37 research outputs found

    Taula rodona: «L'audiovisual públic en el context de la globalització»

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    La comunicació local catalana és rica en tradició, tant des del vessant professional (ràdio i televisió locals, premsa local i comarcal) com des de l'àmbit de la recerca i la docència universitàries. Plena de resultats d'interès però també d'algunes mancances, s'enfronta des de fa uns quants anys amb el repte d'estudiar de quina manera canvia l'audiovisual local en l'entorn digital. Polítiques de comunicació, canvis en la seva estructura, possibles nous models de negoci i el qüestionament del concepte de «local» són alguns dels grans temes que la recerca universitària s'està plantejant. Context, concepte i estructura són els tres grans eixos tractats en aquest escrit per tal de presentar, de manera breu, els principals canvis que la ràdio i la televisió locals estan vivint ja ara.Local Catalan communication has a rich tradition both professionally —in local radio and television, and local and regional press— and in the area of research and university studies. Local audiovisual communication has achieved noteworthy results but still has shortcomings and has recently been faced with the challenge of the new technologies. Communication policies, changes in communication structure, and possible new business models and concepts of “local” are some of the broad issues being proposed for research by universities. Context, structure, and concept are the three main lines of thought dealt with in this paper as a way of summarizing the principle changes that local radio and television are already experiencing

    Centralidad de la comunicación audiovisual en el entorno digital: propuestas desde la experiencia formativa

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    La nueva centralidad ganada en las últimas décadas porla comunicación audiovisual en el entorno digital de nuevo cuño debe estimular para que los estudios de Comunicación promuevan con especial énfasis e interés las investigaciones, los análisis y las reflexiones que les permitan, a ellos y a otros estudios, adecuarse a la nueva sociedad-red, profundizar en la aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y promover nuevas todologías docentes, cada día más necesarias y reclamadas. Los estudios de Comunicación, especialmente en su vertiente audiovisual, tienen una larga tradición en el uso de las TIC y del trabajo colaborativo, y pueden, también, realizar interesantes aportaciones al proceso de alfabetización digital, su definición y su alcance, así como al de universalización tecnológica, medio en el que adquiere mayor relieve el carácter multiplataforma y multirregistro del lenguaje audiovisual. Apostando claramente por un constructivismo vygotskyano, sociocultural y de construcción del conocimiento, el artículo propone algunos cambios que deben afrontar, con mayor responsabilidad y empeño, las instituciones educativas universitarias y sus equipos docentes, y ofrece algunas propuestas en una primera aproximación que, es de desear, interesará a docentes e investigadores, y los animará a iniciar con más seguridad este camino sin retorno.The new centrality acquired in recent decades by audiovisual communication in the emerging digital environment should stimulate communication studies departments to place special emphasis on research, analysis and debate that will help them (and other departments) to adapt to the new network-society, to make advances in the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to the teaching-learning process, and to develop new teaching methodologies for which there is an ever increasing need and demand. There is a long tradition in communications studies, and particularly audiovisual studies, of using ICT and collaborative learning approaches. This faculty is also in a position to make interesting contributions to the definition and scope of digital literacy and to the universalization of technology, a process in which the multiplatform and multiregister character of the audiovisual language acquires greater importance. Clearly opting for a Vygotskian sociocultural constructivism based on the construction of knowledge, the author discusses a series of changes that university educational institutions and their faculties should make more effort to implement with greater responsibility. The article also suggests an initial approach taking the form of several proposals that, it is hoped, will interest teachers and researchers and prompt them to set out with greater assurance on this road of no return

    El model de negoci en cadena a Catalunya : de l'èxit radiofònic al fracàs televisiu

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    Al llarg dels anys dos mil, quatre empreses de televisió local han intentat aplicar a Catalunya el model de negoci en cadena. Sorgit a la indústria radiofònica als anys vint del segle passat, es basa en l'agregació d'emissores per poder emetre en cadena al màxim d'audiència potencial possible per comercialitzar-la entre grans anunciants. Aquesta estratègia, aplicada amb èxit a la ràdio, ha estat un fracàs empresarial i financer en el cas de la televisió local a Catalunya. L'article analitza el sorgiment del model i la seva aplicació a la televisió, així com elements interpretatius per explicar-ne el fracàs.During the 2000s, four local television companies have tried to apply a network-base business model. This model emerged in the radio industry in the 20s of the last century and it is based on the aggregation of stations to create a network in order to broadcast to the maximum potential audience. Thus, this audience is marketed among big advertisers. This strategy, successfully applied to the radio, has been a financial failure in the case of local television in Catalonia. This paper examines the emergence of the model and its application to television; as well as exposes some interpretative keys to explain its failure

    Una década de políticas de gestión del espectro radioeléctrico en la Unión Europea (1997-2007). Análisis de las consultas públicas, el marco normativo y las prioridades estratégicas

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    En este artículo se repasan los principales documentos que, en la última década, han contribuido a iniciar el proceso de liberalización del espectro radioeléctrico en Europa y a situarlo como eje y motor de desarrollo social y, especialmente, económico. Durante este periodo, el espectro radioeléctrico pasa de ser un bien escaso (como siempre se había asegurado para justificar la existencia de monopolios públicos u oligopolios privados) a ser un bien limitado. Aunque sutil, esta diferencia marcará también un cambio de protagonismo del broadcasting tradicional, pues a partir de la liberalización iniciada en los años 80 deberá compartir espectro y desarrollo con otros sistemas que, como las comunicaciones electrónicas, le van ganando terreno.In this article, the authors review the main documents that, in the last decade, have contributed to initiate the process of liberalization of radio spectrum in Europe and to situate it as an axe and motor of social and especially economic development. During this period, radio spectrum goes from being a scarce resource (like it has been always said to justify the existence of public monopolies or private oligopolies) to be a limited resource. Although it is subtle, this difference will also mark a change of leadership of traditional broadcasting, because from the liberalization process begun in the 80s it will have to share radio spectrum and development with other systems that, like electronic communications, are gaining ground

    When efficiency meets clientelism : spectrum management policy and broadcasting model. The Spanish case

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    According to the predominating discourse, the radio spectrum has been converted into a technological platform of strategic importance for the economic development of countries. Wireless Internet and the promises of access at 'any time, in any place' add political and economic pressure to a platform, which has been an almost exclusive monopoly of radio and television for years. The main aim of this article is to study the radio spectrum management in Spanish broadcasting from its origins until the present day. The article also seeks to show the existing relationship between how frequencies are managed and the resulting broadcast model

    Spanish public broadcasting. Defining traits and future challenges following analogue television switch-off

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    This article describes and analyses the defining traits of the Spanish public broadcasting system (radio and television stations with local, regional and national coverage) at a time when analogue television had been switched off and the digitalisation process of terrestrial radio was in a state of stagnation. The article also considers the future challenges faced by the sector in a country that, in the western-European context, has an unparalleled number of public operators

    Políticas de implantación de la TDT local en España (2005-2006) : los casos de las Comunidades Autónomas de Islas Baleares, Madrid, Región de Murcia, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia, Cataluña y Aragón

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    Este texto describe y analiza las políticas de implantación de la TDT local que se están llevando a cabo en las siete comunidades autónomas españolas que en diciembre de 2006 tenían total o casi totalmente configurado el nuevo mapa de televisión local, al haber definido cuántos y cuáles son los operadores públicos y privados presentes su territorio: Islas Baleares, Madrid, Región de Murcia, Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia, Cataluña y Aragón.This paper describes and analyzes the different public policies addressed to the implementation of local Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) that have been carried out at the regional-local level, in seven Spanish autonomous communities that by December 2006 had totally or almost shaped their new local television map. The paper explores how many and which public and private services were in place in these seven autonomous communities: Balearic Islands, Madrid, Region of Murcia, Valencia Community, Galicia, Catalonia, and Aragon.Este texto descreve e analisa as políticas de implementação local da Televisão Digital Terrestre (TDT), a partir do estudo da implantação que tem decorrido em sete comunidades autonómicas espanholas - Ilhas Baleares, Madrid, Região de Múrcia, Comunidade Valenciana, Galiza, Catalunha e Aragão - as quais contribuíram para configurar o mapa da televisão digital local existente em Espanha até Dezembro de 2006

    Polítiques públiques de ràdio i televisió local en l'entorn digital a Espanya (1997-2004)

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    Comunicació elaborada en el marc de la recerca "La comunicación local en el entorno digital en España. Transformaciones del sistema audiovisual local", finançada dins del Plan Nacional de I+D+I (2000+2003) (BSO2003- 04863)The communication analyses the main public policies that, within the framework of digitalisation, are undertaken for local broadcasting between 1997, starting point for terrestrial digital broadcasting, and 2004 in Spain on the basis of historical background and development of radio and television. In relation to radio, DAB licenses and the "local" concept involved by regulation are described. On the skyline, a new digital standard is appearing: DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), recently incorporated into Spanish radio regulation via Law 62/2003, of 30th December. As for television, the communication describes and analyses the evolution of Spanish government's proposal for digitalising local television, from the initial position (art. 3 of annex of the RD 2169/1998, of 9th Octobre) to the passing of the National Technical Plan of Digital Local Television (RD 439/2004, 12th March) and the subsequent change via RD 2268/2004, 3rd Decembe

    Material docent interactiu elaborat amb Camtasia Studio : l'exemple dels estudis de comunicació de la UAB

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    La comunicació exposa els resultats de la primera fase d'un projecte que els autors estan duent a terme a la Facultat de Ciències de la Comunicació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. La recerca, de naturalesa exploratòria, comença amb el disseny i elaboració d'un exemple de material digital de suport a la docència amb el programa informàtic Camtasia Studio, que és sotmès a testeig per part d'una mostra de docents i discents d'aquests estudis. Aquesta primera fase és la que amb detall s'explica en aquesta comunicació. El projecte global, que seguirà desenvolupant-se a partir dels primers resultats obtinguts, vol dissenyar i elaborar un protocol d'actuació d'ús de les TIC (Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació) aplicades a la docència. Es tracta d'un protocol d'ús transdisciplinar (ha de resultar útil per a qualsevol docent) i multiplataforma que ha de permetre que cada professor elabori el material docent multimèdia de suport (de reforç, autoaprenentatge, avaluació, etc.), que inclourà tant la guia tecnològica com la pedagògica fonamentals. Igualment, no es descarta la possibilitat de crear un repositori d'aquest tipus de material de suport.This paper shows the results of an early-stage project which authors are currently carrying out at the Faculty of Communication Sciences (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). This exploratory research starts with the design and production of a digital content sample made with Camtasia Studio software for supporting learning process. The content has been tested by a group of teachers and a group of students. The global project is expected to design and produce an ICT application protocol to be applied to learning process. It would be a transdisciplinary and multiplattform application protocol which should allow any teacher to produce his/her own multimedia learning content. The application protocol should include both basic technological and pedagogical guidelines. Authors are also considering the possibility to create a virtual store of this kind of content