23 research outputs found


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    The determination of the result of fiscal exercise supposes the utilization of accounting information just like they are offered by financial situations elaborated at the end of the yearly financial exercise. The net accounting result is adjusted such as Fiscal Code asks to be , on the account of non-deductive fiscally expenses and of scot free incomes. In this context the harmonization of fiscal settlements with the accounting ones supposes the joining of knowledge and techniques specific to these two domains.conciliation, the acount, underductible fiscaly expenses, tehniques.


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    Fiscal science advertise in most analytical situations, while the principles reiterated by specialists in the field in various specialized works. The two components of taxation, the tax system relating to the theoretical and the practical procedures relating to tax are marked by frequent references and invocations of the underlying principles to tax. This paper attempts a return on equity fiscal general vision as a principle often invoked and used to justify tax policies, but so often violated the laws fiscality . Also want to emphasize the importance of devising procedures to ensure fiscal equitable treatment of taxpayers. Specific approach of this paper is based on the notion that tax equity is based on equality before tax and social policies of the executive that would be more effective than using the other tax instruments. I want to emphasize that if the scientific approach to justify the unequal treatment of the tax law is based on the various social problems of the taxpayers, then deviates from the issue of tax fairness justification explaining the need to promote social policies usually more attractive to taxpayers. Modern tax techniques are believed to be promoted especially in order to ensure an increasing level of high efficiency at the expense of the taxpayers obligations to ensure equality before the law tax. On the other hand, tax inequities reaction generates multiple recipients from the first budget plan, but finalities unfair measures can not quantify and no timeline for the reaction, usually not known. But while statistics show fluctuations in budgetary revenues and often find in literature reviews and analysis relevant to a connection between changes in government policies, budget execution and outcome. The effects of inequality on tax on tax procedures and budgetary revenues are difficult to quantify and is among others to this work. Providing tax equity without combining it with the principles of discrimination and neutrality in the tax to ensure an objective of fiscal policy.Fiscal science ,the principles of taxation, procedures,taxpayers,budgetary, revenues


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    Fiscality and taxes, among their role as main source of public incomes, were sometimes invoked as cause in releasingthe economic crisis, other times as effect in their quality as object of going out from crisis.fiscal science, fiscal equity, fiscal politics


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    Modern methods of calculing the taxes suppose a permanent relation with tax-payers directly, at the pay-office, on the phone, electronically, relations which are developed by the fiscal organ that comes into contact with the payers giving up at its positibudget, the fiscality, modern methods the taxes


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    Tax revenues are an important part of budget revenues, and their structure represent the mirror of government\'s fiscal policy. Also their level and structure reflects the evolution of the economy in general. The evolution of tax revenues has been influenced by the financial crisis of this period. The tax revenue structure in Romania is characterized by relatively high share of indirect taxes revenues in comparison with another European Union states, where the share of revenues from direct, indirect taxes and social contribution is relatively close. Government expenditure is vital for the economy especially if they are focused on productive areas. They are the engine of economic developments and plays an important role in raising the standard of living of population in a state. In the last years, the growth rate of public expenditure was higher than the trend of tax revenues increase. Sizing revenue and public expenditure is essential for achieving the budget balance target and to meet the criterion stipulated in the Stability and Growth Pact. According to the Pact, the budget deficit may not exceed 3% of GDP. This development asymmetric led to increased deficits in the last years. The high level of structural deficit has canceled an initiative to tax relaxation in this recession period. The need for fiscal consolidation has been paramount in the context of chronic deficit and difficulties faced in financing it. The opportune solution to finance the high public deficit and to achieve the objective of financial stability of the economy was contracting of public debt from International Monetary Fund. Other measures to reduce the deficit were the reduction of public expenditure and increasing tax revenues. We propose in this paper to analyze the evolution of fiscal indicators in comparison with the evolution of macroeconomic indicators to capture the reaction of taxpayers and economic environment at measures adopted.fiscal, tax, fiscal revenues, budget, financial crisis

    An econometric approach on production, costs and profit in Romanian coal mining enterprises

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    Global economic growth is based on increased consumption of electricity both from renewable resources, such as water and wind and non-renewable resources, such as coal (lignite), natural gas or petroleum. Coal continues to represent an important energy source in the European Union, particularly in Germany, France and Spain, where it accounts for 15% of the primary energy, out of which 80% is used in electricity supply. The coal (lignite) mines from the Oltenia region contribute significantly to generating power in Romania. The study aims to show that an increase in production within the coal (lignite) mining industry can be determined by increasing direct and indirect costs or by increasing variable costs and profit. We also examine the non-linear relation between variable costs and production on the one hand and between profit and production on the other hand. Our results show that there is a concave relationship between variable costs and production, and also a concave relationship between profit and production, which indicate that Romanian coal enterprises have an optimal production level that maximises both variable costs and their profitability. In addition, a robustness check of our results confirms that variable costs and profitability decrease as they move away from their optimal level


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    Budget policy for the funding and sometimes care about the public sector, certain actions and utilities on the private sector within limits set by the strategies, tactics and operational deciyiile promoted executive. Phenomenon budget includes both revenues and expenditure side edge contained in the public budget. Often, perhaps excessive zeal in translating domain-specific phrases are even officially speak about "fiscal policy measures", with reference to all areas of the budget, containing and thus the budget expenditure. Budgetary policy has several specific policy budget subdomains like Cookie fiscal policy, budget expenditure allocation Polti, policy and public loans


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    Fiscal science advertise in most analytical situations, while the principles reiterated by specialists in the field in various specialized works The two components of taxation, the tax system relating to the theoretical and the practical procedures relating to tax are marked by frequent references and invocations of the underlying principles to tax. This paper attempts a return on equity fiscal general vision as a principle often invoked and used to justify tax policies, but so often violated the laws fiscality . Also want to emphasize the importance of devising procedures to ensure fiscal equitable treatment of taxpayers. Specific approach of this paper is based on the notion that tax equity is based on equality before tax and social policies of the executive that would be more effective than using the other tax instruments. I want to emphasize that if the scientific approach to justify the unequal treatment of the tax law is based on the various social problems of the taxpayers, then deviates from the issue of tax fairness justification explaining the need to promote social policies usually more attractive to taxpayers. Modern tax techniques are believed to be promoted especially in order to ensure an increasing level of high efficiency at the expense of the taxpayers obligations to ensure equality before the law tax. On the other hand, tax inequities reaction generates multiple recipients from the first budget plan, but finalities unfair measures can not quantify and no timeline for the reaction, usually not known. But while statistics show fluctuations in budgetary revenues and often find in literature reviews and analysis relevant to a connection between changes in government policies, budget execution and outcome. The effects of inequality on tax on tax procedures and budgetary revenues are difficult to quantify and is among others to this work. Providing tax equity without combining it with the principles of discrimination and neutrality in the tax to ensure an objective of fiscal policy


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    The determination of the result of fiscal exercise supposes the utilization of accounting information just like they are offered by financial situations elaborated at the end of the yearly financial exercise. The net accounting result is adjusted such as Fiscal Code asks to be , on the account of non-deductive fiscally expenses and of scot free incomes. In this context the harmonization of fiscal settlements with the accounting ones supposes the joining of knowledge and techniques specific to these two domains