9,920 research outputs found

    Constraining extra-fermion(s) from the Higgs boson data

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    First, we study the fit of the Higgs boson rates, based on all the latest collider data, in the effective framework for any Extra-Fermion(s) [EF]. The best-fit results are presented in a generic formalism allowing to apply those for the test of any EF scenario. The variations of the fit with each one of the five fundamental parameters are described, and, the obtained fits can be better than in the Standard Model (SM). We show how the determination of the EF loop-contributions to the Higgs couplings with photons and gluons is relying on the knowledge of the top and bottom Yukawa couplings (affected by EF mixings); for determining the latter coupling, the relevance of the investigation of the Higgs production in association with bottom quarks is emphasized. In the instructive approximation of a single EF, we find that the constraints from the fit already turn out to be quite predictive, in both cases of an EF mixed or not with SM fermions, and especially when combined with the extra-quark (-lepton) mass bounds from direct EF searches at the LHC (LEP) collider. In the case of an unmixed extra-quark, non-trivial fit constraints are pointed out on the Yukawa couplings for masses up to ~200 TeV. In particular, we define the extra-dysfermiophilia, which is predicted at 68.27% C.L. for any single extra-quark (independently of its electric charge). Another result is that, among any components of SM multiplet extensions, the extra-quark with a -7/3 electric charge is the one preferred by the present Higgs fit.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures. Subsection structure added and Higgs boson rates updated (in a separate Appendix) after the Moriond 2013 conferenc

    Single chargino production at linear colliders

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    We study the single chargino production e+e−→χ~±μ∓e^+ e^- \to \tilde \chi^{\pm} \mu^{\mp} at linear colliders which occurs through the \l_{121} R-parity violating coupling constant. We focus on the final state containing 4 leptons and some missing energy. The largest background is \susyq and can be reduced using the initial beam polarization and some cuts based on the specific kinematics of the single chargino production. Assuming the highest allowed supersymmetric background, a center of mass energy of s=500GeV\sqrt s=500GeV and a luminosity of L=500fb−1{\cal L}=500fb^{-1}, the sensitivities on the \l_{121} coupling constant obtained from the single chargino production study improve the low-energy experimental limit over a range of Δmν~≈500GeV\Delta m_{\tilde \nu} \approx 500GeV around the sneutrino resonance, and reach values of ∼10−4\sim 10^{-4} at the ν~\tilde \nu pole. The single chargino production also allows to reconstruct the χ~1±\tilde \chi_1^{\pm}, χ~2±\tilde \chi_2^{\pm} and ν~\tilde \nu masses. The initial state radiation plays a fundamental role in this study.Comment: 24 pages, Latex file. Linear Collider note LC-TH-2000-04

    Dark matter and neutrino masses in the R-parity violating NMSSM

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    The R-Parity symmetry Violating (RPV) version of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM) is attractive simultaneously with regard to the so-called mu-problem and the accommodation of three-flavor neutrino data at tree level. In this context, we show here that if the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (LSP) is the gravitino, it possesses a lifetime larger than the age of the universe since its RPV induced decay channels are suppressed by the weak gravitational strength. This conclusion holds if one considers gravitino masses ~ 10^2 GeV like in supergravity scenarios, and is robust if the lightest pseudoscalar Higgs field is as light as ~ 10 GeV [as may occur in the NMSSM]. For these models predicting in particular an RPV neutrino-photino mixing, the gravitino lifetime exceeds the age of the universe by two orders of magnitude. However, we find that the gravitino cannot constitute a viable dark matter candidate since its too large RPV decay widths would then conflict with the flux data of last indirect detection experiments. The cases of a sneutrino LSP or a neutralino LSP as well as the more promising gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking scenario are also discussed. Both the one-flavor simplification hypothesis and the realistic scenario of three neutrino flavors are analyzed. We have modified the NMHDECAY program to extend the neutralino mass matrix to the present framework.Comment: Latex file, 23 pages, 7 figures. References added and discussion on the indirect detection modifie

    Single superpartner production at Tevatron Run II

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    We study the single productions of supersymmetric particles at Tevatron Run II which occur in the 2→2−body2 \to 2-body processes involving R-parity violating couplings of type \l'_{ijk} L_i Q_j D_k^c. We focus on the single gaugino productions which receive contributions from the resonant slepton productions. We first calculate the amplitudes of the single gaugino productions. Then we perform analyses of the single gaugino productions based on the three charged leptons and like sign dilepton signatures. These analyses allow to probe supersymmetric particles masses beyond the present experimental limits, and many of the \l'_{ijk} coupling constants down to values smaller than the low-energy bounds. Finally, we show that the studies of the single gaugino productions offer the opportunity to reconstruct the χ~10\tilde \chi^0_1, χ~1±\tilde \chi^{\pm}_1, ν~L\tilde \nu_L and l~L±\tilde l^{\pm}_L masses with a good accuracy in a model independent way.Comment: 47 pages, epsfi

    Neutrino Mass Patterns within the See-saw Model from Multi-localization along Extra Dimensions

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    We study a multi-localization model for charged leptons and neutrinos, including the possibility of a see-saw mechanism. This framework offers the opportunity to allow for realistic solutions in a consistent model without fine-tuning of parameters, even if quarks are also considered. Those solutions predict that the large Majorana mass eigenvalues for right-handed neutrinos are of the same order of magnitude, although this almost common mass can span a large range (bounded from above by ∼1012GeV\sim 10^{12}{\rm GeV}). The model also predicts Majorana masses between ∼10−2eV\sim 10^{-2}{\rm eV} and $\sim 5 \ 10^{-2}{\rm eV}fortheleft−handedneutrinos,bothinthenormalandinvertedmasshierarchycases.Thismassintervalcorrespondstosensitivitieswhicharereachablebyproposedneutrinolessdouble for the left-handed neutrinos, both in the normal and inverted mass hierarchy cases. This mass interval corresponds to sensitivities which are reachable by proposed neutrinoless double \betadecayexperiments.Thepreferredrangeforleptonicmixingangle decay experiments. The preferred range for leptonic mixing angle \theta_{13}is: is: 10^{-2} \lesssim \sin \theta_{13} \lesssim 10^{-1}$, but smaller values are not totally excluded by the model.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure
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