morri, 2006, 2009a, 2011; Morri, Maggioli et al., 2013), un parallelepipedo che, nelle periferia orientale di Roma, si sviluppa nel senso della lunghezza tra via Tiburtina e via Collatina

    Prologo. Grande o piccola

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    Finally, it seems to be necessary an English abstract, in order to summarize the subject of these few pages. It deals with on the possible importance of the study’s scale in the evaluation of the quality of scientific researches and papers. Author underlines the difficulties which could face local studies although local size is really important for geography, indeed, and for social sciences in general, too. But it may be also the best place where to make the following question: which is the scale of the topics above mentioned

    "L'uomo col megafono"

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    Geografia del calcio

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